Mohawk team letters and supply lists 2021-22

Skip to: Mohawk 6C | Mohawk 6D | Mohawk 7B | Mohawk 8B

Student Lockers and Locks

It has not yet been determined whether or not FMS Students will be assigned  lockers this year.  If so, they will be assigned a hallway locker near their homeroom and one for Physical Education. Students will need to bring in two combination locks – one for their Homeroom Locker and one for their PE locker. Homeroom and Phys Ed teachers will keep the combination on file to help students who might forget the combination.

Mohawk 6C

Dear Parents and Students,

Welcome to FMS, Mohawk House Team 6C for the 2021-2022 school year! We are looking forward to meeting you, learning with you,  and making your 6th grade year a great one!

The events of the last school year were unusual for sure.  We are excited and ready to start a new school year together with you. 6th Grade is such a wonderful year, and we know that you will love all the opportunities that FMS has to offer!

We have a  list of supplies that we would like you to have in school when we return on Thursday, September, 9th, 2021. Please look at the list carefully as items are color coordinated to make them easier to find.  Organization is an important step towards success in middle school.

In addition, listed below are two  tasks we’d like you to complete:

    • 6th Graders, we want to hear from you!  Send an email about yourself. Tell us what you’ve been doing this Summer, how you feel about starting 6th grade at FMS, hobbies and interests you have,  and anything else you would like us to know.  Please email your letters to us at:
    • In addition, it is expected that you’ve been reading over the summer, please bring at least one book during the first full week of in person school. (Week of September 13th.)  We will use this to complete an activity early in the year.  Please refer to the recommended reading list on the district’s website for suggestions.  

Enjoy these last few days of summer. Orientation is on Thursday, September 2nd, we can’t wait to meet you in person.  Please only bring your Chromebook and pencil for the orientation day. The first day of  in-person instruction will be on Thursday, September 9th.  Please bring all of your supplies that day.

Thank you in advance for your emails. We are looking forward to meeting you in September.


Mrs. Mayo
Ms. Newhouse
Mrs. Bruno


Mohawk 6C Supply List

  • 1 Trapper Keeper, or something similar- a binder that zippers is ideal 
  • 1  three-hole punched pocket folder (any color, for homework)
  • 1  three-hole pencil case (to fit inside Trapper Keeper)
  • 1  marble composition notebook for Writing
  • 1 one subject spiral notebooks, any color for Science
  • 2  plastic red pocket folders with fasteners for Math
  • 2 plastic yellow pocket folders with fasteners for Science
  • 1 plastic green pocket folder for Social Studies
  •  1 plastic orange pocket folder for Writing (Language Arts)
  • Texas Instruments Scientific calculator (TI-30X IIS) 
  • 2 packages of (sharpened if possible!) pencils 
  • 1 package of pens
  • 1 package of colored pencils
  • 1 pair of scissors
  • 1 pack of 3 x 3 size Post-It notes
  • 1 package of fine tip markers
  • 1 highlighter
  • 1 package of glue sticks
  • Wired headphones or earbuds (for your CORE classes- Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, and Math)
  • 1 box of tissues

If you have any trouble getting any of the supplies, please let us know! We buy extra supplies and are happy to help!

Mohawk 6D

    Dear Mohawk 6D Team Families,

    Welcome to Farnsworth Middle School and the Mohawk House for the 2021-2022 school year!  We are so happy that you will be a member of the Abbasi-Hart-Kilcourse M6D Team.  We are looking forward to a school year filled with lots of learning, new friendships, and fun! 

    Mohawk 6D is made up of Mrs. Abbasi, who teaches Math and Science, Mrs. Hart, who teaches Language Arts and Social Studies, and Mrs.Kilcourse, who teaches ENL. Your child will be placed in a homeroom with Mrs. Abbasi or Mrs. Hart and will follow a schedule based on the letter day. All students see all of us everyday for an 80 minute “block” class.  In addition, they will be attending special area classes like Health, Art, PE, Music, Technology and F.A.C.S. for a 40 minute “mod” class throughout the week. It’s a busy day in 6th grade with lots of new faces to meet! If your child was in 5th grade at FMS, they already have the advantage of knowing their way around the building. If not, they will get to know our school very quickly with lots of new friends to help them. We are looking forward to meeting you, teaching you what 6th grade is all about and making your 6th grade year at Farnsworth a great one!


