2021 Capital Project Exit Survey report now available

The Guilderland Central School District conducted an exit survey durings its capital project vote on Oct. 7, 2021. The purpose was to collect demographic data about who voted on the proposal and information about why voters voted the way they did. The survey was voluntary and anonymous. Surveys were made available, both electronically and in …

Superintendent’s Letter: Return from holiday recess

A message from Superintendent Wiles, updated Jan. 3 Dear Guilderland CSD Families, As we prepare to return to school tomorrow for in-person instruction, I would like to take this opportunity to communicate a few important points. Return to in-person instruction Our current plan is for students to return for in-person instruction tomorrow, however this could …

Dec. 23: weekly update

A message from Superintendent Wiles Dear Guilderland CSD Families, As we wind down for the holiday recess, I promise to keep this message relatively short – and somewhat sweet. There has been no shortage of discouraging news of late so I would like you to go into the break on a positive note. Every day …

GCSD launches The Positivity Project

  At the start of the school year, the Guilderland Central School District introduced The Positivity Project (P2) in grades K-8 to empower students to build more positive relationships with one another and with their teachers. P2 is a character education curriculum that enables students to understand, appreciate and exemplify the importance of character in …

Vincent Morizio and Tyler Witazek named Dutchmen of the Week for the week of Dec. 6

Congratulations to Vincent Morizio (Varsity Wrestling) and Tyler Witazek (Modified Basketball) for earning DOW (Dutchmen of the Week) honors for the week of December 6. Vincent has placed first in his last two tournaments. This includes a win at the Columbia Duals and a win at The Wrangle on the Plains.  Way to go, Vincent! …

An Important Message from Superintendent Wiles

Dear Guilderland CSD Families, The Guilderland Central School District is aware of a troubling social media post that has been widely shared throughout the country. This post refers to a non-specific threat to school safety on Friday, Dec. 17; it did not originate in GCSD and is not directed towards GCSD. Despite the general nature …

GCSD holds successful vaccine clinic

On Monday, Dec. 13, the Guilderland Central School District held a free COVID-19 vaccination clinic in partnership with the Albany County Department of Health. A total of 355 vaccinations were administered, including 58 first doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech pediatric vaccine given to students 5-11 years old. The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is a two-dose vaccination. In addition …

Dec. 10: weekly update

A message from Superintendent Wiles: Dear Guilderland CSD Families, In the district office there’s a display of student artwork that warms my heart every time I walk by it. The artwork is not only colorful and creative but there is a wonderful story behind it. This project was started in early 2020 by third grade …

PBES 5th grade students produce artwork, a year and a half in the making

In March 2020, Pine Bush Elementary third grade students in Mrs. Monlea’s art class started a project based on Claude Monet’s gardens at Giverny. They created beautiful clay pieces which were in the drying stage when school was closed across New York state. These art pieces sat dormant for the remainder of the school year. …

Gianna Fonti and Isabella Ayers named Dutchmen of the Week for the week of Nov. 29

Congratulations to Gianna Fonti (Junior Varsity Cheer) and Isabella Ayers (Junior Varsity) Basketball) for earning DOW (Dutchmen of the Week) honors for the week of November 29. Gianna works hard at being a leader on her team.  She comes in early to help out the new cheerleaders and is always one of the last to leave at the end of practice.  …

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