GHS Open House, Sept. 19, 6:30 p.m.


A letter from Mr. Piscitelli:

Open House Class Schedule

Dear Parent/Guardian:

On behalf of the faculty and staff of Guilderland High School I would like to invite you to our Open House which will take place on Thursday, September 19, 2024, starting at 6:30 p.m.  The 2024-2025 school year is off to an outstanding start with both staff and students exhibiting a renewed sense of excitement and enthusiasm for being a part of Guilderland High School. Open House is our opportunity to share that excitement with our parents.  

Our Open House celebration is a great chance for you, our parents, to begin to make some strong connections with GHS, or to further enhance those connections that we have already made.  While Open House offers an invaluable opportunity for parents to gain insight into your child’s program, it is not a time for one-on-one conversation regarding your child’s academics.  This type of one-on-one interaction can be arranged by contacting your student’s School Counselor.  Open House also provides an opportunity to become connected to the high school community through membership in the Parent-Teacher-Student-Association (PTSA).

When your child has a study hall or an opening in the schedule, please come to the Large Cafeteria for coffee and cookies.  We will have tables set up with various groups available for questions such as administration, technology help, counseling, social work, psychologists, and your PTSA.   PTSA tables will also be around the building to collect forms and membership fees.    

Since Open House is always a popular night, please plan on arriving early.  You will encounter traffic congestion and parking difficulty as the parking lots begin to fill up by 6:00 p.m. 

Please be sure to review the enclosed information prior to September 19th.  Remember, the evening will start promptly at 6:30 p.m. in your child’s block 1A class, so try not to miss out on the valuable information offered.  It will save you time if you take a picture of your student’s schedule or access eSchoolData and print the schedule at home. If you need a schedule, parents can go to ​the large cafeteria where we will have printing stations set up.  We ​can also print schedules from the Main Office, Counseling Office, or any of the ​Assistant Principal offices. Student guides will be stationed throughout the building to assist in locating classrooms.

I wish you an enjoyable experience on September 19th.


Michael Piscitelli

GHS Principal

Important Schedule Information:

  • If your child is a CTE Student:

Because CTE students take their classes at the BOCES site, there will be no presentations at open house for those classes.   If your student is an AM CTE student, Blocks 1A, 1B, 2A, and 2B will be free.  If your student is a PM CTE student, Blocks 3A, 3B, 4A, and 4B will be free.   You can visit the large cafeteria during these times.

  • Science and PE classes

If your child has a science class on both “A” & “B” days, please report to your child’s science class on the “A” day and the PE class on the “B” day.  Do not go to the science class twice.  

All PE Classes will meet in the East Gym even if the schedule says West Gym.  

  • Music ensembles blocks 1A or 3A

Parents who have a child assigned to a Music/Study hall should instead go to their child’s assigned Music class. 

If your child has a Health/Music class during blocks 1A and/or 3A, you have a choice; you may go 

to either Health or Music.  However, please note there is time for only one. 

  • Study Halls 

Parents should not go to their child’s study hall period.   This would be a free block and an opportunity to visit the large cafeteria for refreshments and information.

Open House Class Schedule


6:25 Parents should report to their child’s first block class

6:30 – 6:38 Block 1A – Class

6:45 – 6:53 Block 2A – Class

7:00 – 7:08 Block 3A Class

7:15 – 7:23 Block 4A Class

7:30 – 7:38 Block 1B Class

7:45 – 7:53 Block 2B Class

8:00 – 8:08 Block 3B Class

8:15 – 8:23 Block 4B Class

Fall 2024 Open House Letter to Parents


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