GHS student earns juror’s choice award in prestigious regional art exhibition

Sara Sadaat, a Guilderland High School senior, had artwork featured at the 28th annual Fulton-Montgomery Community College (FMCC) Juried Regional High School Art Exhibition held this spring. Sara received one of five Juror’s Choice Awards for the piece titled Sonder, watercolor and pen on paper. One of the region’s most prestigious exhibitions, this art show …

June 17 update: Butterfly Station; no school June 20

A message from Dr. Wiles: Dear GCSD Families, The Farnsworth Middle School Butterfly Station will be open again this summer. This is the 24th year for this student-run, community service and educational program. To raise money for the program, the Butterfly Station is hosting an online apparel store that will be open until Sunday, June …

Trinity Kenney receives New York State Senate Youth Leadership Recognition award for mental health awareness advocacy

Trinity Kenney, a Guilderland High School senior, has received a New York State Senate Youth Leadership Recognition Award, which was presented by New York State Senator Michelle Hinchey. Trinity is a passionate advocate for mental health awareness and fights to destigmatize the mental health issues so many face. For the past three years she has …

June 14 update: summer reading lists; no school June 20

A message from Dr. Wiles: Dear GCSD Families, With the last day of school rapidly approaching, there are a few important dates to note. In observance of Juneteenth, all Guilderland Central School District schools and district offices will be closed on June 20. There are no Regents exams scheduled for that day. In addition, on …

June 10 update:

A message from Dr. Wiles: Dear GCSD Families, This morning Altamont Elementary School students and families gathered at the village gazebo for a “walking school bus.” Learn more about this AES tradition and see some photos, including one of AES Principal Peter Brabant festively dressed for the occasion! GHS student groups held an anti-hate rally …

Altamont Elementary School’s walking school bus rolls again

  This morning, Altamont Elementary School students resumed an AES tradition and took a “walking school bus” to get to school. A walking school bus is a group of students walking to school accompanied by one or more adults. AES students and families met at the village gazebo and walked through the village to school. …

GHS student groups hold second anti-hate rally

On Thursday, May 26, the Guilderland High School Student Voice Committee hosted an Anti-Hate Rally. Featuring student speeches, presentations and activities, the rally culminated a week of events, which included Heritage/Cultural Flag Day, For Your Cause Day and the creation of a Unity Chain. Student Voices Jointly sponsored by the Black Student Union, Feminist Club, …

June 7 update: start times for 22-23 school year

A message from Dr. Wiles: Dear GCSD Families: At their meeting on Tuesday, May 24, the Guilderland Central School District board of education approved new school start and end times for the 2022-23 school year. The board reviewed the work of the school start time task force in light of several unchangeable factors of the …

Board of Education approves new start times for 2022-23 school year

At their meeting on Tuesday, May 24, the Guilderland Central School District board of education approved new school start and end times for the 2022-23 school year. The board reviewed the work of the school start time task force in light of several unchangeable factors of the district, including traffic patterns, the district’s geography and …

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