Budget & Taxes

The school budget is the biggest investment the community collectively makes with its tax dollars. District leaders work to make the most effective use of resources to benefit students, to develop and manage the budget in a responsible and transparent manner and to be accountable to taxpayers.

Each spring the board of education adopts a budget for the coming school year for a community vote. New York state has designated the third Tuesday in May as the date for school budget votes.

2024-25 budget and propositions approved by voters; three candidates elected to board of education

On May 21, Guilderland Central School District voters approved a $125,192,817 proposed budget for the 2024-25 school year by a vote of 1,690 (yes) to 648 (no), a 72.28% approval. The budget carries a 4.53% increase in spending over the current year’s budget and will result in a 2.74% tax levy increase, which is within the district’s tax levy limit.

School Bus Proposition

Residents approved the purchase of six 65-passenger buses, three with chains and three without, one 24-passenger wheelchair bus, a maintenance truck and a skid steer by a vote of 1,719 (yes) and 672 (no).

Electric Vehicle Proposition

Residents approved the purchase of two zero-emission electric vehicles (EVs), one 30-passenger school bus and one-65 passenger school bus and one Level-2 charger by a vote of 1,688 (yes) and 722 (no).

Cobblestone Schoolhouse Proposition

Residents approved the transfer of the district’s one-room Cobblestone Schoolhouse, built in 1860, to the Town of Guilderland for $10,000 by a vote of 2,064 (yes) and 322 (no).

Board of Education Election

Five candidates sought election for three open board of education seats. They are:

Tara Molloy-Grocki 1,373 votes;
Blanca Gonzalez-Parker 1,253 votes;
Nina Kaplan 1,207 votes;
Elizabeth Floyd Mair 1,063 votes;
Mateo Dunagan 533 votes

Nina Kaplan will serve a term that will begin on May 22, 2024 and end on June 30, 2027, to fill a vacancy created by the resignation of Board President Dr. Seema Rivera.

Tara Molloy-Grocki and Blanca Gonzalez-Parker will fill three-year terms beginning on July 1, 2024.

2024-25 Budget Information

  • Total Budget: $125,192,817
  • Spending Increase: $5,420,623 (4.53%)
  • Tax Levy Increase: $2,198,863/2.74%
  • Gas Bus and Maintenance Vehicle Proposition: $1,281,000
  • Electric Vehicle Bus Proposition
  • Cobblestone Schoolhouse Proposition

The annual school budget and board of education elections will take place 7 a.m. to 9 p.m., Tuesday, May 21 at the elementary school in the voter’s residential zone.

GCSD Board of Education adopts 2024-25 proposed budget

The Guilderland Central School District Board of Education unanimously adopted a $125,192,817 spending plan for the 2024-25 school year during the Tuesday, April 16 board meeting. This represents a 2.74% increase in the tax levy, which is below the district’s maximum allowable tax levy limit. Learn more about the budget here.

Voters to decide on a replacement bus and equipment proposition

A separate proposition will appear on the May 21 ballot to purchase school buses and maintenance vehicles, at a total cost of $1,281,000. The purchase would include six 65-passenger buses, three with chains and three without, one 24-passenger wheelchair bus, a maintenance truck and a skid steer.

Voters to decide on electric vehicle proposition

GCSD is proposing the purchase of two zero-emission electric vehicles (EVs), one 30-passenger school bus and one-65 passenger school bus, and one Level-2 charger. The proposal is for a total cost of $407,500. Under the recently enacted state budget, the district will receive this full amount in transportation aid as it repays the bond. There is NO projected net cost to the district for this purchase. Learn more about the electric vehicle proposition here.

Voters to decide on Cobblestone Schoolhouse proposition

The district proposes the transfer of a one-room, cobblestone schoolhouse, built in 1860, to the Town of Guilderland for $10,000. Because the property is not being sold at market value, a vote is required. The district has agreed to sell the historic structure, which requires much maintenance and upkeep, to the town so that it will be preserved for community use. The town will have access to grant funds to support this work.

