Project S.A.V.E School Safety Plan 2023-24

Part 1: Introduction

The Guilderland Central School District recognizes that all stakeholders (staff, students, administrators, parents, Board of Education members, etc.) must be part of creating a safe school environment. Creating and maintaining safe schools requires comprehensive preventive interventions, and crisis response measures. All such protocols and systems must be part of a comprehensive plan intended to address problem behaviors, unsafe situations.

Emergencies and violent incidents in school districts are critical issues that must be addressed in an expeditious and effective manner. Districts are required to develop district-wide and school safety plans. Such plans are designed to prevent or minimize the effects of serious violent incidents and emergencies and to facilitate the coordination of the district with local and county resources in the event of such incidents or emergencies. The district-wide plan is responsive to the needs of all schools within the district and is consistent with the more detailed emergency response plans required at the school building level. To address potential threats, the State of New York has enacted the Safe Schools Against Violence in Education (SAVE) Law. It was signed into law by Governor Pataki on July 24, 2000. Project SAVE is a comprehensive planning effort that addresses prevention, response, and recovery with respect to a variety of emergencies in each school district and its schools.

Our S.A.V.E. plans at the district and building levels represent collaborative efforts to prepare an all-encompassing program which ensures the safety and security of all students and staff. Striving for safety for all is an ongoing commitment which requires long- and short-term safety measures to prevent aggressive and intolerant behaviors in school. Our goal is to create a positive and welcoming climate for which all members take pride. The school climate will be free of violence, drugs, intimidation, bullying, prejudice, fear and shaming. A healthy, positive school climate promotes the emotional well-being and growth of every student and staff member. At the same time, our schools provide fair and consistent rules, guidelines and models for behavior. These are addressed in the Code of Conduct.

We continue to develop and expand programs that emphasize prevention, the nurturing of competent social skills and behaviors. Our school climate builds on the strengths and assets of each student, improving resiliency and protective factors while promoting responsibility. Research shows that improving school order and safety enables students to find a meaningful roles and participate fully in a variety of positive educational and social activities. Students who are engaged in such school activities are less likely to engage in school violence and anti-social behaviors than students who have yet to establish meaningful connections at school.

Our work has included:

  • Create and maintain a comprehensive district-wide emergency management plan
  • Create a team-approach to implementing building-level safety plans.
  • Implement relevant programs for our youngest learners which will serve as a preparation for their entire educational experience
  • Provide strong leadership for a positive school climate where all students feel included
  • Communicate consistent and clear policies in a Code of Conduct
  • Seek input from parents, law enforcement, students, building cabinets, PTA and school personnel in the development of safety plans
  • Provide staff development, including skills for preventing all levels of disruption, aggression, harassment, hazing, bullying or violence


The Guilderland Central School District’s District-wide School Safety and Emergency Management Plans, were developed pursuant to Commissioner’s Regulation 155.17. At the direction of the Guilderland Central School District Board of Education, the Superintendent of Guilderland Central School District appointed a District-wide Safety Team and charged it with the development and maintenance of the Emergency Management Plan.

Identification of District-Wide Safety Team

The District-Wide Safety Team is comprised of, but not limited to, representatives of the Board of Education, teachers, social workers, administrators, parent organizations, school safety personnel and other school personnel. Individual names and contact information are included in the confidential Building Level Emergency Response Plan.

District-Wide Safety Team

This group, formerly known as, The Safe Schools Committee has developed a school safety plan which would establish a safe and welcoming environment for all students. This team has examined:

  • Data Collection: What information does the school already have?
  • Data Analysis: How can the school identify its needs?
  • Problem Solving: Can the school develop solutions and plans?
  • Implementation and evaluation

In recent years, the group focused on three components of school safety:

  • Data Collection: What information does the school already have?
  • Data Analysis: How can the school identify its needs?
  • Problem Solving: Can the school solutions and plans?
  • Implementation and evaluation

In recent years, the group focused on three components of school safety:

  1. Management of risk – addressed procedures necessary to assure safety and discouragement of acts of violence – District Emergency Management Plan.
  2. Intervention – planned for those students who are unwilling or unable to conform to school discipline and Codes of Conduct as well as those with substance abuse problems. Counseling, mediation, conflict resolution and alternative programs have been implemented to address these matters.
  3. Prevention – developed programs to promote safe and healthy lifestyles. This component addresses curriculum as well as training for students, staff and parents.

Mission Statement Regarding School Safety

To ensure that our teachers can concentrate on teaching and guiding our students in their learning. Our students will not be distracted from learning by anxiety or fear for their safety; they can enjoy socializing with classmates and adults in a climate of acceptance and warmth without fear from bullying and harassment. Expectations for behavior and a sense of responsibility will be clear. We will address the district priority to foster trust, respect and a greater sense of community among the staff, students, parents and other district residents through effective communication and understanding.


  • Develop programs to assure that students and staff have the skills, knowledge and dispositions necessary to establish a safe and healthy environment for teaching and learning;
  • Implement a comprehensive school safety plan including a Code of Conduct through the Safe Schools initiative. Annual crisis training will be held, Emergency Response Plans updated and the District-wide Safety Team will meet several times a year.
  • Eliminate bullying and harassment among students and adults through training and education. All new staff will receive training regarding sexual harassment and bullying. Students also receive ongoing information and training at middle and high school levels regarding issues of discrimination related to sexual harassment. All students receive training to prevent cyberbullying.
  • Reduce incidents of disrespect and aggression at the secondary level as measured through the implementation of a Code of Conduct and compliance with the Dignity for All Students Act (DASA). This has been documented through building reports and bus discipline referrals and the SED Violent Incident and DASA Reports. Alternative programs, counseling, and at-risk programs have addressed this. Staff has also received training on violence prevention at each level.
  • Improve school climate and academic achievement. Workshops will be provided for staff and students on anti-bias, antiracist and anti-hate behaviors, avoidance of substance abuse and conflict resolution. Staff will receive training in bullying prevention, crisis intervention, and dealing with challenging student behaviors.

Our schools will foster learning, safety, civility, respect and caring. There remains a commitment to academic excellence, achieving high standards, participatory decision making, and encouraging positive relationships between staff and students. Guilderland Schools recognize that safety and well-being are directly related to students’ academic, social and emotional development.

Community Connections: The Guilderland Police Department, Capital Region BOCES, Albany County Department of Substance Abuse, Albany County Mental Health, St. Peter’s Addiction & Recovery Center, Red Cross, and the New York State Police have all assisted in planning programs and security plans in our schools.

Roles of School Communities in Creating Safe Schools

Administrator Will:

  • Provide leadership in developing and monitoring safe school activities.
  • Establish procedures for documenting school crime as well as harassment and bullying.
  • Design a school environment that ensures safe traffic patterns within and to and from school.
  • Adopt procedures for bus safety, emergency evacuation and crisis management.
  • Participate in Building Level Emergency Response Teams and the District Wide Safety Team. They will work with building cabinets and PTA’s on issues of school safety.
  • Support teacher training on conflict resolution, crisis management, cooperative learning, sexual harassment, bullying prevention, violence prevention and effective teaching strategies as well as legal issues.

Teachers Will:

  • Respond to students in a caring manner. They develop cooperative rules and consistent classroom guidelines for behavior which prevent bullying behavior.
  • Include the teaching and modeling of pro-social behavior, conflict resolution and collaboration to be as important as teaching academic content.
  • Maintain diligent and impartial attention and response when supervising students. They recognize positive behavior and take steps to correct unacceptable behavior.
  • Refer struggling students to the School Based Support Team (SBST), social worker or counselor for intervention.
  • Inform parents of their concerns about students.
  • Participate on Building Level Emergency Response Teams.
  • Assist in the development of the Project SAVE Plan as well as implementation of our sexual harassment policy, weapons policy and policies regarding drug use.

Parent/Community Members Will:

  • Parents will serve as equal partners with Board of Education members, administrators and staff in the development of our safety plans
  • Building Cabinets including parent representatives will contribute to the development and review of school safety and Emergency Response Plans and procedures
  • Volunteer regularly in schools and assist with student activities


  • Support all efforts to create and maintain a school environment and climate in which all students feel safe, supported, respected and valued
  • Maintain a sense of responsibility for contributing to the improvement of school climate and safety;
  • Participate in school programs designed to establish strong peer-to-peer relationships

Safe School Plans

Our work includes:

Emergency Management Plan and Emergency Response Plans as required by SAVE Legislation: An effective district-wide safety plan as well as building level emergency response plans are in place to involve all school personnel, law enforcement, fire and medical rescue personnel, emergency management personnel, school district personnel, and any other persons essential to resolving any possible crisis.

