Bullying Prevention

Bullying is an intentional, hurtful act carried out repeatedly and over time, which harms, induces fear and/or creates terror in the victim. It is characterized by an imbalance of power between the victim and the aggressor, and can take several forms including physical, emotional and social bullying.

It may be verbal in nature (i.e., name-calling, teasing, threatening, gossiping, etc), but can also take the form of non-verbal harassment such as poking, tripping, stealing, destroying the personal property of others, and/or ostracizing someone from a group.

Bullying is different form fighting or teasing. What makes it different is the way the bully shows power over the victim. Bullies try to control other using scare tactics, and often will seek out victims who are alone, act very emotional, or who give in to others easily.

In an effort to better understand the scope and severity of the problem and to implement a program to address the issue of bullying on a district-wide level, a Task Force on Bullying and Harassment was formed in 2003.

Their goal is to identify programs and practices that allow everyone to enjoy Guilderland schools equally, and to feel safe, secure and accepted regardless of color, race, gender, popularity, sexual orientation, athletic ability, intelligence, religion or nationality. They meet regularly and are working to create a safer, more supportive place for children to learn and grow, and to ultimately build a stronger school community.

Bullying Explained

Who is involved in bullying?

Both girls and boys can be involved in bullying.

Where does bullying occur?

Bullying can happen anywhere. At school, bullying often happens in the halls, at lunch, and on the playground – especially when no adult is directly supervising. It can also occur on the school bus, in a child’s neighborhood or on the Internet.

Telling is not tattling; know the difference!

Bullying affects everyone: the victims, the bullies and the bystanders. If you or someone you know is being bullied, TELL until you get the help you need.

Children “TATTLE” when they want to:

  • Get someone in trouble
  • Look good in someone else’s eyes
  • Get attention
  • Have an adult solve their problem

Children are “TELLING” when they:

  • Want protection for themselves or someone else
  • Want protection for their own or someone else’s property
  • Are scared
  • Are in danger

Bullying is not okay. Keep TELLING until you get the help you need.
Bullying affects everyone: the victims, the bullies and the bystanders. If you or someone you know is being bullied, TELL until you get the help you need.

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