GCSD 2020-21 Reopening Plan: School Activities

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Extracurricular Activities/ Athletics

As interscholastic sports and extracurricular activities are an important aspect of student life and the school community, it is our priority to maintain as many offerings as we can.

Extracurricular Activities

Extracurricular activities will be conducted remotely, maximizing the use of technology to provide opportunities for student engagement in a safe manner. When practicable, advisors may request to hold in-person extracurricular activities for which a plan must be submitted to ensure compliance with SED and DOH guidance.

For extracurricular activities that meet in-person, the following guidelines will be adhered to:

  • Extracurricular advisors will ensure that appropriate social distancing of 6’, per CDC guidelines, is maintained between individuals.
  • Acceptable face coverings must be worn at all times
  • Extracurricular advisors should develop plans for face covering breaks for students when they can maintain social distance.
  • Extracurricular advisors should ensure that social distancing of 12’ is maintained between individuals while participating in activities which require the projecting of the voice (e.g., singing), playing a wind instrument, or aerobic activity resulting in heavy breathing.
  • Whenever possible, equipment should not be shared. If equipment must be shared, proper cleaning and disinfection will take place between use. Students and faculty should perform hand hygiene before and after contact of shared equipment.
  • Students and staff must have access to resources and equipment that prevent COVID-19 transmission. (e.g., hand sanitizer)
  • Limiting number of participants per social distancing guidelines as defined by SED and DOH.
  • Students must have direct supervision at all times to ensure social distancing and use of PPE.
  • Extracurricular advisors will provide their building-level administrator with a meeting schedule.

Events and Assemblies

Until further notice, there will be no in-person events or assemblies (e.g., concerts, theatrical performances, PTA events). At such a time that large group gatherings are able to be held safely, guidance will be given regarding social distancing, PPE, cleaning & disinfecting, and maximum allowable number of attendees. In the meantime, events that can be, will be held virtually.

Interscholastic Athletics

At this time, per the NYDOH guidance, interscholastic sports are not permitted. More information on athletic activities will be forthcoming.

The Officers of the New York State Public High School Athletic Association (NYSPHSAA), voted to delay the official start date of the Fall 2020 sports season, cancel the Fall 2020 Regional and State Championships and prepare to implement a condensed season schedule in January 2021 if high school sports remain prohibited throughout 2020 due to COVID-19. This decision comes at the recommendation of the NYSPHSAA COVID-19 Task Force.

The NYSPHSAA Officers’ decision includes:

  • Delay Fall sports start date until Monday, September 21st (NYSPHSAA PAUSE)
  • Cancel Fall Regional and State Championship events
  • Waive seven-day practice rule
  • Maintain current practice requirements
  • Encourage geographic scheduling for games & contests
  • Schools would have the option, if permitted by state officials, to offer off-season conditioning workouts.

With regional differences, schools and areas will be impacted differently by the COVID-19 crisis. At the discretion of the NYSPHSAA Officers and authorization from state officials, if the Fall sports seasons are interrupted or impacted by COVID-19 crisis (i.e. state official guidance, school closings, cancelation of high-risk sports, etc.) then a condensed seasons plan will be implemented.

The Condensed Season plan would entail the following, with the stipulated dates being tentative.

Season I (Winter Sports)

Dates: Jan. 4-Mar. 13 (Week 27-36) 10 Weeks *Note: tentative dates

Sports: basketball (girls & boys), bowling (girls & boys), gymnastics, ice hockey (girls & boys), indoor track & field (girls & boys), skiing (girls & boys), swimming (boys), *wrestling,
*competitive cheer.

* Because of the high-risk nature of wrestling and competitive cheer, sports may have to be moved to Season II or season III.

Season II (Fall Sports)

Dates: Mar. 1-May 8 (Week 35-44) 10 Weeks *Note: tentative dates

Sports: football, cross country (girls & boys), field hockey, soccer (girls & boys), swimming (girls), volleyball (girls & boys), Unified bowling.

Note: Weather will have an impact on outdoor sports in some parts of the state in March and potentially early April. Girls Tennis moved to Season III.

Season III (Spring Sports)

Dates: Apr. 5-Jun. 12 (Week 40-49) 10 Weeks *Note: tentative dates

Sports: baseball, softball, golf (girls & boys), lacrosse (girls & boys), tennis (girls & boys), outdoor track & field (girls & boys), Unified basketball.

The NYSPHSAA Officers have the ability to adjust seasons with the authority granted within the NYSPHSAA Constitution which states: “Article IV, 2: A committee of officers in consultation with the staff shall have the authority to act on all matters not provided for in this constitution and bylaws, and on such emergency business as may arise between regular meetings of the Executive Committee.”

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The district will coordinate with the Guilderland YMCA for expanded before- and after-school care programs in schools and to develop or review policies including social distancing, PPE usage, cleaning and disinfection requirements, as well as risk of COVID-19 transmission.

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