Each month, the art teachers from Altamont Elementary, Guilderland Elementary, Lynnwood Elementary and Westmere Elementary highlight students who have demonstrated they are practicing Studio Habits of Mind. These eight habits – develop craft, engage and persist, envision, express, observe, reflect, stretch and explore, and understand art worlds – encourage and enable students to be more mindful during the creative process. This is not a contest; the Young Artist of the Month accomplishment acknowledges specific learning and critical thinking that happens in the art room, in relation to Studio Habits of Mind. The students’ pictures and statements are framed and hung in the schools’ entryways.
Altamont Elementary: Vireo Webster

Vireo Webster in Mrs. Clark’s kindergarten class! Vireo comes to art ready to learn and excited to create something new. She always takes her time to make sure she is doing her very best work and even enjoys practicing her art at home. She has shown incredible creativity by stretching and exploring new ideas and techniques in art. Whether using bright colors, bold shapes, or unique patterns, Vireo is learning to bring her imagination to life.
Guilderland Elementary: Maxson Goldstein

Maxson is in Mrs. DuFore’s 5th grade class this year. During art, Maxson has demonstrated the Artist Habit of Mind: ENVISION! That means he can generate ideas and picture how he wants his artwork to look as well as what his next steps are to complete his plan. Maxson’s ideas are unique and well thought out. He thinks for himself and reflects on how his work will
come together and how it is meaningful to him. Maxson follows directions without copying the example. He learns from the demonstration and then applies his own ideas to complete his work or his plan. That is truly what artists do!
Lynnwood Elementary: Ethan Jones

Ethan is in 3rd grade in Mrs. Abriel’s class and if you walk down the 400 wing, you might see Ethan hard at work on one of his many books. Ethan embodies the Studio Habit of Mind; Envision. To Envision means to create a plan and make it happen. You can see Ethan doing this when he is creating his stories and illustrations. His imagination is sparked and he creates a story to express his idea but also works on incredibly detailed illustrations to help tell his story too. Like a true author and illustrator, Ethan works through the parts of a great story and shows us how the characters are feeling and acting in his illustrations. He even leaves his readers wanting to know what happens next!
Westmere Elementary: Nahiara Davila Caceres

Nahiara is a 4th grader in Ms. Williams’ class. She has demonstrated the Studio Habit of Mind: Stretch & Explore. Westmere’s 4th graders created mosaics inspired by the Legend of the Three Sisters. The three sisters are squash, beans, and corn. They are planted together because they help each other grow! These mosaics are made from beans, corn kernels, and seeds from pumpkins… did you know pumpkins are in the squash family? Notice how Nahiara’s design looks visually balanced… Nice job, Nahiara!