FMS Quick Guide

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  • Michael Laster, Building Principal – Kelly Cordi, Main Office Secretary 518-456-6010 Ext. 2010
  • Ryan St. John, House Principal Mohawk/Hiawatha – Sheryl Malo, House Office Secretary Ext. 2041
  • Kelly Willetts, House Principal Seneca/Tawasentha – Tracy Chase, House Office Secretary Ext. 2060

Student Arrival 

  • Breakfast program begins at 7:45 a.m. and ends at 9:00 a.m.
  • Supervision of students begins at 7:45 a.m. Students arriving before this time will not be able to enter the building.
  • Buses will unload starting at 8:35 a.m. Any students needing to eat breakfast should go to homeroom first so their teacher does not mark them absent.
  • Homeroom starts at 8:45 a.m. Students arriving after 8:45 a.m. for any reason should report to their house office to sign in.


  • Regular dismissal is 3:25 p.m. Students may only ride their assigned bus home.

Activity Period

  • Activity Period is from 3:25 p.m. – 4:05 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday.
  • This is a time for FMS students to work with teachers to receive extra help, or participate in co-curricular clubs and activities.
  • There will be 4:05 p.m. buses to transport students home after Activity Period.

Student Item Drop Off

  • Items may be dropped off at our reception desk at the front of the building.
  • We cannot guarantee a delivery time as we need to limit disruption to the classroom. We will make every effort to get the item to the student in a timely manner.


  • Please contact your house office any time your child will be absent for any reason. You may call or email any time day or night, and state the reason for their absence.
  • If you notify your child’s teacher(s), you must also include the house office secretary.
  • For short term absences, your child is responsible for completing missed assignments.
  • For absences two days or longer, please have your child check their Google Classroom or contact their teachers via email for missed assignments.
  • For long term absences, contact your child’s counselor, who will help to develop a plan for managing your child’s missed instruction and assignments

Illegal/Unexcused Absences (Only)

  • The Guilderland Board of Education discourages long term absences due to family vacations while school is in session.
  • Teachers are not obligated to provide assignments in advance for illegal absences, nor are they required to provide separate instruction to the student once that child returns.
  • On the day of the student’s return to school, parents and students may request a list of owed assignments from their teachers.

Breakfast & Lunch Prices

  • For the 2024-2025 school year the costs will be $2.50 for breakfast and $3.25 for lunch.


  • All medication, including over the counter pain relievers, must be brought to the health office by the parent/guardian, with a doctor’s note. (The doctor’s note must include frequency, time, reason, dosage, and duration of treatment.)
  • Medication must be in a properly labeled container.

Report Cards/Progress (Interim) Reports

  • Both of these reports are available on eSchoolData.
  • Interim reports occur at the five-week point of each quarter.
  • Final quarter grades occur at the ten-week point, at the end of each quarter.
  • Interim and report card dates are listed on the Guilderland CSD calendar.

Early Dismissal

  • If a student needs to leave early for any reason, the student should bring in a note signed by a parent/guardian to their house secretary or the house secretary may be emailed.
  • Notes must include the date, time, and reason for the early dismissal, and the name of the person picking up the student.
  • Notes should be brought to the house office before or during homeroom; emails should be sent as early as possible before the absence.
  • The child will receive an early dismissal pass, to show their classroom teacher at the appointed time. They will then report to the reception desk in the front of the building.
  • The person doing the pick-up must enter the building and wait for the child in the reception area. They MUST have a valid ID with a photograph to sign out their child for all early dismissals. If someone other than a contact listed in eSchoolData is picking up the student, that person’s name MUST be included in the note/email sent to the house secretary.

School Tardiness

  • Students who arrive late to school must report to their house office with a parent note explaining the reason for the lateness.
  • Once the student has signed in at the house office, he /she will receive a pass to enter class.


  • What is the appropriate dress code at FMS? One of the primary goals of the dress code is to minimize distractions and disruptions to learning. Students and their parents have the primary responsibility for acceptable student dress and appearance. Please refer to the General Guidelines for Student Dress section in our online school handbook for a complete list of dress code guidelines we have set.
  • Where will I keep my belongings during the day? Each student will be assigned their own locker. Students located in Mohawk, Hiawatha, and Tawasentha House should purchase their own combination lock and practice opening it prior to the start of school. Students located in Seneca House will have lockers with built-in locks. Students will store their belongings in their locker during the day. Lockers are located close to the students’ homerooms.
  • Will I have homework? In general, homework will be assigned to students on a regular basis. Students are encouraged to read every night as part of their study routine.
  • Can I use my cell phone in school? The use of any personal electronic device, including cell phones, is guided by the following criteria: ensuring safety, minimizing disruptions, and developing digital citizenship. Personal electronic devices can only be used with permission and under the supervision of teachers and staff. Unsafe or disruptive use of personal devices is prohibited. When personal electronic devices are not being used for appropriate purposes, they should be silent and out of sight. Misuse of any personal electronic device is a violation of the code of conduct and may result in disciplinary action. In addition, these personal electronic devices may be confiscated and require a parent to pick them up.
  • If necessary, how does a parent get a message to their child during the school day? On occasion, it may be necessary to leave a message for a student during the school day. This can be done by emailing or calling the student’s house office. Please be aware this should be done by 2:30 p.m. to ensure that the message can be delivered before the end of the school day.
  • How can a parent set up an appointment to meet a teacher, counselor, or house principal? This can be accomplished by emailing or calling the house office. The house secretary will assist in setting up the appointment.
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