A message from Dr. Wiles:
Dear GCSD Families,
Last weekend Farnsworth Middle School students, accompanied by teachers and parents, traveled to our nation’s capital for a Washington studies trip. The FMS group had the privilege of welcoming an honor flight of Korean War and Vietnam War veterans to the U.S. Marine Corps War Memorial (Iwo Jima Memorial). Lining the walkway to the memorial, the FMS group applauded, shook hands and thanked each veteran for their service. They also attended a brief service for a veteran who had recently passed away. After the ceremony, which included the playing of “Taps,” the group was able to speak one-on-one with the veterans and ask questions. Sharing their stories and experiences, several veterans shed tears. The FMS students agreed this moving experience was an honor and one they will never forget.

Investigation update
Today the Guilderland Police Department updated the Guilderland Central School District on their continuing investigation of Raquan Dyson, the former custodial worker arrested in March. GPD recently discovered that Dyson had contact with additional students through social media only. We urge families to speak to your children about online safety and to remind students to be mindful of their digital footprint. The following resources may be helpful in these conversations:
Families should contact the Guilderland Police Department at 518-356-1501 with questions regarding the investigation. Please do not hesitate to contact me or FMS Principal Michael Laster if you have any other questions or concerns.
COVID-19 cases for May 3-May 6
The information below details the number of new COVID-19 positive cases for May 3-May 6. For daily positive COVID-19 cases affecting GCSD, please visit the NYS COVID-19 Report Card.
Altamont Elementary School: 4 new cases
Guilderland Elementary School: 1 new case
Lynnwood Elementary School: 1 new case
Pine Bush Elementary School: 4 new cases
Westmere Elementary School: 2 new cases
Farnsworth Middle School: 10 new cases
Guilderland High School: 9 new cases
On Monday, May 9, at 6:00 p.m., the Guilderland PTA Council is hosting a virtual Meet the Candidates Night to introduce potential board of education members to the community. The forum will be livestreamed on the GHS Media YouTube channel and will be recorded.
Thank you for your continued support. Happy Mother’s Day to all of the GCSD mothers and mother figures in our students’ lives. Have a wonderful weekend.
Marie Wiles, Ph.D.