June 25: Close of the 2020-21 school year

As the school year comes to a close, I’m so happy to report, for the second week in a row, we had no new COVID cases!  Federal COVID Relief Aid ThoughtExchange Like school districts across the nation, the Guilderland Central School District will be receiving a substantial amount of Federal COVID Relief Aid to support …

GCSD Facilities Committee meets to determine scope of capital improvement project

Discussions are underway by the GCSD Facilities Committee for a potential facilities upgrade plan focused on improving learning opportunities, enhancing safety and security for students and staff, and replacing or updating aging infrastructure. The committee, comprised of parents, teachers, students, administrators and key stakeholders, has met twice to review and develop the scope of the …

Federal COVID relief aid ThoughtExchange

Like school districts across the nation, the Guilderland Central School District will be receiving a substantial amount of Federal COVID Relief Aid to support the district’s  recovery from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The district will receive $4.9M to be spent by September 2023 and another $2.8M to be spent by September 2024. The …

June 18: Juneteenth now a federal holiday

As we finish our final full week of the school year, I’m happy to report we had no new COVID cases this week! I’m so proud of all of the work we have done, collectively, to keep our schools open and safe for learning this year. With just a few days left, and New York …

Covid protocols for schools remain unchanged at this time

We are aware that today, June 15, many state-mandated Covid restrictions were lifted; however the state’s health guidelines for several settings, including Pre-K to 12 schools remain unchanged at this time.  The Guilderland Central School District will continue Covid protocols and mask wearing in accordance with our approved school district Reopening Plan, including at all …

Congratulations to our newly tenured educators

On the evening of May 25, 27 Guilderland Central School District educators were officially awarded tenure by the Board of Education. Each of these staff members has demonstrated that they have met high standards for sustained contributions and outstanding performance. Please join us in congratulating the following GCSD employees on receiving a tenure appointment in …

June 11: Covid update

COVID-19 cases for the week of June 7 This week there were three new positive cases of COVID-19. One case was at Guilderland Elementary School that did not require contact tracing. There was one case at Farnsworth Middle School and one case at Altamont Elementary School, both of which required contact tracing. The principals of …

Change to mask requirements when outdoors

Late yesterday, the NYSDOH issued updated guidance that states face masks are no longer required to be worn when students are outside, including when participating in outdoor sports. Face masks must continue to be worn inside school buildings and on buses. This change in mask requirements takes effect immediately. Questions or concerns can be directed …

School mask requirements remain unchanged at this time

Dear GCSD Families, As has been reported on Friday afternoon, New York State Health Commissioner Howard Zucker issued a letter to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) seeking clarification and guidance regarding mask requirements in schools, with the anticipation of easing mask restrictions as early as Monday, June 7. Earlier today, the State Education Department …

May 28: Covid update; changes to daily screening

COVID-19 cases for the week of May 24 This week there are two new positive cases of COVID-19. Both cases were at Guilderland High School and required contact tracing. The building principal worked under the guidance of the Albany County Department of Health to determine who needed to quarantine and have contacted those individuals. Updated …

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