Five candidates seeking three open seats on the board of education

On May 21, Guilderland voters will elect three members to serve on the Guilderland Central School District Board of Education. Five candidates are running for these seats: Tara Molloy-Grocki, Mateo Dunagan, Elizabeth Floyd Mair, Blanca Gonzalez-Parker and Nina Kaplan. Learn more about the candidates here.

One candidate will serve a term that will begin on May 22, 2024 and end on June 30, 2027, to fill a vacancy created by the resignation of Board President Dr. Seema Rivera. This seat will be filled by the eligible candidate who receives the highest number of votes and is not an incumbent GCSD board of education member.

The remaining seats will be filled by the two candidates, regardless of whether or not they are incumbents, who receive the next two highest vote totals; their terms carry a three-year term beginning on July 1, 2024.

Voter eligibility, absentee ballots and early voting information

Voter registration is required in the Guilderland Central School District. Learn more about voter eligibility here.

Absentee ballots applications are now available to eligible voters for the upcoming GCSD budget and board of education election on May 21. Learn more here.

Eligible voters who wish to vote early for the annual school budget and board of education election may apply for an early voter ballot by completing an application. Learn more here.

2024-25 budget materials


2023-24 budget approved by voters; three candidates elected to board of education

On May 16, Guilderland Central School District voters approved a $119,772,194 proposed budget for the 2023-24 school year by a vote of 1,513 (yes) to 646 (no), a 70.08% approval. The budget carries a 8.99% increase in spending over the current year’s budget and will result in a 2.66% tax levy increase, which is within the district’s tax levy limit.

Bus Proposition

Residents also approved the purchase of six 65-passenger buses, two 35-passenger buses and one maintenance vehicle by a vote of 1,543 (yes) and 610 (no).

Board of Education Election

Three candidates sought election for three open board of education seats. They are:

Judy Slack 1,620 votes;
Rebecca Butterfield 1,607 votes;
Kimberly Blasiak 1,584 votes

2023-24 Budget Information

  • Total Budget: $119,772,194
  • Spending Increase: $9,884,349 (8.99%)
  • Tax Levy Increase: $2,119,547/2.66%
  • Bus Proposition: $1,206,600

2023-24 Budget Materials

2022-23 Budget 

  • Total Budget: $109,887,845
  • Spending Increase: $4,908,275 (4.68%)
  • Tax Levy Increase: $2,265,253 (2.98%)
  • Bus Proposition: $976,000

2021-22 Budget 

  • Total Budget: $104,979,570
  • Spending Increase: $1,946,875 (1.89%)
  • Tax Levy Increase: $962,403 (1.28%)
  • Bus, Vehicle and Equipment Proposition: $1,033,200

School Budgets in 60 Seconds

Watch the video below for a quick overview of how school budgets are developed in New York

State Foundation Aid Funding Plan


The 2021-2022 enacted state budget included language stating that, for the 2021-22, 2022-23 and 2023-24 school years, each school district receiving a foundation aid increase of more than 10% or $10,000,000 a school year must post a plan of how the funds will be used to address student performance and need, including but not limited to:

  • Increasing graduation rates and eliminating the achievement gap;
  • Reducing class size;
  • Providing supports for students who are not meeting, or who are at risk of not meeting, state learning standards in core academic subject areas;
  • Addressing student social-emotional health; and
  • Providing adequate resources to English language learners, students with disabilities, and students experiencing homelessness.

For the 2022-23 school year, the Guilderland Central School District received a foundation aid increase of $2.5M.

As part of the budget development process for the 2022-2023 school year, the district engaged community stakeholders through a ThoughtExchange to seek advice on spending priorities to consider for the upcoming school year. More than 600 participants produced 582 thoughts and 29,638 ratings, resulting in the following top priorities from stakeholders: maintaining low class size, academic programs and staffing levels; focusing on student and staff mental health; support and appreciation for staff; school start and end times; and improving technology and facilities.