Student Participation/Empowerment: Student involvement is essential in solving and preventing violent acts on school campuses. Students are involved in National Coalition Building Institute (NCBI) training, Sources of Strength, Leadership Training, Second Step, and Natural Helpers.

Parent Participation: Parents are encouraged to participate in building cabinets, on committees and as volunteers for all school functions. District PTA Council and PTA/PTSA presidents are involved. Parents serve on many district committees.

Partnership between the school and local law enforcement: Guilderland Police and school officials work together to ensure the safety of the school environment.

Crime prevention through environmental design: Safety assessments of the school facilities have been conducted with recommendations to administrators by the BOCES Risk Management personnel and the New York State Police.

Drug and alcohol prevention programs: Our K-12 Health curriculum, Wellness Days, DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education, Counseling and other programs available for drug, tobacco and alcohol prevention.

Fire and Arson Prevention and Injury Prevention: All are part of K-12 health instruction.

School crime reporting and tracking mechanism

Administrators have worked to develop a method to report, track and monitor any crime committed on school campuses. They work closely with Guilderland School Resource Officer. This is now mandated in the Violent and Disruptive Incident Reporting (VADIR).

School security

Training will be provided prior to the beginning of school and throughout the course of the year for all staff. Topics will relate to safety issues, anti-bullying, hazing, crisis management, Internet safety, harassment, gang awareness, and dealing with difficult students.

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PART 2: Guilderland Central School District District-Wide Safety Plan: Emergency Management Plan

Purpose: Commissioner’s Regulation 155.17 of the New York State Education Department requires each School District to prepare, and update annually, a District-Wide School Safety Plan. Its purpose is to insure the safety and health of children and staff. It is also intended to integrate and coordinate school activities with municipal, county, and state emergency preparedness efforts. This plan is available on the district website for public inspection and to the commissioner upon request.

In order to protect the safety and health of students and staff it is critical that plans be read, understood and practiced by all staff to assure that each of them will operate in accordance with it in the event of an emergency or disaster. It is equally important that staff treats the plan as a living document which can and should be reviewed and updated periodically and after every situation that requires its use. This assures that needed modifications are made and included in the plan without delay, before another emergency or disaster occurs. The district-wide school safety plan was developed using existing protocols and feedback from individual schools’ Building Level Emergency Response Teams, and the District-Wide Safety Team.

Required Contents: Per NYS regulations, our plan is intended to prevent or minimize the effects of emergencies and to coordinate the use of resources. Our plan includes the following:

1. Identification of sites of a potential emergency

The school district has identified sites of potential emergency, per Section 155.17(e)(1)(I): They include but are not limited to: Route 20, NYS Thruway, Northway, Routes 155 & 146, The Northeast Industrial Park (all occupants), Albany County International Airport, Schenectady County Airport, Conrail tracks, Crossgates Mall, and National Guard Shooting Range. On site at each elementary school: heating boilers and playgrounds. At the middle and high school: heating boilers, chemistry labs, athletic competition areas, and wood shops. Off-site field trips are also an emergency exposure.

2. Identification of appropriate responses to emergencies

Appropriate school district response to a variety of emergency situations is the notification of emergency services via 911 and the use of the Incident Command System. As of September 2010 the District Wide Safety Team distributed the uniform response protocol flip charts in all classrooms and kitchens. All school personnel receive the required SAVE training annually.

3. Description of arrangements for obtaining assistance during emergencies from emergency services organizations and local government agencies

Contact with emergency services organizations has been simplified with the inauguration of enhanced 911 service in this area. Initial response to all emergencies within the individual school buildings will be by the School Crisis Response Team. Immediate notification of appropriate emergency agencies will be made using the 911 system, and notification to the district office will be made using telephone, fax, radio, or other means as determined by the individual situation.

In 2016, amendments to the SAVE Law required district-wide safety plans to include the designation of a Chief Emergency Officer

The Chief Emergency Officer is responsible for:

  • Coordinating communication between staff and law enforcement and first responders;
  • Leading the efforts of the district-wide school safety team in the completion and yearly update of the district-wide school safety plan and the coordination of the district-wide plan with the building-level emergency response plans;
  • Ensuring student and staff understanding of the district wide school safety plan;
  • Ensuring the completion and yearly update of building-level emergency response plans for each school building;
  • Assisting in the selection of security related technology and development of procedures for the use of such technology;
  • Coordinating appropriate safety, security, and emergency training for district and school staff, including required training in the emergency response plan;
  • Ensuring the conduct of required evacuation and lock-down drills in all district buildings as required by education Law section 807; and
  • Ensuring the completion and yearly update of the building-level emergency response plans by the dates designated by the commissioner.

The Chief Emergency Officer in the Guilderland Central School District is the Superintendent of Schools.

4. Descriptions of procedures to coordinate the use of school district resources and manpower during emergencies, including identification of the officials authorized to make decisions and the staff members assigned to provide assistance during emergencies

During an emergency the chain of command in a school district does not alter. The Superintendent (or designee) is the source of all authority to act. In a building level emergency, the building principal (or designee) is in charge. The Building Level Emergency Response Team is gathered. Incident Command Procedures are followed. Cooperative decisions, based on response agencies and personnel involved, are made. Each site-based team will be comprised of teachers, nurses, custodians, and other key personnel within each building. Each site will maintain a list of current members of the individual Building Level Emergency Response Teams.

5. Identification of district resources that may be available during an emergency

In the event that any school district property, personnel, or services are required, the Superintendent will meet with the agency/persons requesting such aid and the individual building(s)/location(s)/supervisor(s) through which the aid would be provided. The school district has filled out and submitted Red Cross facilities/equipment availability. First aid kits, blankets, 2-way radios, vehicles, cell phones are just some of the district resources available.

6. A system for informing all education agencies within the district of the emergency

The educational agencies within the district would be primarily notified by phone of an emergency.

In the absence of phone service on a district-wide or area level, alternative procedures for notification are in place – The Community Notification Plan, which lists the radio and TV stations that would be used to announce emergency situations. If this process was not deemed adequate, school district employees, namely maintenance staff or bus drivers, would be dispatched to the educational agencies to explain the situations. Contact with the mobile staff would be accomplished via 2-way radio system (maintainable with power outage), and with call alert 2-way radio communications.

In the event that a situation arose that did not require a “go home early” response, but one of re-location or shelter-in-place, a note written by the principal, and approved through the Superintendent, would be sent home immediately through electronic messaging systems (School Messenger, email, web site). The message would describe what occurred, the school response, and a name and phone number that the parent could contact to obtain additional information if desired.

7. A description of plans for taking four types of action in response to emergencies:

  • school cancellation;
  • early dismissal;
  • evacuation; and
  • sheltering in place

School cancellation, early dismissal, and evacuation decisions will be made by the Superintendent or his/her designee, and are based upon information obtained from district staff, local, county, state, and federal agencies. Sheltering plans are enacted on an individual school basis, as determined by the building principal, or designee.

Individuals will exit from buildings following posted Fire Exit routes, unless conditions at the time do not allow for same.

School cancellation before the start of the school day is done through the media notification procedure, normally prior to 6 am. Cancellation of after school or evening activities is done via media notification procedures and the district website. Children would receive a verbal announcement that after school activities are canceled. This is done with enough lead time so that children may call a parent and advise them.

Early dismissal procedures are conducted school and district communication procedures have been enacted and media notification has started. This is also posted on Channel 16 and the district website. School notification systems are also used to inform parents and the community.

Evacuation and sheltering procedures are customized at each site location in the district. Each facility has a primary and a backup evacuation area.

Notification to parents of these locations would be via phone tree, school notification systems, and/or media notification procedures at the time of the emergency. Each building site has several sheltering areas available, dependent upon the nature of the emergency. The route(s) taken to these areas are dependent upon the nature of the emergency. Each individual site-based building plan has specific sheltering areas for the various emergencies. Examples of some of the potential evacuation/sheltering areas are: gyms, cafeterias, halls, in the classroom under desks, in a tight group in a corner not being able to be seen from the doorway. In Spring 2019 each Building Level Emergency Response Team did a relocation site visit and updated their reunification plan.

