June 3 update

A message from Dr. Wiles: Dear GCSD Families, As summer break quickly approaches, Guilderland Central School District families may be looking for summer learning opportunities and camps. Recently several updates have been made to the Community Quick Link on the district website; please remember to check it frequently for current information. Junior & Senior Awards …

GCSD students inducted into National Technical Honor Society

Recently 106 Career & Technical School students were inducted into the National Technical Honor Society (NTHS); eight of whom are Guilderland Central School District students. Those honored come from a cross section of Career & Technical Education programs, from welding, electrical and game design to the New Visions Health Careers. To be honored, students had …

May 31 update: universal pre-K

A message from Dr. Wiles: Dear GCSD Families, With Memorial Day weekend behind us and hot days ahead, it’s really starting to feel like summer. We’re counting down the time that remains to the 2021-22 school year in weeks and they are packed with exams, spirit games, concerts, award ceremonies and moving up days. This …

Madyson Hamilton and Evynn Burnett named Dutchmen of the Week for the week of May 16

Congratulations to Madyson Hamilton (Varsity Lacrosse) and Evynn Burnett (Modified Track & Field) for earning DOW (Dutchmen of the Week) honors for the week of May 16. Madyson Hamilton (Varsity Lacrosse) Mady plays goalie for the girls varsity lacrosse team. She made 12 saves in goal against Shenendehowa and 10 saves against Niskayuna, a huge …

GCSD to offer Universal Pre-K program in partnership with four community partners

The Guilderland Central School District is offering Universal Pre-K (UPK) for the 2022-23 school year as part of funding from New York state. UPK is a free program open to Guilderland families with children who will be four years old by December 1, 2022. Limited spots are available for the UPK program. All Guilderland families, …

Important message about Texas shooting

A message from Dr. Wiles: Dear GCSD Families, It is with profound sadness that I write to you once again after another school shooting. This senseless act of violence in Texas, so soon after an equally disturbing shooting in Buffalo, is extremely traumatizing and painfully difficult to comprehend, for adults and children alike. Whenever there …

May 24 update: best communities for music education; history Regents exam canceled; no school May 27

A message from Dr. Wiles: Dear GCSD Families, The Guilderland Central School District Music Department has been designated one of the NAMM Foundation’s “Best Communities for Music Education.” This honor exemplifies the Guilderland community’s commitment to include music education as part of an overall quality education for students. As you attend spring concerts across the …

Guilderland Named Among “Best Communities for Music Education”

The Guilderland Music Department is the recipient of the NAMM Foundation’s Best Communities for Music Education honor for the twelfth time. The National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) Foundation celebrates and promotes the intrinsic value of music education. This nationwide designation honors the Guilderland community’s commitment to include music education as part of a quality …

Career and Technical School education provides GHS student with job offers

Guilderland High School senior Hunter Hebler is proof of just how valuable a career and technical school education can be. Hebler, who turned 18 in April, is one of dozens of Career and Technical School students turning their training into careers, with multiple job offers to weigh as they contemplate their next step in life. …

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