Following the release of the first draft of the 2022-2023 budget, the district hosted a question-and-answer session to address issues and concerns about the proposed spending plan. The spending plan that was adopted by the Board of Education on April 12 reflected the priorities shared by the community; the budget was ultimately passed with 68.42% approval. You can review the full budget here. Please contact Dr. Marie Wiles, Superintendent of Schools at superintendent@guilderlandschools.net if you have questions.

Increasing graduation rates and eliminating the achievement gap.

The district will maintain all current staffing and programs to close achievement gaps and to support students in the objective of successful graduation from Guilderland High School. Among the existing programs to increase graduation rates and eliminate the achievement gaps are Academic Intervention Services, co-taught classes, tutorial programs, and opportunities to meet with teachers after school. There are also summer school opportunities at Farnsworth Middle School and Guilderland High School.  Eligible Students with Disabilities can also participate in Extended School Year programming. At the elementary level, each school has a school based support team that meets to identify students who are struggling and to develop plans for intervention. Each building is staffed with a math specialist to support both teachers and students in that content area. Each building also offers reading support and intervention for students who are below benchmark in reading.

Also, the 2022-2023 school budget includes the addition of a Director of Technology to lead a process to define and communicate a vision for technology into the future, provide leadership to assure network security, provide supervision and coordination of technology personnel, needs and resources.

Reducing class size.

The 2022-2023 budget focuses on providing the highest quality education, to ensure each and every student is ready and empowered to succeed in the future. The spending plan makes it possible to address the priorities of stakeholders by offering a phased in class size reduction at Farnsworth Middle School. The 2022-2023 school year will see a transition from 14 homerooms in grade eight to 16 homerooms. The budget includes 2.8 FTEs to execute the transition to 16 sections.

Providing supports for students who are not meeting, or who are at risk of not meeting, state learning standards in core academic subject areas.

The district will continue to fund all programs and services that provide additional support for students who are not meeting, or who are at risk of not meeting, state learning standards in core academic subject areas. Some of those supports include: Academic Intervention Services in math, science, social students and English; additional math support sessions; co-taught classes in ELA, social studies, Algebra 1, Geometry, Biology, and Earth Science for students with disabilities and English language learners (ELLs). There is also Academic Tutorial Support, Resource Room Support, our Focus Program (in-house alternative education), APEX Credit Recovery options as well as alternative education options located at South Colonie CSD.

In addition, the spending plan for the 2022-2023 school year also expands the the Altamont Elementary School librarian from .6 FTE to .8 FTE.

Addressing student social-emotional health.

The district will continue to fund all programs and services that address student social-emotional health. The framework for those programs and services is articulated in comprehensive school counseling programs. These supports include social workers and school counselors who (at the elementary level) conduct classroom lessons on topics like fostering resilience, coping skills, mindfulness, self regulation, etc. There are also school psychologists located in all school buildings who conduct evaluations, assist with the CSE process, serve on crisis teams, etc.

The district has an on-site mental health clinic located at Farnsworth Middle School. This clinic is available by referral to all GCSD students and their families. Also at FMS, students are assigned to a “House” (a school within a school) which includes a House Principal and House Secretary. Teachers work in teams and have daily planning time to discuss student needs and plan accordingly to meet those needs.

The district also has a long standing social service animal program with service dogs in all seven buildings. Guilderland High School and Farnsworth Middle School also offer a host of programs to support students, including, Sources of Strength (Suicide Prevention), Training for Understanding (Anti-Bias) and numerous co-curricular clubs, such as Alliance, Muslim Students Union, Jewish Students Union, Black Student Union, etc.

Providing adequate resources to English language learners, students with disabilities, and students experiencing homelessness.

The district will continue to fund all programs and services to support our English Language Learners and students with disabilities, including push-in and pull-out services, and a co-teaching model of instructional delivery across most of the district. In addition, the district offers extended school year programming for qualifying students with disabilities, and a three-week summer program for ELLs. These summer programs are in-person and transportation is provided.

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