2023-24 Budget Information
- Total Budget: $119,772,194
- Year-to-year budget increase: $9,884,349 (8.99%)
- Year-to-year tax levy increase: $2,119,547/2.66%
2023-24 Budget Materials
2022-23 Budget Information
- Total Budget: $$110,191,570
- Year-to-year budget increase: $5,212,080 (4.96%)
- Year-to-year tax levy increase: $2,260,137(2.98%)
2022-23 Budget Materials
2021-22 Budget Information
- Total Budget: $104,979,570
- Year-to-year budget increase: $1,946,875 (1.89%)
- Year-to-year tax levy increase: $962,403 (1.28%)
2021-22 Budget Materials
2020-21 Budget
- Total Budget: $103,032,695
- Year-to-year budget increase: $925,320 (0.91%)
- Year-to-year tax levy increase: $1,652,054 (2.25%)
2019-20 Budget
- Total Budget: $102,107,375
- Year-to-year budget increase: $1,181,860 (1.17%)
- Year-to-year tax levy Increase: 1.44%
2018-19 Budget
- Total Budget: $100,925,515
- Year-to-year budget increase: $2,441,405 (2.48%)
- Year-to-year tax levy increase: $1,571,060 (2.22%)
2017-18 Budget
- Total Budget: $98,484,110
- Year-to-year budget increase: $1,894,065 (1.96%)
- Year-to-year tax levy increase: 2.11%
2016-17 Budget
- Total Budget: $96,590,045
- Year-to-year budget increase: $2,900,445 (3.10%)
- Year-to-year tax levy increase: 1.35%
2015-16 Budget
- Total Budget: $93,689,600
- Year-to-year budget increase: 1.69%
- Year-to-year tax levy increase: 2.76%
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