Aug. 2 Update: Back-to-School Information

A message from Dr. Wiles: Dear GCSD Families, Very soon Guilderland Central School District students will return to school, filling our buildings with energy, excitement and activity. In preparation for the start of the 2024-25 academic year, we have some updates to share. Earlier today a message was sent to families about the release dates …

Gov. Hochul visits GHS for roundtable discussion on smartphone use in schools

Gov. Kathy Hochul visited Guilderland High School on Monday, July 15, to kick off a statewide listening tour addressing smartphone use in schools. The tour will consist of roundtable discussions with key stakeholders, including school district leaders, administrators and teachers. The listening tour is in support of the governor’s plans to announce a statewide policy …

District seeks members for Facilities Committee

The Guilderland Central School District is presently seeking interested community members to serve on a district Facilities Committee. This committee will be composed of board members, district staff, administrators and Guilderland residents and will be assisted by the architectural firm of CSArch. The purpose of the Facilities Committee is to compile a report of recommendations …

GCSD community mourns the loss of twelfth-grade student

*This message was updated on Saturday, June, 1* A message from Dr. Wiles: Dear GCSD Families, It is with great sorrow and heartache that I share with you the loss of a beloved member of the Guilderland school community. On Wednesday, May 29, senior Gabriel Zullo passed away at his home surrounded by family, following …

District to launch stakeholder culture and climate survey

The Guilderland Central School District will launch a culture and climate survey the week of May 27; students in grades 3-5 and 6-12, staff and families will be invited to participate. Why conduct a culture and climate survey? A significant aspect of the district’s mission is to create learning environments where all feel welcome and …

Voters approve 2024-25 budget and propositions; three candidates elected to board of education

This story was updated with certified vote totals on Wednesday, May 22. On May 21, Guilderland Central School District voters approved a $125,192,817 proposed budget for the 2024-25 school year by a vote of 1,699 (yes) to 648 (no), a 72.39% approval. The budget carries a 4.53% increase in spending over the current year’s budget …

GCSD Board of Education adopts 2024-2025 proposed budget

By a vote of 6-1, the Guilderland Central School District Board of Education adopted a $125,192,817 budget for the 2024-2025 school year during their Tuesday, April 16 meeting. This represents a 4.53% increase in the tax levy, which is below the district’s maximum allowable tax levy limit, as defined by New York State’s tax levy …

Guilderland Named One of the Best Communities for Music Education

  The Guilderland Music Department is the recipient of the NAMM Foundation for Best Communities for Music Education for the fourteenth time. The National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) Foundation celebrates and promotes the intrinsic value of music education. This designation honors the Guilderland community’s commitment to include music education as part of a quality …

2024-25 Student Calendar

The general calendar for the 2024-25 academic year was adopted by the Guilderland Central School District Board of Education on February 13, 2024.  Download a PDF copy of the 2024-25 academic general student calendar here. This calendar lists the following conference days and holidays: July 4, 2024: Holiday for Employees Sept. 2: Labor Day (Closed) …

Ian Eisenhandler and Avery Kerr named Dutchmen of the Week for the week of Dec. 4

Congratulations to Ian Eisenhandler (Varsity Wrestling) and Avery Kerr (Varsity Indoor Track & Field) for earning DOW (Dutchmen of the Week) honors for the week of Dec. 4. Ian Eisenhandler (Varsity Wrestling) Congratulations to Ian Eisenhandler, our Dutchmen of the Week for the week of Dec. 4. Just a freshman, Ian competed in the final …

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