8. Procedures for obtaining advice and assistance from local government officials

In an emergency, the Superintendent or designee will contact an emergency management manager and/or the highest ranking local government official to obtain in advice and assistance. The chief emergency officer will be responsible for coordinating communication between staff and law enforcement and first responders and for ensuring staff understanding of the district-level safety plan. Guilderland’s chief emergency officer is the Superintendent of Schools. The district has identified resources available from but not limited to the following agencies: Red Cross, local fire departments, police, town public works, police, EMS, and others.

9. Training, Drills, and Exercises

Each school within the school district, will have at a minimum, one annual multi-hazard drill. Such drills will be conducted during the annual go-home-early drill day as announced by the Capital Region BOCES. Historically this date is in mid-October, but has been as late as April.

On this day, communications are tested in all buildings such as: intercoms, 2-way radios, and bullhorns. Directives as provided from BOCES are distributed to staff regarding leaving the building and not re-entering during the drill time. Alternative student loading areas are used. In some cases, these locations are at the other side of school district property and involve moving the student body from the school building across school grounds to the alternate site. In some cases, police agencies close down major roadways through the area to allow for the safe passage. Incident command protocols are practiced at this time.

Evacuation, intruder and weather emergency drills will be planned and conducted in individual school buildings within the district. The site-based Building Level Emergency Response Team set the date and scenarios for the drills. At least one fire drill must be conducted during lunch periods. Staff is notified of the drill in advance. Students are guided through what is expected of and from them before the drill date. Information about drills is included in a Multi-Hazard Response Protocols Flip Chart located in each occupied space in the school district.

Classroom teachers provide guidance during the course of the regular classroom day. This would include, but not be limited to: proper duck/cover position, expected behavior, and the importance of being prepared. Advance information provided to students is prepared and cleared for use by Building Level Emergency Response Team members at each site. The local fire, EMS, and police agencies are advised of the date(s).

The following additional drill requirements apply for summer school, after school programs, events or performances:

  • At least two additional drills must be held during summer school in buildings where summer school is conducted, one must be held during the first week of summer school;
  • For after-school programs, events or performances conducted within a school building and include persons who do not regularly attend classes in the buildings, the principal or other person in charge of the building must require the teachers or person in charge of the after-school program, event or performance notify attendees of the procedures to be followed in an emergency.

All staff will receive annual multi-hazard SAVE Training which includes components on violence prevention and mental health. New employees hired after the start of the school year will receive this training within 30 days of hire.

  • The fire drill requirement was amended. Each school now has to conduct eight evacuation drills and four lockdown drills during the normal school year. Eight of those drills (either evacuation or lockdown), need to be completed by December 31st each year.

10. Responding to Threats and Acts of Violence

During emergencies, school administrators and their incident command system back-ups will refer to the Emergency Preparedness Procedures flip chart or app. These protocols are reviewed by the district wide school safety team to ensure content and consistency throughout the district.

By definition, threats of violence include implied or direct threats by students, faculty, staff and visitors. Threats of violence also include threats by students against themselves, including suicide. Anytime they have knowledge of it, school personnel will coordinate with incident command to directly call parents/guardians of any students that are directly impacted by threats of or acts of violence. This notification will also take place when a student implies or specifically threatens self-inflicted violence, including suicide.

The Building Level Emergency Response Team will assemble and review the overall drill. From these reviews alternative plans have been formulated. These types of drills have been conducted for many years within the district. Specific meeting, attendance, and review notes are maintained at each site location, and are in the possession of the principal or assistant principal.

Per New York State Education Law, each school will conduct at least four lockdown drills and eight fire drills during the normal school year.

Local Fire Departments and EMS staff conduct walk-throughs of each school building annually. Specific dates are determined by the day/date of their regularly scheduled monthly meetings.

Information about each educational agency

The (confidential) Building Level Emergency Plan includes information about each educational agency, including:

  • School population
  • Number of staff
  • Transportation needs
  • Names and contact information of key officials

Crisis Intervention and Recovery Plan (AFTERMATH)

The Crisis Intervention and Recovery Plan is intended to provide guidance to assist the members of the staff and community to cope with the psychological and social impacts of school emergencies and community events. The goal of such a plan is to provide the appropriate counseling to the victims of tragedy and their friends, family, and acquaintances. In many cases, an established crisis recovery team may offer valuable resources in the event on an emergency or natural disaster.

School-Community Partnerships

Partnerships established between businesses, community based agencies, local government and senior citizen groups have been integral to making our school safe.

Social workers at each level have provided referrals and linkage to human service agencies. Social workers also work with area therapists, Brattleboro Services, Four Winds, Albany County Mental Health, Project Hope, and the Albany County Department of Social Services.

District representatives will serve on the Albany County PINS Diversion Board which involves presentations from each Albany County School District as well as state, county and private providers, Family Court, Probation, Albany County Office of Children & Families, and the Guilderland Police.

Other related activities include:

NCBI (National Coalition Building Institute) at the High School and Middle School; Leadership Training at the High School; Gardening Projects – Farnsworth Middle School; Senior citizen/student collaboration at various schools; Pine Bush project; Guilderland YMCA; Summer Enrichment Programs with the Town of Guilderland; PTA/PTSA; Parent Education; the Positivity Project and Sources of Strength.

At the town level the district has participated in a number of initiatives. Guilderland Police School Resource Officers are in our schools and work closely with administrators.

Community Notification Plan

The Community Notification Plan is a multi-stepped procedure to notify the community of any changes in the normal operation of the school buildings.

Site-based procedures include phone, email polling procedures, school notification systems, media notification guidelines and special requirements for public notification whenever other emergency service agencies are involved. The district has a Communication Specialist on staff, through BOCES. This person assists with notifications and community outreach.

Implementation of School Security

Each site-based team has developed a locked-door procedure during the school day. Entry into the buildings is through a front door, or via a controlled access at a rear “delivery door.” Visitors are required to sign in and out, and are assigned passes to be displayed while in school buildings. The district has enacted a district wide photo ID system. The high school location has a local police agency provided Resource Officer. The resource officer provides a wide range of services, see attached. The Resource Officer services are district wide, not just limited to the high school facility. All staff wear photo I.D. nametags.

The middle and high schools each have hall monitors. Guidelines for monitors dealing with students are provided below. At the middle and high school, the monitors provide supervision of the visitor sign-in as well as assisting visitors with directions to the areas they need to visit. All hall monitors are unarmed and have 2-way radios that allow them to communicate with each other and the main offices of the school buildings.

Pre-employment screening is done through the Human Resources Department. Fingerprints and standard background checks are conducted. Various duties during emergencies are expected of hall monitors. These include securing key hallway intersections and making sure that students remain in classrooms, sweeping hallways for suspicious looking items, and securing any open doors.

During regular school hours, monitors check the halls during classes to make sure that students have proper passes, between classes-to keep hallway intersections clear of groups, and to check parking areas during the day to check for proper parking permits on cars.

Public conduct expectations are outlined in the attached Board of Education Policy.


The superintendent shall notify the commissioner as soon as possible whenever the emergency plan is activated and results in the closing of a school building in the district and shall provide such information as the commissioner may require. School districts within a supervisory district shall provide such notification through the district superintendent who shall be responsible for notifying the commissioner. Such information need not be provided for routine snow emergency days.

Delegation of Authority

In the event that key members of the chain of command are unavailable or have been incapacitated, a delegation of authority is in place to assure that the individuals who act on behalf of the district have sufficient authority to take appropriate action. It is also essential that staff know to whom they must report in the absence of the superintendent, principal, or other designated official.

The following delegations of authority shall apply to the operations of the Emergency Plan for the Guilderland Central School District. In the event the designated authority in the district or building is absent or incapacitated, the first alternate shall be empowered to make all decisions falling under the purview of the designated authority. The second alternate shall have authority in the absence of the other two. This delegation shall remain in effect until the designee shall notify the alternate that he or she has been relieved.