    No one knows your child better than you.  It would be so helpful if you would write a letter to us all about your child.  Please tell us anything you think we should know about your son or daughter. We always enjoy reading these letters, and it allows us to begin the school year already knowing a bit about each child. We welcome any and all of your thoughts or ideas.  Please email this letter to us during the summer (see addresses below) or have your child bring your letter to school on the first day.

    IMPORTANT! Over the summer, information will be shared with the contact information you’ve provided in eSchool. Please make sure your preferred contact information is correct so that you don’t miss out on announcements about school procedures and opportunities for you and your child to visit FMS as the summer progresses. 

    Students: Summer Reading

    During the summer, the FMS expectation is that each student will read at least one book. Write down the title and the author and be prepared to write and share information about the book in the first week of school. If you need some ideas of what to read, refer to the recommended reading list for suggestions. We strongly encourage students to keep reading this summer. We already have our summer reads lined up!

    School Supplies

    Good organizational skills are a major factor in student success in middle school.  To help you get prepared, we have attached a list of school supplies needed for the upcoming school year.  We ask that you unpack and label everything at home as best you can using the attached list so that we can get off and running smoothly in our first few days.

    We look forward to meeting you at the 6th grade Orientation Day on September 2nd from 9:00-10:15 a.m. More information about this day will be shared with you later in the summer. 


    Mrs. Melissa Abbasi – Math/Science 
    Mrs. Cheri Hart – Language Arts/Social Studies 
    Mrs. Tara Kilcourse – ENL

    Science & Math (Mrs. Abbasi):

    • One RED plastic two-pocket folder (no prongs), labeled Math/Abbasi/M6D
    • One GREEN plastic two-pocket folder (no prongs), labeled Science/Abbasi/M6D
    • Texas Instruments TI- 30X IIS Scientific Calculator 

    Language Arts & Social Studies (Mrs. Hart):

    • One BLUE plastic two-pocket folder (no prongs), labeled Language Arts/Hart/M6D
    • One YELLOW plastic two-pocket folder (no prongs), labeled Social Studies/Hart/M6D
    • ONE composition notebook (for Writing)  Note: We will be decorating it so plain is best!

    General Team Supplies: (some of these will be community supplies to be shared by all)

    • 3-ring zipper binder (all of the above folders will be kept in this zipper binder)
    • Individual pencil bag or case – will be carried around to all classes
    • One heavy-duty plastic 2-pocket homework folder (no prongs)
    • 1 pair of earbuds/headphones (with a microphone if possible), to use for ALL classes
    • 50 or more pencils (Ticonderoga® preferred)
    • 1 package of pens, any color
    • 1 box of thin colored markers
    • 1 box of thick colored markers
    • 2-3 glue sticks
    • 1 pair of scissors
    • 1 package of THIN black Sharpies or any other thin permanent marker
    • Last name A-M: One container of antibacterial wipes
    • Last name N-Z: One box of gallon zipper bags
    • One box of tissues 

    Optional Team Supplies:

    • Reusable water bottle to be used during the day (no glass please)
    • Hand-held pencil sharpener
    • Wireless mouse to use with Chromebook
    • Personal hand sanitizer to be kept in backpack

    Students will carry their supplies to their individual classes throughout the day, including their Chromebooks, and keep the rest of their supplies in their lockers. Please keep the Chromebook charger at home and get into the habit of charging it at the end of EVERY DAY. If you need assistance in picking up your child’s Chromebook, please email We hope this list will make your school shopping easier.  Please email us with any questions. 

    Thank you!

    Mrs. Abbasi:
    Mrs. Hart:
    Mrs. Kilcourse:

    Mohawk 7B

    Dear Students, Parents, Guardians and Caregivers,

    We are looking forward to working with your child this year. As part of the Mohawk 7 team, we are hoping that your child will find this school year successful, challenging, and enjoyable. As the end of August approaches and those “Back to School” ads appear, we would like to suggest the following items listed below.


