Hazing and Initiation Policy

The Guilderland Athletic department enacts this policy to ensure and maintain a safe learning environment for students that is free from hazing. The Guilderland athletic department shall not tolerate any hazing of students and hazing at all times.


Hazing is defined by any conduct or method of initiation into any interscholastic team or organization, whether on public or private property, which deliberately or recklessly exploits a less powerful student, physically, emotionally and/or socially. Such conduct characteristically takes place where/when an unfair advantage is being exerted on said person. This conduct includes but is not limited to; shaving, shower pranks, whipping, beating, branding, forced calisthenics, forced consumption of food, alcoholic beverages, drugs or any other substances. Moreover, any other cruel treatment or forced physical activity that is likely to unfavorably affect the physical health and/or safety of a Guilderland Central School student.


The athletic department will discipline or take appropriate action against any student, coach, volunteer or any other district employee who is found to have violated this policy. Such action may include but is not limited to  a warning, suspension, expulsion, remediation or discharge.

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