Congratulations to Abbigail Jantzen (Varsity Cheer) and Austin Gizzi (Modified Football) for earning DOW (Dutchmen of the W
Abbigail Jantzen (Varsity Cheer)
Each and every day, Abbey is consistently working hard and putting in her best effort. This past week, Abbey had to move spots in the routine and learn new parts with one day of practice, only to have to go back to her other original part in the routine one day later. Without a single complaint, Abbey jumped right in to learning the new parts and took the time outside of practice as well to make sure she had the changes down. During our first two competitions, Abbey showed up for her team and performed as if nothing ever changed. Abbey’s continued positive leadership, great work ethic and a genuine passion for her sport is greatly appreciated!

Austin Gizzi (Modified Football)
Austin is the starting QB for the 8th Grade modified football team. He helped lead the team last game with his deep downfield passes. He threw for 2 TDs, his second being the game winning throw. He helped his team (Mod 8 Football) to their first win of the season. He shows grit and hard work every day at practice. He is well liked among his teammates and isn´t afraid of a little contact. He is a vocal leader and is always willing to do whatever it takes to help the team win.

Each week, we will highlight two student athletes (Modified, Mod 9, Frosh, JV or Varsity level) for athletic accomplishments based on the following criteria.
- athlete should have made a significant impact on a contest within the nomination time frame, which is the week prior to selection; or…
- athlete must have shown excellent leadership, sportsmanship, noticeable improvement/effort, community service and/or other notable trait(s).