Designated Authority: Superintendent of Schools
First Alternate: Assistant Superintendent for Business
Second Alternate: Assistant. Superintendent for Human Resources

Designated Authority: Building Principal
First Alternate: Asst. Principal (if one is assigned)
Second Alternate: Office Secretary

Designated Authority: Director of Facilities
First Alternate: Assistant Director of Facilities

Designated Authority: Supervisor of Transportation
First Alternate: Asst. Transportation Supervisor
Second Alternate: Bus Maintenance Supervisor

Designated Authority: School Nurse
First Alternate: Head District Nurse

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PART 3: Guilderland Central School District Building Level Emergency Response Plan


Purpose: Each Guilderland school’s Building-Level Emergency Response Plan was developed pursuant to Commissioner’s Regulation 155.17. At the direction of the Guilderland Central School District Board of Education, the Principal of each school has established a Building-level School Safety Team and charged it with the development and maintenance of the School Emergency Response Plan.

Identification of School Teams

Each school has developed two emergency teams:

  • Building-level Crisis Response Team. This team is a combining of mandated Building-Level School Safety Team, and the Building-Level Emergency Response Team. This joint team has provided input into the School-level Emergency Response Plan, and provides the initial response and duration to all emergencies within the school building.
  • At the conclusion of the emergency, they will conduct a de-briefing and hold subsequent meetings to determine changes, if any are needed, to the response protocols within the building.
  • Building-level Post-Incident Response Team. This team would conduct “AFTERMATH” services to the individual school, providing counseling services to staff, students, and others needing assistance. Members of this committee will assist in the return of the building to a useable service.

Concept of Operations

Initial response to all emergencies at each school will be by the School Emergency Response Team. Upon activation of the team, The Superintendent of Schools or his designee will be notified, and where appropriate, local emergency officials will also be notified. Additional resources are available through existing protocols.

The District-Level Plan has identified sites of emergency, and the School-Level Team has identified areas within and immediately around the school building that requires protective actions. After identification, training has been conducted as determined in the district-wide plan. Local emergency services are notified of pending drills and exercises and are requested to attend.

School-Level responses are based upon the Incident Command System(ICS). The level of ICS needed is based upon the needs of the incident. The school building has developed contingency plans to continue operations during an emergency. Emergency Services have been given site specific plans for the school building. Procedures are in place for the activation and notification of the Building-Level Emergency Response Plan.

Hazard Guidelines

School plans include site specific responses for the multi-hazard responses named in the District-Level School Safety Plan. Policies and procedures for the safe evacuation of students, staff, other school personnel, and visitors are established. These policies and procedures include, but are not limited to:

  • Evacuation before, during and after school hours
  • Evacuation Routes
  • Sheltering areas
  • Procedures for addressing medical needs
  • Transportation
  • Notification of persons in Parental Relation

Policies and Procedures for building security and restriction to crime scene areas in order to preserve evidence from being disturbed or destroyed in case of violent crimes on school property are in place.


Each school has a Building Level Emergency Response Team. Names and contact information of key players are included in the (confidential) Building Level Emergency Response Plans at each school.

District-Wide Emergency Response Teams

Each school has a Building Level Emergency Response Team. Names and contact information of key players are included in the (confidential) Building Level Emergency Response Plans at each school.

School Resource Officer

The Guilderland Police Department has had a long-standing commitment to the youth of our community. We have taken great strides to try to keep our children safe and make the Town of Guilderland a great place for parents to raise their children. The police department youth services division has been one such group that makes children’s safety a daily job. The Department has had a youth services division nearly since the formation of the department, and has maintained the same services to youth.

The goals of the SRO program are to build relationships between the school and the police department and provide an added resource to the school, but more so to the students and youth that attend the school. The SRO program is a community based policing effort that helps break down barriers that have existed between youth and police and open new doors for kids to be able to converse and trust the police in a new light.

The SRO provides assistance in the form of counseling to students, parents, and faculty, giving a new view point or perspective from an outside source, not tied to the school. A School Resource Officer can be a teacher or information gatherer, as the police officer is a wealth of information relative to criminal justice and law enforcement. SRO’s are able to be guest speakers in classrooms regarding the laws and rules that govern our society. Teaching in classes such as criminal justice, public policy, and health are just examples of the various classes that the SRO can teach and provide insight. The concept is to provide a pro-active measure to try and deter crime before it happens.

Knowledge of a police officer on campus may deter some crimes from occurring, and should a crime occur, the SRO is readily available to provide police service to the school and resolve the issue.

The SRO is part of the school community and part of the community as a whole. Making these bonds, friendships and connections is what makes the program work. This feeling of community is what helps the SRO with resolving issues and problems not only in the school but outside in the community. Children have issues outside of school and having the ability to work with a known, friendly face when the child may be in a time of need is an added bonus to helping someone through difficult times.

Presently, Officers Sean Ralston and Kris Scarano serve in this position. Officer Ralston is a certified Juvenile Officer and School Resource Officer. His primary responsibility is the high school. Officer Scarano is a certified School Resource Officer and is scheduled for Juvenile Officer training in Summer 2023. His primary responsibility is the middle school. Both officers respond to calls for service at each school as needed. Officer Matt Hanzalik and Officer Patty Stallmer of the Community Services Division at the Guilderland Police Department are also valuable resources to the school district’s S.A.V.E. Plan.

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PART 4:  Intervention/Code of Conduct

Students who demonstrate behavioral difficulties and social problems may require a range of intervention involving school Child Study teams, social workers, counselors, multiple agencies, community-based service providers and intense family support. Effective intervention uses multiple, focused approaches over time and can reduce the potential for more serious problems and violence.

Nontraditional or alternative school approaches are available in the middle and high school through FOCUS.

Strive for Success is another Farnsworth Middle School program offered to sixth, seventh and eighth graders who need assistance with studying and organizational skills. Parents are also involved in this program.

FOCUS is a school program that provides a success-oriented learning environment for high school students identified as unsuccessful within the regular school situation. FOCUS assumes a holistic approach to education, dealing with the whole student – intellectually, socially, emotionally and physically.

Alternative education programs have offered students who may have given up, another chance at education and success. Programs such as FOCUS model effective instructional strategies such as high expectations, counseling and family work, use of varied learning styles, expanded academic options, and school-to-work opportunities.

Dealing with Sudden Death and Suicide Procedures

The district social workers have developed a plan for dealing with the sudden death of a student and suicide. This plan lists procedures for administrators and staff for notifying staff and students, grief counseling for students, sensitivity and help for parents coping with loss and public notification. The plan contains much helpful information for staff and administrators to deal effectively and sensitively with this issue.

Instructional Support Teams

In each school there is a multi-disciplinary Instructional Support Team composed of teachers, social workers, counselors and therapists. The teams help teachers and parents of students experiencing difficulty – both academically and socially. The IST helps identify problems and assess steps toward solutions. These solutions may involve in-school counseling, behavior plans, alternative education or outside counseling. Parents, the student’s teacher and, where appropriate, the student, participate in these meetings.

Social Work Services

As a service to our school population, the Guilderland Central School District employs twelve social workers, K-12.

These school social workers provide unique services to students, their families and school staff by facilitating the resolution of situations where behavioral and social barriers interfere with a student’s ability to attain his or her potential.

Social workers provide short-term individual counseling to assist students through crisis situations as they arise (i.e. sudden death). They also offer group counseling to help students cope with school, family and social stresses (i.e. divorce, separation, death, relocation, academic difficulties, peer problems and school adjustment). Referrals may come from parents, staff or students.

Through the Academic Intervention Services Initiative, social workers assist the student in identifying causes of their problems, accepting responsibility for their actions, developing decision-making skills, overcoming crisis, enhancing self-concept, resolving conflict without violence, identifying and utilizing resources within the school, home and community, increasing motivation, respecting cultural and physical differences, and improving their attendance.

The school social worker also assists parents in becoming partners in their children’s education. They provide consultation to parents regarding their child’s academic performance, behavior and developmental needs. They assist parents in identifying and utilizing community resources. Crisis counseling, parent education and support are also provided to parents as needed.

School social workers hold a 60-hour master’s degree in social work from an accredited graduate school of social work. They hold a certification in social work (CSW) through the State Education Department, must additionally be certified through the State Education Department as school social workers, and are bound by professional ethics. The goals behind school social work are to increase the rate of students’ success: to facilitate, cooperate and collaborate with team members; to be a liaison for the community; and to provide leadership in working towards the fulfillment of the whole student.