    • Tissue Box (1)

    All Core Classes

    • Earbuds / Headphones
      • These will need to be replaced during the year if lost or broken
      • Will be used for other classes as well, like Technology and World Language
    • Blue or Black Pens
    • #2 Pencils
    • Colored pencils (one pack)
    • Highlighters (one pack)
    • Homework pocket folder (1)


    • 3 subject spiral notebook (1)


    • 3-ring binder, 2 inch 
    • Tab dividers (pack of 5)
    • TI-30X IIS Scientific Calculator

    Additional Supply List

    General Music

    • Pocket folder
    • 10-15 pages of loose-leaf paper
    • Pencil (not pen)
    • Box of tissues (optional)

    Physical Education

    • Lock for PE lockers


    • Pocket folder


    • 2 pencils
    • 1 pen
    • 15 loose leaf sheets of paper
    • 1 box of tissues

    Family and Consumer Science

    • One two-pocket folder, any color (new or reused)
    • Pencil


    • Pencil
    • Box of tissues 

    World Languages and Cultures

    • Binder
    • 8-10 dividers
    • Writing utensils
    • Loose leaf paper or notebook
    • Expo markers
    • Index cards
    • Tissues
    • Scissors
    • Colored pencils


    Jamie Mullins (Social Studies) Joseph Winchester (Science)
    Katie McNally (Math) Heather Tagliaferro (Language Arts)
    Lauren Fox (Consultant Teacher) Megan Moran (Consultant Teacher)

    Mohawk 8B

        Dear Parents / Guardians and Students,

        Welcome to 8th grade!

        As a team, we have prepared for several contingencies and stand together in our commitment to provide a quality education. Individually, we bring many, many years of experience to the classroom. We are passionate about what we do and we work as a team to bring that excitement to our classrooms!

        We know last year was unusual and we plan to incorporate additional supports to ease the transition back to “normal” school in September. And because our classes are co-taught, we have the benefit of two knowledgeable adults in each class to help. Part of our responsibility as 8th-grade teachers is to prepare our students for high school. Though the expectations are greater this year, our team is highly qualified to support our students through grade-appropriate challenges.

        Our goal is to create a forum for learning and risk-taking that will enable our students to thrive. However, your input is essential, especially as you, parents, have had the privilege of being your children’s first educator.  And students, you know yourselves best. Kids, your success is directly related to your level of engagement in your education. Together, we can make this year one of great challenges and rewards. We ask that you, parents, guardians, and students, as partners in education, assist us by communicating any needs or information you feel is important to our students’ learning and development. Please make sure your contact information is current in eSchool, as we rely on the accuracy of that information. Also, please note our email addresses.

        Though we do not know exactly what “school” will look like in September, please rest assured that we will maintain a safe space. This means we will follow all protocols and guidelines regarding physical safety. It also means we will monitor the mental, social, and emotional well-being of our students. As a team, our students’ all-around health and safety are our utmost concern. We are confident in our whole-child approach to education and will endeavor to make our classrooms welcoming spaces for all. Please communicate any special concerns or needs to us.

        We look forward to a strong and deep partnership with you this year.


        Mohawk 8

        Mr. Aspin 
        Ms. Been
        Ms. Dixon
        Ms. Doyle 
        Ms.  Miracle
        Ms. Young

        Listed below are the supplies needed for Mohawk 8 for the 2021-2022 school year. We thought very carefully about these supplies and tried to limit the financial burden on families. If any of these items are cost-prohibitive for your family, please reach out to us so we can find a solution!

        Team Supplies

        • (2) boxes of tissues for homeroom
        • (1) set of earbuds or headphones
        • (1) Chromebook← MOST IMPORTANT THING!
        • (1) Loose leaf paper
        • (1) Take home folder (Recommend plastic to last the school year) 
        • Glue Sticks
        • **Black or blue pens 
        • **Pencils
        • **Markers 
        • It is recommended that a student have a way to record their assignments (paper or digital agenda)

        Math Supplies

        • (1) folder (any color) for keeping track of notes and papers
        • (1) 2 ½ to 3 inch binder (Algebra only)
        • (1) tab dividers: set of 5 (Algebra only) 
        • calculator: Math 8: same one as 7th-grade (TI-30X); Algebra I: (TI- 84+)

        Science Supplies

        • (1) 24-pack colored pencils (twistable)
        • (1) 2 ½  to 3 inch binder with side pockets

        Social Studies Supplies

        • (1) black and white marble composition notebook 
        • (1) pocket folder 
        • (1) 1-inch binder
        • Junior Scholastic Subscription ($9.50 Check made out to FMS)

        ELA Supplies

        • (1) black and white marble composition notebook
        • (1) 24-pack colored pencils (same as science, ok)
        • (1) pocket folder

        **To be replenished throughout the school year.


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