Quick Guide to FMS

Farnsworth Middle School Quick Guide

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Contact Information

Farnsworth Middle School
6072 State Farm Road
Guilderland, NY 12084
Phone: 518-456-6010
Fax: 518-456-3747
Hours: 8:45 a.m. – 3:25 p.m.


Michael Laster
518-456-6010, ext. 2010
Email: lasterm@guilderlandschools.net

Hiawatha/Mohawk House Office

Sheryl Malo
Phone: 518-456-6010 ext. 2041
Email: malos@guilderlandschools.net

House Principal: Ryan St. John

Seneca/Tawasentha House Office

Tracy Chase
Phone: 518-456-6010 ext. 2060
Email: chaset@guilderlandschools.net

House Principal: Kelly Willets

Emergency School Closings

  • Communication sent via ParentSquare
  • Posted on District Website

Start and End Times

Students will start their school day at 8:45 a.m. and will conclude at 3:25 p.m.

Students Arrival

Students arriving late should be dropped off at the front of the building and then report to their house office to sign in. They will receive a pass from the house office secretary to go to their classroom


All students who take a bus must take their own route at dismissal. This year, students will not be allowed to take a different route home or get off their own route at a different stop.

Items Dropped Off for Students

Items may be dropped off for students at our reception desk at the front of the school. We recommend that parents email their house secretary to notify that person of any item that has been dropped off. We cannot guarantee delivery of the item by a specified time because we avoid disrupting  classroom instruction. Therefore, notification to the student will be made
at the end of class periods.


Call or email your house office anytime day or night when your child will be absent from school. Your child should get missed assignments from a friend for short term absences. For absences two days or longer, please email your house secretary to make a homework request.

Long-Term Absences and Make-Up

In the case of a long term absence, parents should contact their house secretary.

Illegal Absences

The following guidelines apply exclusively to students who are illegally absent for one or more days. They do not apply to students who are legally absent for reasons of illness, bereavement, religious observance, or other educational purposes.

  • The Guilderland Board of Education discourages long term absences due to family vacations while school is in session.
  • Research clearly shows a direct correlation between regular school attendance and increased student achievement.
  • Some assignments that are missed due to illegal absences cannot be duplicated. Some of these activities, if missed, might affect the student’s grade.
  • Teachers are not obligated to provide assignments in advance for illegal absences, nor are they required to provide separate instruction to the student once that child returns.
  • On the day of the student’s return to school, parent and student may request a list of owed assignments

Early Dismissal/Leaving for an Appointment During the School Day

If a student needs to leave school early (i.e. for an appointment), the student should bring in a note signed by a parent including the date, time, reason for the early dismissal, and person picking the child up, and should be brought to the attention of their homeroom teacher during homeroom. Parents/guardians may opt to send an email to their house secretary. The child will receive an early dismissal pass, which they will later show to their
classroom teacher at the appointed time. They should then report to the reception desk in the front of our building. The parent doing the pick-up should enter the building, let the receptionist know who they are (have a valid id available, who their student is, and wait for the child in the lobby.


All medication, including over the counter pain relievers should be dropped off with the receptionist, and will then be taken to the health office. All medication must be accompanied by a doctor’s order and a note from parents. (The note must include frequency, time, reason, dosage, and duration of treatment.) Medication must be in a properly labeled container.

School Tardiness

Students who arrive late to school must report to their house office with a parental note or doctor’s note explaining the reason for the lateness. Once the student has signed in at the house office, he/she will receive a pass to enter class.

Parent/Teacher Conferences

Should you need to request a parent/teacher conference, please contact your house office secretary via email. They will check with your child’s team for availability and reply to you as soon as possible. Please note these meetings will likely be remote for the 2022-2023 school year, however in person meetings can be scheduled, if needed.

Backpacks/Coats, etc.

Backpacks and coats will be stored in lockers.

Supply Lists

Supply lists are available on the district website.


What is appropriate dress at FMS?

Appropriate dress for FMS includes clothing that is safe and does not disrupt, distract, or interfere with the educational process. Students dress shall not display menacing, vulgar or obscene language, or denigrating or libelous slurs to others on account or race, creed, color, sexual or gender orientation, or disability. Appropriate footwear that does not represent a safety hazard must be worn at all times. Undergarments must be covered at all times; what you wear on top should connect to what you wear on the bottom.

Will I have homework?

In general, homework (independent practice) will be assigned to students on a regular basis. Students are encouraged to read every night as part of their study routine.

How will students’ work be graded or evaluated?

Student work will be evaluated by classroom teachers and will be used to calculate numeric course grades for students in grades 6-12. For students in grades K-5, progress will be reported using a four-point, standards-based rubric. Additionally, parent conferences will be scheduled to provide direct
updates to parents regarding their child’s growth and achievement.

Can I use my cell phone in school?

Cell phones must be turned off and secured out of sight during school hours. An exception that would allow for cell phone use would be anytime a school adult authorizes a student to use his or her cell phone for educational or emergency reasons. Cell phones may be used to call parents/guardians after 4:05 p.m. Calls to parents/guardians can be made during the school day using phones that are available in both out house offices or in the main office.

If necessary, how does a parent get a message to their child during the school day?

On occasion, it may be necessary to leave a message for a student during the school day. This can be done by emailing or calling the student’s house office. Please be aware this should be done prior to 2:30 p.m.

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