Code of Conduct

The third component of Guilderland’s S.A.V.E. plan is the Code of Conduct. This was developed by a subcommittee of the District Safety Team. This has been shared with building cabinets, PTA/PTSA presidents, teachers, G.T.A. presidents, Board of Education Policy Committee, Guilderland School Resource Officers, and students.

To see the Guilderland CSD Code of Conduct please go to the district website at:

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PART 5:  Prevention/Risk Reduction

Guilderland Schools encourage staff and students to take pride in their schools and to experience a sense of community. In each school many programs and activities offer students the chance to have a pro-social role in the school and community. Whether they are involved in a school garden project or taking part in a school club, involvement in these activities grant all student participants the satisfaction of positive action.
Students are involved in school governance through student council and building cabinets, and are members of the Council for Safe & Respectful Schools. In addition to these organizations, students are involved in social consciousness, peer governing and peer assistance programs.

A partial list of K-12 programs include:
The Alliance; Elementary Study Buddies Program; Natural Helpers; Amnesty International; Students & Teachers Against Racism (STAR); Student Government; Bus Buddies; Key Club; YMCA/GCC; Student Gardening Programs; Students Against Hunger; Pine Bush Project; NCBI – MS, HS; Achieving Cultural Togetherness; Peaceful School Bus; Peer Leadership; S.A.D.D. – High School, Guilderland Elem.; Banana Splits; EKP; Martin Luther King programs; Second Step; Strive for Success; High School Advisory

Another way to empower students is to involve them at every level in carefully created and nurturing school traditions that contribute to a feeling of school community and pride. For example, some schools establish a school theme or project annually.

At all levels school spirit weeks and assemblies are often a powerful way to involve students and staff in a feeling of togetherness and pride. Daily connections are made at the middle and high school through use of student/teacher designed news programs.

Violence Prevention/Intervention

  1. Activities have been developed to foster school norms against violence, aggression and bullying. Wellesley Center for Women’s Bully Proof curriculum, the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program and the Committee for Children’s Second Step Program are used by elementary and middle school social workers and teachers. Schools cultivate respect for diversity and celebrate learning, athletics and social education. PTA’s are highly supportive of student activities.
  2. Instructional strategies/skills training is offered to staff and implemented in classroom instruction.
    Teachers are trained in best practices in classroom instruction to foster social behavior and effective learning in the classroom. Workshops offered dealt with classroom management, cooperative learning, handling disruptive students, active listening, academic controversy, brain-based learning, mind mapping and concept attainment. Administrators and supervisors were part of this training and supervise implementation in the classroom.
  3. Teachers and social workers are knowledgeable in assessing students with violent tendencies and help them to access treatment.

Staff meetings and workshops have helped teachers address risk factors in students at all levels.

Teachers have been given instruction on student risk factors associated with potential violence toward self and others as well as crisis intervention training. Any one of these risk factors is sufficient for predicting violence, but it may be inappropriate or potentially harmful to use them simply as a checklist for an individual youth. These lists should not be used to stereotype or stigmatize individual youth because they appear to fit a set of risk factors.

Personal factors

  • history of tantrums/uncontrollable angry outbursts
  • past violent behavior
  • characteristically resorts to name calling/cursing
  • bullying of peers or younger children
  • history of being bullied
  • a pattern of violent threats when angry
  • cruelty to animals and/or fire-setting
  • use and abuse of alcohol or drugs
  • past suicide attempts
  • often depressed and/or has significant mood swings
  • tends to blame others for problems caused by oneself
  • recent experience of humiliation, loss or rejection
  • excessive preoccupation with weapons/explosives
  • poor peer relations, is on the fringe of peer group with few or no close friends
  • involvement with cults or gangs
  • unstructured time

Family factors

  • family history of violence
  • history of being a victim of abuse
  • severe or inconsistent punishment
  • absence of clear expectations/standards for youth behavior
  • little or no supervision or support from parents or caring adults

Community/Environmental factors

  • extreme economic deprivation
  • low neighborhood attachment and community disorganization
  • past destruction of property/vandalism
  • few organized activities in community for youth

School factors

  • previously brought a dangerous weapon to school
  • aggressiveness in grades K-3, may be combined with social isolation or hyperactivity
  • skipping school, getting into fights, misbehaving in class
  • background of serious disciplinary problems
  • previously been truant, suspended, or expelled for aggressive behavior
  • reflects anger or frustration in school essays/drawings/journals
  • academic failure beginning in grade school (experience of failure escalates risk rather than ability)

4. In addition to staff training, the district has reached out to parents and students on potentially dangerous behavior through parent and student handbooks outlining policies as well as the Code of Conduct. Brochures on sexual harassment, bullying, and diversity are sent to parents and students at appropriate grade levels. A particular focus of the district has been on bullying, using the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program. Several parent workshops for elementary and middle school parents have been held. Student programs such as N.C.B.I. (National Coalition Building Institute) involve middle school and high school students in anti-violence and anti-bullying activities. “Second Step” is a nationally recognized anti-bullying program which is used in elementary schools. The district newsletter, Channel 16 Cable TV and the district website also provide information to parents and students as well.

5. Also teachers and staff are annually given copies of policies and procedures in handbooks for responding to implied or direct threats of violence by students or visitors to schools.

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    PART 6: Professional Development for Violence Prevention Education/Character Education

    Many of the initiatives in our district’s Professional Development Plan are designed to prevent school violence and to build character. The most effective character education is based on core values and a philosophy articulated through district priorities. Each of our schools has made deliberate and effective efforts to embed both district priorities and our core values in the educational lives of students. These are also conveyed to parents and community through school newsletters, video programs, school events, and district publications.

    Effective character education requires an intentional, proactive and comprehensive approach that promotes core values in all phases of school life. It also includes a meaningful and challenging academic curriculum that respects all learners and helps them succeed. Our health curriculum K-12 allows time for teachers to address issues of violence prevention and mental health.

    Professional development for all staff helps them to identify and constructively addresses potential violence and peer abuse such as put-downs, racial slurs, sexual harassment, insensitive gender remarks, remarks on appearance or economic or social status. Training such as cooperative learning has allowed staff to promote a team effort, and to create inclusive standards for responsible classroom behavior. Our implementation of the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program has been a priority. Our school’s approach to behavior management emphasizes our core values within constructive discussion, explanation and consequences. This is what our Code or Conduct emphasizes.

    In the district’s Professional Development Plan, our training for staff focuses on developmentally appropriate forms of behavior management. It offers staff ways to routinely deal with behavior issues in ways that encourage intrinsic motivation and offer students opportunities for reparation while not demeaning the individual. Violence prevention education goes beyond a Superintendent’s Conference Day and is part of all our staff development.

    Our Professional Development Plan can be viewed on the Guilderland CSD website

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    PART 7: Pandemic Continuity of Operations Plan

    This Continuity of Operations Plan (plan) has been developed to meet the requirements of subsection (2)(m) of Education Law §2801-a which requires public employers to prepare a plan for the continuation of operations in the event that the Governor declares a public health emergency involving a communicable disease. This plan is built upon the components of the District-Wide School Safety and the Building-Level Emergency Response Plan(s). The Plan includes elements of the COVID-19 Reopening Plan and will be updated regularly to reflect current guidance and best practices. The District-Wide School Safety Team assumes responsibility for development and compliance with all provisions of this plan and implementation at the building level through the Building-Level Emergency Response Team.

    The district will work closely with the Albany County Department of Health (local health department) to determine the need for activation of this plan. The district will report suspected and confirmed cases of communicable diseases (e.g., influenza, coronavirus, etc.) on the monthly Communicable Disease Report, (DMS-485.7/93; HE-112.4/81) and submit it to the local health department. Depending on the severity of the disease, the district may be required to report information more frequently and in another format (i.e., daily for COVID-19).

    The local health department will monitor county-wide communicable disease cases and inform school districts as to appropriate actions.
    When this plan is activated, the District-Wide School Safety Team may invite additional people to the meetings to aid in the planning efforts:

    • Assistant Superintendent for Business
    • Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction
    • Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources
    • Communications Specialist
    • Director of Facilities
    • District Medical Director
    • Food Service Director
    • School nurse(s)
    • Technology Director
    • Transportation Supervisor

    Communication with parents, students, staff, and the school community is important throughout a pandemic outbreak. Communication methods will include postings to the district website, general mailings, email, social media, school communication apps, and the public media. The district Communications Specialist has been designated to coordinate this effort. Communications will work closely with the Coordinator of Data and Information to ensure proper function of all communication systems.

