Hiawatha team letters and supply lists 2021-22

Skip to: Hiawatha 6A | Hiawatha 6B | Hiawatha 7A |  Hiawatha 8A 

Student Lockers and Locks

It has not yet been determined whether or not FMS Students will be assigned  lockers this year.  If so, they will be assigned a hallway locker near their homeroom and one for Physical Education. Students will need to bring in two combination locks – one for their Homeroom Locker and one for their PE locker. Homeroom and Phys Ed teachers will keep the combination on file to help students who might forget the combination.

Hiawatha 6A

Dear Parents and Students,

Welcome to FMS, Hiawatha House, and our team for the 2021-2022 school year. We are looking forward to meeting with you, showing you around FMS and making your 6th grade year a great one!

The events of the last school year were unusual for sure.  As we look to a new academic year, we are prepared to provide our students with quality education using a variety of forms. We will work together to regain the sense of community that being in school together provides.  As both parents and teachers, our students’ safety is at the forefront of our planning.  

Below you will find a list of supplies that we would like you to have in school when we return on Thursday, September, 9th, 2021. Please look at the list carefully as items are color coordinated to make them easier to find.  Organization is an important step towards success in middle school.

In addition, listed below are some tasks we’d like you to complete:


Parents, we would appreciate it if you would send an email telling us about your child. After all, you know them better than anyone else.  We are very interested in learning about your strengths, weaknesses, interests and any areas of concern you may have. 


Students, we want to hear from you, too (A required homework assignment already ☺!!!) Send an email about yourself. Tell us what you’ve been doing, how you feel about starting at 6th grade at FMS, and anything else you would like us to know. To help us recognize you on the first day of school, please include a picture of yourself.  Please email your letters to us. Our email addresses are listed here:


Summer Reading:

In addition, it is expected that you’ve been reading over the summer, please bring at least one book during the first week of in person school. (Week of September 13th.)  We will use this to complete an activity early in the year.  Please refer to the recommended reading list on the district’s website for suggestions.  

Enjoy these last few days of summer. Orientation is on Thursday, September 2nd, we can’t wait to meet you in person.  Please only bring your chromebook and pencil for the orientation day.  The first day of  in-person instruction will be on Thursday, September 9th.  Please bring all of your supplies that day.

Thank you in advance for your emails. We are looking forward to meeting you in September.


Joann Gigante
Jennifer Margosian   
Christine Huestis

Hiawatha 6A Supply List


  • TI-30XIIS scientific calculator (this model will be used in 7th grade as well)
  • 4 yellow folders with prongs


  • 4 red folders with prongs

Language Arts

  • 1 blue two pocket folder with prongs
  • 2 composition notebooks

Social Studies

  • 1 inch 3-ring binder

General Team Supplies

  • Sturdy two-pocket (w/holes for 3 ring binder) Parent/Homework Folder    
    1 pack of loose leaf paper
  • Box of tissues
  • Index cards  (3 x 5-500 count) 
  • Box of colored pencils 
  • 1 pack of Post-It notes (any color)
  • Glue sticks
  • Numerous #2 pencils with erasers
  • 1 multi-pack highlighters
  • Small pencil sharpener
  • Earbuds or headphones- that can be plugged into a computer
  • 1 pair of scissors
  • 3-ring Zipper type Binder  This will be used as a TEAM binder to keep homework folder and various other important items organized.
  • Pencil pouch (hole punched to go inside Team Binder) This will also be used to help with organization and to hold pencils, crayons, scissors, ruler..etc.
  • A few clear page protectors to safeguard schedules, calendars, etc. in your team binder
  • BACKPACK or BOOK BAG to carry supplies to and from school. 

Make sure to label each item with your full name and homeroom number and/or teacher.

Team Binder Set Up

Below is a list of items we would like students to keep in their zippered team binder at all times.

  • parent/homework folder
  • red Science folder
  • yellow Math folder
  • blue L.A. folder
  • some loose leaf paper
  • pencil pouch – pens, pencils, highlighters, eraser, pencil sharpener, markers, etc.
  • independent reading book (may be carried separately)

Hiawatha 6B

Dear Parents and Guardians:

 We are happy to welcome your child to our team for the 2020-2021 school year.  We hope your child will find the sixth grade year both exciting and challenging.  

The events of the last school year were unusual for sure.  As we look to a new academic year, we are prepared to provide our students with quality education using a variety of forms. We will work together to regain the sense of community that being in school together provides.  As both parents and teachers, our students’ safety is at the forefront of our planning.  We have created a list (separate document) of supplies to help make your sale watching and shopping easier.  Please take the time to review the list.  Organization is an important step towards success in the classroom.

 Mrs. Mineau and Mr. Kenyon would love to learn about the students’ summer reading!  All students should be prepared to do an assignment on a book they read during the summer.  It can be any age appropriate book and genre.  All the students have to do is read the book before the first weeks of school conclude.  (Students will need to know the title, author, and plot of the book.) Please do not write a summary of the book.  Students  only need to bring the aforementioned information with them to class. This information will be used during the first weeks of school to complete an assignment.  Happy reading!

We would also love to know about our incoming class from those who know them best…their parents!  We invite you to write us a letter about your child. Include information you think is important for us to have. This could include information about learning styles, special interests, talents, and even fears your child may have regarding school. Please send the letters to FMS c/o Mrs. Mineau & Mr. Kenyon.


Mrs. Emily Mineau,  Mr. Jason Kenyon, Mrs. Tara Kilcourse (ENL teacher) 

Below is a list of supplies that your child will need for sixth grade classes.  Please be sure that your child’s name and homeroom are written on each of the supplies.  The school supplies listed below should be brought to school on the first full day at FMS, September 9th. A book bag should be used to carry items to and from school. 

