Mar. 31 update: school safety; district holds budget events; DEI Committee seeking new members; side-arm cameras update

A message from Dr. Wiles: Dear GCSD Families, Please take a few moments to read through these important and timely updates: Statement on recent school shooting in Nashville; update on GCSD safety practices There really are no words to capture the horror of yet another senseless school shooting, this time in Nashville, Tennessee. We know …

District holds 2023-24 school budget events

Budget focus groups and Q & A session provides the opportunity for the community to give feedback and ask questions The Guilderland Central School District recently held budget events to give the Guilderland school community the opportunity to provide their feedback and to have their questions answered regarding the 2023-24 spending plan. Budget focus groups …

GHS student artwork featured in regional art exhibit

Their artwork on display for all to see.  Eight Guilderland High students had their pieces chosen to be part of the 29th Annual Juried Art Exhibition at the Albany Center Gallery.  Evalyse Peralta Shruthika Manga Renee Manzella Nicolena Rush Amelia Boswell-Penc Jaden Smith Emily Salisbury Kylie Ocasio You can view digital versions of the artwork …

Mar. 17 update: board meeting and budget Q & A rescheduled; DEI events; important dates for K-2

A message from Dr. Wiles: Dear GCSD Families, Due to the snowstorm earlier this week, it was necessary to postpone the Guilderland Central School District board of education meeting and budget question and answer session. Originally scheduled for Mar. 14, the board meeting and Q&A have been rescheduled for Tuesday, Mar. 21 at 7:00 p.m. …

GCSD accepting applications for 2023-24 Universal Pre-K program Mar. 13-Apr. 6

UPK program offered in partnership with community partners The Guilderland Central School District is offering Universal Pre-Kindergarten (UPK) for the 2023-24 school year as part of funding from New York state. UPK is a free program open to Guilderland families with children who will be four years old by December 1, 2023 (children who have …

Artwork of five GHS students to be featured in the annual Art in Three Dimensions exhibition

Guilderland Central School District is proud to announce that five Guilderland High School students have had their artworks selected for display at the annual Art in Three Dimensions exhibition. GHS students Evalyse Peralta, Amelia Boswell-Penc, Aliyah Famodu, Caroline Francis and Ella Tuxbury each had their creations chosen out of a total of 241 works submitted …

Board of Education discusses fund balance predictions for 2023-24

At the Jan. 10 board of education meeting, Assistant Superintendent for Business Dr. Andrew Van Alstyne gave a presentation about the budget fund balance and reserves for the 2023-24 school year. This presentation is one of several budget presentations to the board and is typically conducted early in the budget development process for the Guilderland …

Board of Education meeting, January 31, 7:00 p.m.

There will be a Board of Education meeting Tuesday, January 31, at 7:00 p.m. This meeting will be held in the Large Group Instruction room at Guilderland High School and is open to the public. The meeting will also be live-streamed and can be viewed on the GHS Media YouTube channel. The agenda for tomorrow’s …

GCSD schools to participate in Project: Cameron’s Story book drive from Jan. 30 – Feb. 15

All seven Guilderland Central School District schools will once again serve as collection sites for Project: Cameron’s Story, a not-for-profit organization that collects new children’s books for families of babies in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) at more than a dozen hospitals throughout New York state. This is the ninth year Guilderland schools have …

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