    A. Essential Positions/Titles

    The district has developed this plan to prepare for any future government-ordered shutdowns that may occur, similar to the coronavirus shutdown in the spring of 2020. Attachment 1 includes a list of essential positions that would be required to be on-site or in district to continue to function as opposed to those positions that could work remotely. The list includes:

    • Title – a list of positions/titles considered essential (i.e., could not work remotely) in the event of a state-ordered reduction of in-person workforce.
    • Description – brief description of job function.
      ▪ Justification – brief description of critical responsibilities that could not be provided remotely.
    • Work Shift – brief description of how work shifts of essential employees and/or contractors will be staggered in order to reduce overcrowding in the district.
    • Protocol – how precise hours and work locations, including off-site visits, will be documented for essential employees and contractors.

    Continuity of operations could be severely impacted by a loss of staff. The table below describes the procedures for maintaining essential functions and services by planning for backup personnel.

    Overall Operations

    • Have decision-making authority for the district.
    • Make district policies and procedures to reflect crisis response.

    Assigned this role and back-up positions

    • Superintendent
      •  Assistant Superintendent for Business

    Business Office


    Maintain overall function and facilities operation. Review essential functions and responsibilities of back-up personnel.

    Assigned this role and back-up positions

    • Assistant Superintendent for Business
      • Business Administrator


    Assigned this role and back-up positions

    • Payroll Clerk
      • Personnel Assistant II

    Accounts Payable/Receivable-General Funds

    Assigned this role and back-up positions

    • Sr. Account Clerk
      • Business Administrator
      • Sr. Account Clerk

    Accounts Payable/Receivable-Construction Funds

    Assigned this role and back-up positions

    • Sr. Account Clerk
      • Sr. Account Clerk
      • Secretary to Asst. Supt for Business

    Food Service

    Assigned this role and back-up positions

    • Food Service Director
      • Sr. Account Clerk


    • Keep the Business Office informed of staffing issues and of the point at which buildings can no longer be maintained
    • Provided building administrators with procedures for maintaining essential building functions (e.g., HVAC system operation, alarms, security, etc.) along with a list of telephone numbers of outside companies and alternates for repair and maintenance of these systems
    • Meet with staff and monitor their ability to maintain essential function

    Assigned this role and back-up positions

    • Director of Facilities
      • Assistant Director of Facilities or Custodial Supervisor
      • Assistant Superintendent for Business

    Human Resources

    • Monitors absenteeism and ensures appropriate delegation of authority
    • Work with bargaining units to develop the plan for emergency use of personnel in non-traditional functions and changes in the normal work-day such as alternate or reduced work hours, working from home, etc.

    Assigned this role and back-up positions

    • Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources
      • Assistant Superintendent for Business

    Continuity of Instruction


    Will be implemented in the event of significant absences or school closure. Alternate learning strategies will include:

    • Hard copy, self-directed lessons
    • Use of mobile media storage devices for lessons (CDs, Jump Drives, iPads)
    • On-line instruction; on-line resources; on-line textbooks
    • Communication modalities for assignment postings and follow-up: telephone; Postal Service; cell phone, cell phone mail, text messages; e-mail; automated notification systems; website postings

    Assigned this role and back-up positions

    • Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction
      • Coordinator for Data and Information
      • Coordinator for Instructional Technology
      • Network Systems Specialist Coordinator

    B. Working/Learning Remotely

    The District will assess devices and technology needs of all non-essential employees and contractors in order to enable telecommuting.

    Options for assessing district needs include stakeholder meetings or surveys to ascertain:

    • Who will need devices and/or peripherals at home,
    • What programs will need to be added to these devices, and
    • The availability of viable existing at-home Internet service.

    C. Staggered Shifts

    Depending on the exact nature of the communicable disease and its impact, the district is prepared to use the strategies below to reduce traffic congestion and maintain social distancing:

    • Limiting building occupancy to 25%, 50% or 75% of capacity or the maximum allowable by state or local guidance.
    • Forming employee work shift cohorts to limit potential contacts.
    • Limit employee travel within the building and/or between buildings.
    • Limit restroom usage to specific work areas.
    • Stagger arrival and dismissal times.
    • Alternate work-days or workweeks.
    • Implement a four-day workweek.
    • Limit or eliminate visitors to the building.

    The district may need to include additional strategies based on updated federal, state, and local guidance.

    D. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Face Coverings

    The district will procure a six-month supply of face coverings and PPE required for essential work tasks. Disposable PPE will be provided in quantities of at least two pieces per workday.

    • N-95: Nurses/Nurses’ Aides, Cleaners/Custodians (based on disinfectants used)
    • Face Shields: Nurses/Nurses’ Aides, Special Education
    • Gowns: Nurses/Nurses’ Aides, Special Education
    • Gloves: Nurses/Nurses’ Aides, Special Education, Cleaners/Custodians, Maintenance/Mechanics
    • Cloth Face Coverings*: All faculty, staff and students

    * Cloth face coverings are not considered personal protective equipment by OSHA because their capability to protect the wearer is unknown. However, cloth face coverings are important as a source control for COVID-19 and provides some protection to the wearer. As such, OSHA strongly encourages workers to wear face coverings.

    Those individuals that are required to wear N-95 respirators will be fit-tested and medically screened prior to use to ensure they are physically able to do so.

    The use of cloth face coverings to reduce the spread of communicable diseases is important to the health and safety of faculty, staff and students. Cloth face coverings are meant to protect other people in case the wearer is unknowingly infected (asymptomatic) and are essential when physical distancing is difficult. Information will be provided to faculty, staff and students on proper use, removal, and cleaning of cloth face coverings. All faculty, staff and students will be encouraged to utilize their own personal face coverings but the district will secure and provide face coverings as needed.

    PPE and face coverings will be stored in a manner which will prevent degradation. These supplies will be monitored to ensure integrity and track usage rates. District communication on how to access PPE will be provided.

    E. Response Protocols for Preventing Spread

    The District-Wide School Safety Team will meet to determine the need for activation of a pandemic response based on internal monitoring and correspondence with the local health department and other experts.

    • The Incident Command Structure at both the District and Building level will be informed that the response effort has been enacted. These individuals will meet to discuss the plan’s activation and review responsibilities and communication procedures.
    • Communications will work closely with the IT department to re-test all communication systems to ensure proper function. The District-wide School Safety Team and Building-Level Emergency Response Teams will assist in this effort.
    • An alert will be sent to the school community upon activation of this plan. The communication will be based on the latest information from federal, state and local health authorities.
    • If the decision is made to close a school building, the district will notify the NYS Education Department and District Superintendent.

    The district will assign a communicable disease safety coordinator, Assistant Superintendent for Business whose responsibilities include continuous compliance with all aspects of the district’s reopening plan and any phased-in reopening activities necessary to allow for operational issues to be resolved before activities return to normal or “new normal” levels. The coordinators shall be the main contact upon the identification of positive communicable disease cases and are responsible for subsequent communication. Coordinators shall be responsible for answering questions from students, faculty, staff, and parents or legal guardians of students regarding the public health emergency and plans implemented by the school.

    The school district has determined employee policies for available leave in the event of the need of an employee to receive testing, treatment, isolation, or quarantine. These policies are consistent with existing federal, state, or local law, including regarding sick leave or health information privacy.

    F. Hand Hygiene

    Faculty, staff, and students will be trained on proper hand hygiene. Information will be provided to parents and/or legal guardians on ways to reinforce hand hygiene at home. The district will provide stations around the school buildings:

    • For hand washing: soap, running water, and disposable paper towels.
    • For hand sanitizing: an alcohol-based hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol for areas where handwashing facilities may not be available or practical.
    • Accommodations for students who cannot use hand sanitizer will be made.

