Gov. Hochul visits FMS to announce plan to ensure distraction-free schools

On Wednesday, Jan. 22, 2025, Gov. Kathy Hochul visited Farnsworth Middle School to unveil a plan to make distraction-free learning environments by restricting smartphone use in K-12 schools statewide. Before an audience of Guilderland Central School District students, teachers, administrators and board members as well as local, county and state elected officials and education leaders, …

Assembly educates FMS students about Lunar New Year

On Wednesday, Jan. 22, performers from the Chinese Community Center visited Farnsworth Middle School to educate students and celebrate Lunar New Year. 2024-25 is the first academic year the Guilderland Central School District is observing Lunar New Year; there will be no school for students on Wednesday, Jan. 28. This is the result of legislation …

FMS team places first in regional Future City Competition for third consecutive year

Team advances to national competition in Washington, D.C. On January 18, the Farnsworth Middle School Future City team won first place in the Future City regional competition for the third year in a row. The FMS team competed against other Capital Region schools to advance to the national competition, which will be held in Washington, …

Dr. Van Alstyne delivered rollover budget presentation to the board at Dec. 10 meeting

At the Dec. 10 board of education meeting, Assistant Superintendent for Business Andrew Van Alstyne gave a presentation about the rollover budget for the 2025-26 school year. This presentation is the first of several budget presentations to the board and is typically conducted early in the budget development process for the Guilderland Central School District. …

District seeks input on next superintendent of schools

All members of the community are welcome to participate in a group that fits their demographic. Please note, virtual meetings require an RSVP with a valid email address, as they are held on Zoom. A Zoom meeting link will be shared to the email address at least four hours prior to the meeting. The schedule …

Dec. 19 update: distraction-free schools; FMS cereal box domino event; GHS SOS; change to Google services; holiday recess

A message from Dr. Wiles: Dear GCSD Families, One of the goals Guilderland Central School District leaders set for the 2024-25 school year is to strengthen connections and relationships among students, teachers, staff, families and the Guilderland community. Here are a few examples of how we’re making great progress towards that objective. Distraction-free Schools Panel …

Important notice: change to Google Services

The Guilderland Central School District Technology Department has recently been informed by the New York State Education Department that we are required to make some changes to the way students use Google services. This is a change being made statewide because of the constraints of NYS EdLaw 2-d as well as Google’s inability to meet …

FMS holds annual cereal box dominos with record number of donations

On Thursday, Dec. 12, Farnsworth Middle School hosted its annual cereal box domino event in support of the Guilderland Food Pantry. This beloved tradition not only fosters school spirit but also fuels a friendly rivalry among the school’s four houses—Hiawatha, Mohawk, Seneca, and Tawasentha—as they compete to see who can gather the most donations. As …

Important Notification for Parents and Guardians, Dec. 11, 2024

Please see an important message below from Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Marie Wiles: Dear Parents and Guardians, The New York State Division of Parole through local law enforcement agencies has instituted a policy whereby school administrators are notified of paroled sex offenders living or working in our school district. Specifically, we were provided the name …

A message from Board of Education President Blanca Gonzalez-Parker

Dear GCSD Community, As you may be aware, on Oct. 23, Guilderland Central School District Superintendent Dr. Wiles announced her intent to retire at the end of the 2024-25 school year. In doing so, Dr. Wiles provided the Board of Education and school community with the professional courtesy of affording sufficient time to conduct a …

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