Athletic Code of Conduct

The athletic program at Guilderland Central Schools is founded on the principle that the playing field is indeed an extension of the classroom and the athletic experience contributes to the growth of mind and body. The cornerstones of the Dutchmen tradition were laid generations ago by some of the community’s most respected student athletes, many of whom continue to be involved in the athletic program as supportive parents and sports boosters. While the names change from year to year, the principles they embodied remain the same–dedication and desire, cooperation and compassion, and the importance of working collectively toward a common goal. These are just some of the ideas that echo across the Guilderland playing fields and gymnasiums.

The establishment of this athletic handbook is a reflection of the school district’s concern for safety, well being, and conduct of its athletes. The rules and regulations that are contained in this athletic handbook are in the athlete’s best interests.

The creation of such rules necessarily carries the responsibility for enforcement. Such enforcement requires cooperation between the school and the home. Together we can work toward our mutual concerns of reducing the risks and possible penalties that could occur if the provisions of this handbook are not followed.

Philosophy of Interscholastic Athletics

Participation in interscholastic athletics is an elective activity and therefore a privilege, not a right. Athletics should be a broadening experience in which harmony of mind and body functions is created through striving for physical and mental excellence. A well-coordinated program is vitally important to the morale of the school and our community.

Everyone involved in the delivery of athletics possess a unique opportunity to teach positive life skills and values. Desire, dedication, self-discipline and responsibility need to be developed in order to ensure the commitment and personal sacrifice required by athletes. Making such a commitment helps nurture integrity, pride, loyalty and overall character. The outcome is a better citizenry carrying these values throughout their life.

It is the very nature of athletic competition to strive for victory. However, the number of victories is only one criterion when determining a team’s success. Guiding the team to attain maximum potential is the ultimate goal. To this end, the coaching staff must teach student/athletes to prepare their minds and bodies in order to reach maximum potential, and then to be modest in victory and steadfast in defeat.

Issuing of school clothing and equipment

It is the responsibility of the athlete to turn back to the coach all clothing and equipment issued. Failure to do so will result in the athlete being financially responsible for the missing articles. Athletes not paying for the missing articles will forfeit their right to receive any school equipment or clothing in the next sport season or be eligible for any certificate, pin or letter. A list of all violators will be sent to the Director and Assistant Director of

Athletics office and forwarded to the building principal involved. Student athletes caught stealing school issued equipment will receive additional consequences.

Outside team rule

The New York State Public High School Athletic Association allows outside competition (AAU, Travel, Club etc). Guilderland athletes must understand that commitment to the in-season school team comes first, and outside participation should not be detrimental to an individual or to a Guilderland team. There will be many circumstances where a student should not participate in an outside activity due to the possible effect on the team.  Do not participate until you check with the individual coach involved with the school team.

NCAA Information

Any senior student-athlete planning to enroll in college as a freshman and who wants to participate in Division I or Division II athletics must be certified by the NCAA Initial-Eligibility Clearinghouse. Applications may be obtained in the guidance office.

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