    G. Communicable Disease Exposures

    The district must be prepared for communicable disease outbreaks in their local communities and for individual exposure events to occur in their facilities, regardless of the level of community transmission. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) have provided recommendations for strategies to follow after an exposure:

    • Close off areas used by a sick person and not using these areas until after cleaning and disinfection has occurred.
    • Open outside doors and windows to increase air circulation in the area.
    • Wait at least 24 hours before cleaning and disinfection. If waiting 24 hours is not feasible, wait as long as possible;
    • Clean and disinfect all areas used by the person suspected or confirmed to have a communicable disease, such as offices, classrooms, bathrooms, lockers, and common areas.
    • Once the area has been appropriately cleaned and disinfected it can be reopened for use.
    • Individuals without close or proximate contact with the person suspected or confirmed to have a communicable disease can return to the area and resume school activities immediately after cleaning and disinfection.
    • If more than seven days have passed since the person who is suspected or confirmed to have a communicable disease has visited or used the facility, additional cleaning or disinfection is not necessary, but routine cleaning and disinfection should continue.

    H. Returning after Illness

    The district has established protocols and procedures, in consultation with the local health department(s), about the requirements for determining when individuals, particularly students, who screened positive for communicable disease symptoms can return to the in-person learning environment at school. This protocol includes:

    • Documentation from a health care provider following evaluation
    • Negative COVID-19 diagnostic test result
    • Symptom resolution, or if positive for a communicable disease, release from isolation

    The district will refer to the New York State website and other applicable guidance regarding protocols and policies for faculty, staff, and students seeking to return to work after a suspected or confirmed communicable disease case or after the faculty or staff member had close or proximate contact with a person with a communicable disease.

    The district requires that individuals who were exposed to a communicable disease complete quarantine and have no symptoms before returning to in-person learning. The discharge of an individual from quarantine and return to school will be conducted in coordination with the local health department.

    I. Cleaning/Disinfecting

    The district will ensure adherence to hygiene and cleaning and disinfection requirements as advised by the CDC and NYSDOH, including “Guidance for Cleaning and Disinfection – Public Spaces, Workplaces, Businesses, Schools and Homes” and other guidance, as applicable.

    Attachment 2 describes cleaning and disinfection protocols and procedures for the district. Regular cleaning and disinfection of the facilities will occur, including more frequent cleaning and disinfection for high-risk and frequently touched surfaces. This will include desks and cafeteria tables, which will be cleaned and disinfected between each individual’s use. Cleaning and disinfection will be rigorous and ongoing and will occur at least daily, or more frequently as needed.

    The district will ensure regular cleaning and disinfection of restrooms. Restrooms will be cleaned and disinfected more often depending on frequency of use.

    J. Contact Tracing Supports

    The district will notify the state and local health department immediately upon being informed of any positive communicable disease diagnostic test result by an individual within school facilities or on school grounds, including students, faculty, staff, and visitors of the district.

    Districts may assist with contact tracing by:

    • Keeping accurate attendance records of students and staff members
    • Ensuring student schedules are up to date
    • Keeping a log of any visitor which includes date and time, and where in the school they visited
    • Assisting the local health departments in tracing all contacts of the individual in accordance with the protocol, training, and tools provided through the NYS Contact Tracing Program

    The district, in consultation with the local health department, will determine what process will be followed when communicable disease cases are discovered in the school (e.g., how many individuals will be quarantined, closing of areas or classrooms, etc.).

    Confidentiality must be maintained as required by federal and state laws and regulations. School staff should not try to determine who is to be excluded from school based on contact without guidance and direction from the local health department.

    K. Housing for Essential Employees

    Emergency housing for essential workers is not considered to be required for school faculty and staff. The need for emergency housing will be determined with direction from the local department of health.

    L. Recovery

    Re-establishing the normal school curriculum is essential to the recovery process and should occur as soon as possible. The district will

    • Work toward a smooth transition from the existing learning methods to the normal process.
    • Use the described communication methods to keep the school community aware of the transition process.
    • Work closely with the New York State Education Department to revise or amend the school calendar as deemed appropriate.
    • Evaluate all building operations for normal function and re-implement appropriate maintenance and cleaning procedures.

    Each Building-Level Post-Incident Response Team will assess the emotional impact of the crisis on students and staff and make recommendations for appropriate intervention. The District-Wide School Safety Team and Building-Level Emergency Response Teams will meet to de-brief and determine lessons learned with input from all essential functions. The District-Wide School Safety Plan and Building-Level Emergency Response Plans will be updated accordingly.

    Curriculum activities that may address the crisis will be developed and implemented.

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    PART 8: School Resource Officer Memorandum of Understanding (SRO MOU)

    Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

    This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is being executed on (1/31/23) by the below listed entities:

    Town of Guilderland
    Guilderland Police Department
    Guilderland Central School District

    This document will serve as the written agreement between the Guilderland Central School District, the Town of Guilderland and the Guilderland Police Department. This agreement establishes the needed commitment and support from both institutions. This document also provides a series of guidelines and policies relevant to the performance of the School Resource Officer, and will be the guiding document officers, school administrations, police administration, and students and their caregivers look to for structure and accountability. This document shall be reviewed, updated, and endorsed annually and takes into account input from all community stakeholders, including caregivers, students, and teachers. Nothing in this MOU should be construed as limiting or impeding the basic spirit of cooperation, which exists between the participating entities listed above, and all community stakeholders.

    I. Purpose

    This MOU establishes and delineates the mission of the School Resource Officer Program, herein referred to as the SRO Program, as a joint cooperative effort. Additionally, the MOU clarifies roles and expectations and formalizes relationships between the participating entities to foster an efficient and cohesive program that will build a positive relationship between police officers, school staff, and the students, promote a safe and positive learning environment and decrease the number of youth formally referred to the juvenile justice system.

    II. Mission

    The mission of the SRO Program is to promote school safety by building a positive school climate in which everyone feels safe and students are supported to succeed. The SRO Program also seeks to reduce violent crime committed by and against youth in our community. The SRO Program accomplishes this mission by supporting safe, secure, and orderly learning environments for students, teachers and staff. SROs will establish a trusting channel of communication with students, parents, and teachers and establish regular feedback opportunities. The role of the SRO is not to enforce school discipline or punish students. SROs will serve as positive role models to instill in students good moral standards, good judgment and discretion, respect for other students, and a sincere concern for the school community. SROs will provide information on community resources available to students and parents. Goals and objectives are designed to develop and enhance rapport between youth, families, police officers, school administrators, and the community in order to promote overall student achievement and success.

    III. Goals of the SRO Program

    SRO program goals include:

    1. To ensure a safe learning environment for all children and adults who enter the building.
    2. To prevent and reduce potential harm related to incidents of school violence.
    3. To foster a positive school climate based on respect for all children and adults in the school.
    4. To create partnerships with behavioral health and other care providers in the community for student and family referral.

    This SRO program is unique to the community, based on input from the school administration, teachers, faculty, students, families and community members. The program is designed to fulfill three overall roles:

    1. Law Enforcement
    2. Fostering Positive School Climate /Crime Prevention 
    3. Education

    Law Enforcement Role — SROs are responsible for the majority of law enforcement activities occurring at the school during school hours but not general student discipline. A determination of whether an activity raises to the level of a law enforcement activity shall be made in consultation with a school administrator. Parents, students, teachers and other school personnel should bring complaints about student misbehavior to the school principal and/or designee, rather than the SRO.

    While the enforcement is the role of SROs, alternatives to arrest should be used whenever possible, and arrest of students should be a measure of last resort. The SROs discretion to act remains the same as that of any other police

    Fostering Positive School Climate/Crime Prevention — One of the primary roles SROs fulfill is fostering a positive school climate through relationship-building and crime prevention. Officers will engage in various activities, in consultation with school administration, teachers, and students, and should strive to build a school culture of open communication and trust between and among students and adults by focusing on officers getting to know students at the school, serving as a role model, and working with teachers and administrators to identify students who may be facing challenges and need additional resources or attention to be successful in school. Crime prevention activities include foot patrols, monitoring previous crime locations, speaking to teachers about reducing the opportunity for crimes to occur, analyzing possible crime patterns, investigating crimes, and patrolling the parking lots. Officers may also complete security surveys analyzing the physical safety of school property and facilities.

    Education —SROs should participate in the school community by becoming a member of the educational team where appropriate, and by representing the law enforcement community to build positive relationships with youth, their families, and school staff.

