District Shares Preliminary Return to School Plans

Released: July 23, 2020
Updated: July 24, 2020

The following information is the preliminary outline for the reopening of the Guilderland Central School District after the period of closure caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic. The information below represents a framework for the start of the 2020-2021 school year and is subject to change based on further guidance from state agencies and feedback from stakeholders, as rules and regulations and official guidance allow.

The district’s Reopening Steering Committee and subcommittees are still working through many details. The district’s reopening plans are due to the state on Friday, July 31.

This outline is NOT meant to be exhaustive. Please be sure to check the reopening updates page.

Three principles guiding our work:

  1. Adhere to state-level guidelines and ensure the health and safety of our students, faculty and staff.
  2. Maximize instructional opportunities for all students, but prioritize in-person instruction to our youngest learners and those who need additional assistance.
  3. Plan with flexibility in mind; the district will likely need to adjust due to changing conditions associated with COVID-19.

Health and Safety | Instructional Program | Special Programs | Transportation | PE and Performing Arts | Extracurriculars and Athletics| Reopening Updates Page

Health and Safety 

  • The plan is built around the need to ensure that all persons in school buildings keep a social distance of at least six feet.
  • Classrooms will be configured to allow six feet of space between individuals and will house fewer students.
  • All employees and students are required to wear a cloth face covering (that covers the nose and mouth) when social distancing is not possible, unless medically unable.
  • School nurses will have a supply of masks for staff and students in the event they forget theirs.
  • Students will be permitted to remove their masks during instruction and lunch and at planned break times during the school day. Social distancing must be maintained during these times.
  • Daily health screenings of all employees, students, outside visitors will be conducted.
  • Parents will be required to take their children’s temperature each morning prior to going to school (anyone who has a temperature greater than 100.0 F/ 37.8 C will need to stay home from school).
  • Any student or staff member with suspected signs of COVID-19 will be assessed by the school nurse and will be sent home for follow-up with a health care provider; a separate location will be provided for potentially ill students while they await pick-up.
  • Training on proper hand and respiratory hygiene, facial coverings, social distancing and symptoms of COVID-19 will be provided.
  • Markings on the floor may be implemented for common areas and gathering places to show which direction to travel down a hallway.
  • Posters reminding staff and students about social distancing will be placed throughout the buildings.
  • School visitors will be restricted to those required for school business.
  • School buildings will be cleaned and disinfected following CDC guidance.

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Instructional Program

  • A remote learning option will be available for K-12.
  • In the event of a school closure, instruction will switch to virtual-only learning.

Students in Kindergarten-Grade 6

  • Daily in-person instruction.
  • K-4 students will attend school at their home elementary school.
  • Grades 5 and 6 will be housed at Farnsworth Middle School.
  • Students will learn primarily from their classroom teachers but may be supervised by other school personnel during times of independent work or remote/live-streamed instruction within the building.

Students in Grade 7

  • Students will remain at Farnsworth Middle School.
  • Alternate day model with students at Farnsworth Middle School every other day for live in-person instruction while the other half receives live remote instruction.
  • Attendance will be taken during both on-site and virtual learning days.
  • Student work will be graded and are expected to be present for all classes delivered remotely.

Students in Grade 8-12

  • Alternate day model with students in grades 8-12 at Guilderland High School for two consecutive days of in-person instruction followed by two consecutive days of remote instruction.
  • Grades 8-9 and 10-12 will be grouped together, meaning when grades 8-9 are in person, grades 10-12 will be at home for remote instruction. When grades 10-12 are in person, grades 8-9 will be at home for remote instruction.
  • On virtual learning days, students will be required to participate in all remote learning activities and classes and will be required to complete assignments. Student expectations will be determined by the teacher within parameters established by the district.
  • Attendance will be taken at both on-site and virtual learning days.
  • Student work will be graded.

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Special Programs

  • Students in self-contained, special education programs (K-12) will be on-site daily while school is in session.
  • Students receiving special services (Special Education, ENL, Speech, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, etc.) will continue to receive those services either in person or remotely.

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  • Students will be required to wear a mask on school buses if they are physically able. Students who do not have a mask when boarding the bus will be provided with one.
  • School bus drivers and attendants are required to wear a face covering on the school bus.
  • There will only be 20 students on each bus, per bus run (one child per seat); siblings can sit together.
  • Staggered student arrival is under consideration to accommodate for potential transportation seating limitations and increased traffic at schools due to parent drop-offs.
  • If feasible, parents are encouraged to drive students to and from school or have them walk in order to reduce density on buses. We will be reaching out to confirm transportation plans with families at a later date.

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Physical Education and Performing Arts

  • New York State guidance requires twelve feet of physical distance between students for Physical Education, singing, and playing a wind instrument. The district is continuing to study how to offer these programs with safety being our top priority.

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Extracurricular Activities and Athletics

  • As interscholastic sports and extracurricular activities are an important aspect of student life and the school community, it is our priority to maintain as many offerings as we can.
  • Extracurricular activities may be conducted virtually.
    Under current state guidance, interscholastic sports are not permitted. The start of the fall season has been delayed until September 21, 2020, at the earliest. More guidance is expected soon.

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