Feb. 8 Update: Two New Cases and Notifications Over Winter Break

Please see a message from Superintendent Dr. Marie Wiles:

Dear GCSD Families,

I’m writing to provide a few updates and reminders. Please see below:

New Cases and Notifications Over Winter Break

Late Friday and today, the district learned of two new positive COVID-19 cases connected to Guilderland High School. These cases did not require contact tracing by the school because the individuals were not on campus while infectious.

Please note that during the winter break (Feb. 15-19), we will not send a daily notification of new cases to you. We will send one summary of new cases for the week on Friday, Feb. 19; our regular updates will resume on Monday, Feb. 22. However, all new confirmed cases during break week will be reported to the NY COVID-19 Dashboard as required, and if contact tracing is required as a result of any new cases, we will contact those individuals directly. If there is significant news or development that requires action, we will send an email, phone call, or text as needed.

Albany County K-12 Schools: Symptomatic Household Member Protocol

As a reminder, if a student or household member is symptomatic, they cannot attend in-person school. All individuals in the household (district staff members) cannot return to school until the symptomatic family member receives their negative test results (lab-based/PCR test). Please take a moment to review this information. If you have any questions, please contact your school nurse.

Travel Outside of New York State Guidelines

With a school break approaching, please review the guidelines for travel outside of New York. Anyone traveling outside of the state (states that share a border are exempt) must quarantine for ten days or follow the outlined “test out” option.

If you have any questions, please contact your building principal. Thank you for your continued partnership and support.


Dr. Marie Wiles
Superintendent of Schools

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