Each month, the art teachers from Altamont Elementary, Guilderland Elementary, Lynnwood Elementary and Westmere Elementary highlight students who have demonstrated they are practicing Studio Habits of Mind. These eight habits – develop craft, engage and persist, envision, express, observe, reflect, stretch and explore, and understand art worlds – encourage and enable students to be more mindful during the creative process. This is not a contest; the Young Artist of the Month accomplishment acknowledges specific learning and critical thinking that happens in the art room, in relation to Studio Habits of Mind. The students’ pictures and statements are framed and hung in the schools’ entryways.
Altamont Elementary: Dylan Roberts

This month, AES is proud to recognize Dylan Roberts, in Ms. Huber’s third grade class, as our Young Artist of the Month! Dylan has done a great job at showing outstanding dedication to the Studio Habit of Mind: Engage and Persist. To engage and persist means to be interested in a subject, to focus on it, and to keep working on it even when it’s difficult. It can also mean to be curious, to learn from mistakes, and to keep trying.
Dylan has shown a strong commitment to his art by staying focused and working through challenges and continuing to practice art outside of school. When faced with difficult tasks, instead of giving up, he keeps trying, experimenting, and improving and continuously strives to be the best artist he can be. His ability to stay engaged in their creative process and persist through obstacles makes them an inspiring example for others. Congratulations, Dylan on this well-deserved recognition!
Guilderland Elementary: Theo Sela

The February GES Young Artist of the Month is Theo Sela. Theo is in Mrs. Phelix’s second grade class. During art, Theo has exhibited the Artist Habit of Mind: Engage and Persist. That means he can develop meaningful focus and embrace art problems. When working on the flashlight project Theo has been 100% focused on his drawing. He is working carefully and with a good deal of thought and planning. As a result his artwork is amazing. He strives to do his best and uses his own ideas in his work as well as using his art time to improve his skills with focus and perseverance. Way to go Theo! Keep up the great work!
Lynnwood Elementary: Matthew Lombardo

The February LES Young Artist of the Month is Matthew Lombardo. Matty is in Mrs. Groat’s third grade class. During art class, Matty has exhibited the Artist Habit of Mind: Develop Craft, which means he can use different tools, materials and techniques. During the clay unit, Matty had to learn to manipulate the clay and the tools needed to create our Diyas. He then had to complete his project using glaze which is a special kind of paint used only on clay. The glaze is what gives the clay the bright shiny color. Matty followed the directions and paid close attention to the details of the steps and of his design. As a result, his clay Diya is beautiful. Look for it on display soon. Congratulations Matty and keep up the good work!
Westmere Elementary: Bruno Arceo

This month’s featured young artist is Bruno Arceo. Bruno is a third grade student in Mrs. Mau’s class. He has demonstrated the Studio Habit of Mind: Stretch & Explore. Artists challenge themselves by exploring new techniques and venturing outside their comfort zones. Bruno explored a few new techniques recently in art class; including adding salt to his watercolor painting. Bruno puts a lot of thought and care into each project he makes, including a lot of fun details added to his landscape. Bruno comes to art class each week with a positive attitude and is kind to others. Brilliant work, Bruno!