There are many ways for Guilderland parents to work together as a team with their child’s school. For example, parents may participate on the following committees:
Elementary School
- Young Authors’ Week Committee
- Building Cabinet
- Coordinating Committee
- Interview Teams for Teaching Positions
- Technology Committee
- District Cultural Arts Committee
- Learning Fair
- Enrichment Committees
- Wellness Week Planning
- Child Study Team (as requested)
Middle School
- American Education Week planning
- Building Cabinet
- Enrichment activities and organizations
- Field Trips
- Moving-up Day
- Wellness Committee
- Eighth Grade Career Days
- 5/6 Transition
- 8/9 Transition
High School
- Building Cabinet
- Athletic Association
- Focus Groups
- Specific Purpose and Review Committees
- Technology Committee
- Brown Bag Lunches
- Community Coffees
Parents are encouraged to:
Become involved in school organizations, activities and committees that strengthen the home-school connection.
Serve on Building Cabinet and join in shared decision-making and school-based planning with teachers, administrators and school board members.
What to get involved?
Call your schools to get involved on a building cabinet, school committee or organization or to visit a classroom:
Altamont Elementary: 518-861-8528
Guilderland Elementary: 518-869-0293
Lynnwood Elementary: 518-355-7930
Pine Bush Elementary: 518-357-2770
Westmere Elementary: 518-456-3771
Farnsworth Middle: 518-456-6010
Guilderland High: 518-861-8591