Please let us know of any financial hardship so we may be of assistance.

Hiawatha 6B Supply List

  • 1 metric and standard ruler
  • 2  1-1.5 inch binders (1 for SS/LA & 1 for Math/Science – different colors please)
  • 2 composition notebooks ( for Science & LA)
  • 5 pocket folders (different colors each if you can find them)
    • Science class  (with holes if you can find one)
    • Math class  (with holes if you can find one)
    • Take Home folder (a sturdy, coated/plastic one)
    • SS class (with holes if you can find one)
    • LA class (with holes if you can find one)
  • 4 X 6 index cards (1 package)
  • Loose-leaf paper (1-package)
  • Pens with blue or black ink (10 minimum)
  • Pencil pouch (zipper pouch not plastic case, please)
  • 1 package of #2 pencils (mechanical pencils are fine too.)
  • 1 package of colored pencils
  • 2 Highlighter Pens (any color)
  • Earbuds (1 set to keep in pencil pouch  that can be used for all classes at school)
  • Agenda Book or Assignment notebook (used daily for all classes)

Other helpful supplies (optional)

  • Scientific calculator (Model TI-30XIIS  – used in 7th and 8th grade too.)
  • Large eraser
  • Pump style soap/sanitizer (for the classroom sink area)
  • Large box or 2 of tissues (with allergies and colds, we do go through them fast!)

Hiawatha 7A

Dear Families,

Welcome to Hiawatha 7A!  We are looking forward to meeting you and working with your child. So that your student is prepared for the first day of school, we have compiled a list of materials your student will need.  

Please make sure that all of your student’s supplies, such as folders, highlighters, etc., are clearly labeled with their name. If your student has any of the supplies listed left-over from previous years, those are fine to use.

Hiawatha 7A Supply List

  • 1 2-inch binder (Math)
  • 1 set of dividers
  • 1 package of loose-leaf paper (to be used in all classes)
  • Pens, blue or black (to be used in all classes)
  • #2 pencils (to be used in all classes)
  • 4 two-pocket folders (Social Studies (2), Language Arts, Science)
  • 1 box of tissues (Homeroom)
  • 1 package of highlighters (to be used in all classes)
  • 1 box of 12 colored pencils (Science)
  • 1 calculator: Texas Instrument  – TI– 30X II S  (Math, Science)
  • 1 composition notebook (to be used in both Language Arts and Social Studies)
  • 1 set of earbuds or headphones (to be used in all classes)

All returning 7th grade students were provided a Chromebook at the start of the previous school year. These students are expected to bring back the Chromebook they were assigned last fall, which was brought home over the summer. Please make sure it is charged!

Students are expected to keep up with reading over the summer to keep their minds sharp. During the fall in language arts, they will be asked to list all summer reading so make sure to keep track! A list of recommended book titles is available on the Guilderland Central School District website and at the Guilderland Public Library. Also, feel free to email Mrs. Fanning if you need a book recommendation!

We will be using an app to keep in touch with students and their families this year. If you have a device or smartphone, please download the app PARENT-Talking Points. Once you have downloaded the app, use the join code:  AS6UDN to join. We are asking BOTH parents and students to use this app for reminders.

See you soon!


Mrs. Fanning, Mrs. Kavanaugh, Miss Kriss, Mrs. Livingston, Mrs. Sittig & Ms. Tessier-Harris

Hiawatha 8A

Dear Parent/Guardian and Students:

Welcome to 8th grade Hiawatha ! We are so excited to welcome you back to a hopefully more normal year.

We know that the last year and a half has been difficult in so many ways and are happy to have a fresh start. As a team we will work together to transition back to what this school year will bring us and support our incoming students with any and all needs we become aware of.

As a team, we value communication between home and school. We will utilize individual Google Classrooms, a team Google Classroom, and eSchoolData. Please take a moment to log into eSchoolData to make sure that all of your contact information is up to date and accurate.  The information provided in eSchoolData is how we will contact home, so it is important we have the correct information.  

We are excited to meet you and are looking forward to a great school year! 

Sincerely your team teachers,

Mrs. Albright, Mrs. Bryer, Mrs. Crisafulli, Mr. Hanson, 
Mr. Kapusinsky and Ms. McPherson

Hiawatha 8A Supply List

The following is a list of supplies we are requesting students have for their CORE classes. If there are supplies such as markers, earbuds, etc., on this list that also appear on another list (Art, Tech, WL&C, etc.) please know that they can be used for all classes.


  • 2 Boxes of Tissues

All Classes

  • Team Homework Folder
  • Pencils (Year Supply)
  • Pens (Year Supply)
  • Colored pencils (1 package)
  • Markers (1 package)
  • Multi-color Highlighters (Year Supply)
  • Earbuds
  • Loose-Leaf Paper (roughly 500 sheets)


  • Folder
  • Composition notebook
  • Post-It Notes


  • 1½” – 2” 3-Ring Binder
  • Binder Dividers (package of 5)
  • Thin Dry Erase Marker (1)
  • Ruler
  • Calculator
    • Math 8: TI-30 SXII
    • Algebra 1: TI-84 Plus Graphing Calculator


  • 1½” – 2” 3-Ring Binder with pockets

Social Studies

  • 1 3-ring binder with pockets
  • Markers or colored pencils (1 package)
  • 1 package multi-color dry erase markers

If purchasing a calculator or any other supplies creates a financial burden, please contact your child’s teacher or school counselor to work on a plan.  Solutions can and will be found.

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