Butterfly release ceremony held at FMS Butterfly Station

The Farnsworth Middle School’s 23rd annual Butterfly Release Ceremony was held on Friday August 12. Student volunteers released all of the butterflies that had been raised or caught throughout the summer in the Butterfly Station, located in the center of the FMS courtyard. The Butterfly Station is a student-run, community service program designed to educate …

Registration is open for Fall 2022 Continuing Education program

Registration is now open for the Fall 2022 Continuing/Adult Education program. You can register online or by mail. Online registration is the fastest and easiest way to secure a sport, but registration forms and payment may still be mailed. Learn more about how to register for upcoming classes. Registration for the Fall 2022 program ends …

GHS named School of Distinction by NYSPHSAA

The New York State Public High School Athletic Association, Inc. (NYSPHSAA) announced its 2021-22 Scholar-Athlete School of Distinction and School of Excellence Award winners, and Guilderland High School has been named a School of Distinction for the 2021-2022 school year. To qualify for the School of Distinction award, 100% of the school’s varsity teams must …

Hiawatha team letters and supply lists 2022-23

Hiawatha House office phone: 456-6010 ext. 2041 House Principal: Mr. Aube aubew@guilderlandschools.net House Secretary: Mrs. Malo malos@guilderlandschools.net School Counselor: Ms. Bartlett bartlett@guilderlandschools.net Student Lockers and Locks FMS Students will be assigned two lockers, a hallway locker near their homeroom and one for Physical Education. Students will need to bring in two combination locks – one …

Mohawk team letters and supply lists 2022-23

Skip to: Mohawk 6C | Mohawk 6D | Mohawk 7B | Mohawk 8B Mohawk House Office: Phone: 456-6010 ext. 2041 House Principal: Mr. Laster lasterm@guilderlandschools.net House Secretary: Mrs. Malo malos@guilderlandschools.net School Counselor: Mrs. Heigel heigeld@guilderlandschools.net Student Lockers and Locks FMS Students will be assigned two lockers, a hallway locker near their homeroom and one for …

FMS Butterfly Station closed Monday, August 8

Due to a heat advisory issued for the Capital District, the Farnsworth Middle School Butterfly Station will be closed  Monday, August 8. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

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