FMS Academic Intervention Services (AIS) in Math

Before a new school year begins, the faculty and staff at Farnsworth Middle School and our elementary schools begin identifying, planning for, and scheduling students for additional math support in the form of Academic Intervention Services (AIS).

What is AIS Math?

AIS Math is mandated by the New York State Department of Education specifically for students who have not demonstrated grade-level proficiency. Without NYS Assessments last year due to COVID, we must review and consider the following:

  • Teacher recommendations
  • End of Year benchmark assessments from the previous year
  • I-Ready diagnostic data
  • Quarterly grades

AIS Math Instruction

We began this year by pushing AIS Math teachers/Math Specialists into math classes in order to get to know our students and provide additional Math support. Our grade 6 and 7 Math teachers have begun the I-Ready diagnostic and our 8th-grade students will engage in the assessment as needed. We will continue to meet and discuss individual student Math needs and update schedules as needed and adjust accordingly. Our goal is to target specific students who have the most need with more intense support on or about the second quarter.

AIS Math instruction is designed to address individual student weaknesses in mathematics. Our goals as teachers are to identify and strengthen these weaknesses to help students be successful in their core math classroom and to remediate any instructional gaps that may exist. Academic interventions in math can be provided for students in three ways. They include pull-out sessions scheduled with an AIS Math teacher, push-in services, and monitor status.

Pull-out Services

This is scheduled for students most often during Access. This year however we are limited to working with students during their tutorial time. Students work in small groups with an AIS Math teacher during that time and instruction focuses on very specific interventions. This is the most intensive form of interventions offered for our middle-level students and will eventually be listed on a student’s schedule.

Push-in Services

Students who demonstrate that they need a less intense form of service or whose schedule may not allow for a pull-out class are provided additional support from an AIS Math teacher during their core math class. The AIS Math teacher often co-teaches, assists students as needed, and/or provides small group instruction when appropriate in the classroom. All students in the class benefit from this form of intervention. For students receiving push-in services, AIS Math will not show on their schedules.


Monitor status is designated for those students who have few or limited gaps but may still need some intervention services. Students are assigned to their classroom teacher who will provide additional support as needed. The classroom teacher will monitor their progress, provide additional support during Tutorial, or may provide additional practice to improve fluencies. AIS Math will not show on a student’s schedule that has been identified as monitor status.

At any time during the school year, a student can be referred for AIS Math by their counselor and/or classroom teacher. The AIS Math team reviews students’ progress throughout the year, collaborates with core math teachers, and discusses what students need. If you have questions about the level of service your child is receiving you may contact his or her classroom teacher or any member of the AIS Math team.

It is the primary goal of the AIS Math team to meet the individual math needs of our students and to transition them to the High School so that they will be successful in Algebra I. The AIS Math team is excited to meet and work with your child(ren). If at any time you have questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me or any member of the team.

FMS AIS Math team for the 2022-23 School Year

Ashley Girard, Grade 6-8 AIS Math teacher

Curt Roscoe, Grade 7 AIS Math

Dr. Beverly Bisnett-Jenks Instructional Administrator for Math, Science and Tech

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