    Whether talking to students in the hallway or delivering a presentation in the classroom, SROs are embedded in the education fabric within the school. SROs are expected to be proactive in creating and taking advantage of educational situations, and school administrators are encouraged to leverage this resource.

    IV. Organizational Structure

    A. Composition

    The SRO Program will consist of full-time Guilderland Police Department personnel that are certified Police Officers for the State of New York and meet all requirements as set forth by the Guilderland Central School District and Guilderland Police Department Rules and Regulations.

    B. Officer Recruitment & Selection

    School officials and the Chief of Police shall agree on guidelines for the selection of officers to serve as SROs. The ultimate selection process and appointment of the SRO is completed by the law enforcement agency.

    SROs should meet three general criteria:

    1. College or degree coursework — SROs are in an educational atmosphere and will be instructing in elementary/ middle/ high school classes. To increase credibility in this area a college education would be beneficial and preferred.

    2. Experience as a police officer and commitment to student well-being — SROs must have a minimum of two years’ experience as a patrol officer, be at least 21 years of age and have extensive experience with juvenile assignments. Experience working with youth and an interest in student success, juvenile justice, child and adolescent development and psychology, and creating a positive school climate are essential.

    3. Successful performance — All candidates should have proven performance as reflected by prior performance evaluations. Candidates should be free of significant disciplinary action.

    C. Training Requirements

    Prior to entering service as an SRO, officers shall complete a minimum of 40 hours of initial training that covers responsibilities or and limitations of SROs, New York educational laws, MOUs, child development, conflict resolution, developmentally informed de-escalation and crisis intervention techniques, working with youth in a school setting and integrating SROs into a positive school environment. In addition, it is recommended that SROs receive at least two additional trainings relevant to the school district each year on topics such as: trending school based law enforcement topics, child development, adolescent psychology, trauma, conflict resolution, mental health and addiction, children with disabilities, juvenile and education law and policy, Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), cultural competence, or any other related topics.

    V. Operational Procedures

    Chain of Command for SRO’s: The SRO will be ultimately accountable to the Chief of Police and/or their designee. However, while at the school, the SRO will be additionally accountable to the Superintendent of Schools and/or their designee. The SRO is expected to cooperate with the school officials, including administrators and faculty. The SRO will abide by school policy and respond to the requests of school officials.

    The SRO’s activity in the school is guided by the following procedures and supervision and evaluation shall be provided by the Chief of Police and/or their designee to effectively support SROs efforts and monitor their progress:

    A. Duties

    The primary functions of the SRO are to help provide a safe and secure learning environment, foster a positive school climate, reduce/ prevent crime, serve as an educational resource, and serve as a liaison between the school and police department. Specific daily assignments to accomplish this function will vary by school. The SRO and school principal or designee will meet on a regular basis to discuss plans and strategies to address specific issues or needs that may arise. As required by law, SROs should never be assigned to duties within schools in place of or in lieu of a certified teacher.

    Basic responsibilities of the SRO will include but will not be limited to:

    1. To enforce criminal law and protect the students, staff, and public at large against criminal activity.
    2. Foster mutually respectful relationships with students and staff to support a positive school climate.
    3. Provide information concerning questions about law enforcement topics to students and staff.
    4. Provide classroom instruction on a variety of topics including, but not limited to, criminal justice, safety, public relations, occupational training, leadership, and life skills.
    5. Coordinate investigative procedures between police and school administrators.
    6. Handle initial police reports of violent crimes committed on campus.
    7. Take enforcement action on criminal matters when appropriate and after consultation with school administrators.
    8. Attend school special events as needed.
    9. Prepare lesson plans as necessary for the instruction provided.
    10. Collect data on SRO activities (arrests, citations, etc.)

    B. Uniform

    Due to the fact that the SRO performs many different functions, their attire may need to be changed at times and should be determined by the Chief of Police and/or their designee, Superintendent of schools and/or their designee, and the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Town of Guilderland and the Guilderland PBA consistent with the MOU. The Chief of Police will have ultimate authority over the uniform to be worn.

    C. Daily Schedule

    To be determined by the Chi of i e, Superintendent of schools, and the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Town of Guilderland and the Guilderland PBA consistent with the MOU.

    D. Absence/Substitution

    The school district and police department should develop and agree on a protocol for assigning and using substitute SROs when regular SROs are unavailable. Substitute SROs should, at a minimum, have the same requisite experience as regular SROs and, ideally, should have had some training in child development, trauma, and conflict resolution in the school environment.

    E. Special Events

    To be determined by the Chief of Police and the Superintendent of Schools consistent with this Agreement.

    F. Summer Activity

    SROs should accomplish as much of the required training as possible during the summer months when school is not in session. SROs may still be involved in some summer projects with the school district, however, they will spend the majority of this time on Police Department assignments.

    G. Role in Responding to Criminal Activity 

    One of the roles of SROs, as law enforcement officers, is to engage in traditional criminal investigation and report taking. As a police officer, SROs have the authority to issue warnings, make arrests and use alternatives to arrest at their discretion. SROs, however, perform their duties mindful of the parties’ common goal of supporting student success. The following procedures will help SROs be as effective as possible in this role:

    1. School staff will contact SROs to inform them of all violent or other criminal activity that creates a safety risk that occurs on the school campus. SROs and school officials shall discuss and agree in writing on what levels of violent activity would prompt school officials to notify the SROs. This information will be conveyed to all school staff. In turn, SROs should inform school administration of all criminal activity they
      observe on the school campus.
    2. For any offense on school property, the SRO, working cooperatively with the school administration, will endeavor to avoid arrest and criminal involvement for misdemeanor activity. Certain offenses (felonies), such as sex offenses, weapons offenses, and any offenses of violence, will normally require the filing of charges in consultation with school officials, but should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. The SROs powers to arrest will be governed by the New York State Criminal Procedure Law and Penal Law.
    3. The SRO and school officials shall put into place plans, such as de-escalation techniques, conflict resolution and restorative justice practices, to serve as an alternative to arrest, which will be distributed to school staff.

    H. Role in School Policy Violations

    SROs are not school disciplinarians and violations of the student code of conduct or school rules that are not criminal matters should always be handled by school faculty and staff, not SROs. SROs should not directly intervene unless the situation directly affects an imminent threat to the health, safety, and security of the student or another person in the school and will employ de-escalation techniques as appropriate. School discipline is the responsibility of the appropriate school administrator and clear guidelines on SRO involvement should be developed and distributed to school staff. The SRO, as a staff member, will report school policy violations through the proper channels to be handled by school administration. It is the responsibility of the SRO to become familiar with the Student Handbook or Student Code of Conduct, but it is not the responsibility of the SRO to enforce the rules in these documents.

    I. Data Collection

    SROs should submit a monthly activity report to the Superintendent of Schools, building principals, and his/her Chief of Police. The report should include descriptions of all activities engaged in by the SRO, including incidents or calls for service, names of students and/or staff involved, student searches, arrests, citations and/or summons issued, and other referrals to the juvenile justice system.

    J. Sharing of Information

    Communication and information sharing is essential to the success of the SRO program.

    1. Sharing of information will be governed by the NYS SAVE legislation, the NYS Department of Education Law, Freedom of Information Act, and relevant Guilderland Police Department and Guilderland Central School District policies.
    2. The sharing of arrest related information by the S.R.O. with school administration upon request or at the direction of the SRO will involve the dissemination of arrest reports and calls for service filed with the Guilderland PD or from other Police agencies coming into contact with students from the Guilderland Central School District.
    3. Juvenile fingerprints and photos as part of the arrest record will not be shared by the SRO.
    4. If the SRO is aware of information on a student that is officially obtained by the Guilderland Police Department, which reflects that the student is in violation of school policies (Student Handbook or Athletic Code), the SRO may forward that information to school administration.
    5. If a Juvenile is an uncharged suspect in a crime, his/her information will not be released unless authorized by the Chief of Police or their designee.
    6. Information which the SRO obtains from school personnel which deals with criminal or possible criminal intelligence will be maintained by the SRO as a criminal justice file. This file may be shared with other Division personnel and Criminal Justice Agencies, but will not be part of the student’s school record.
    7. Hearsay information or rumors will alone, not be the basis for any formal action by the Guilderland Police Department. It can be used in an intelligence capacity or to validate the need for further investigation.
    8. Any information that is obtained by the SRO that pertains to criminal activity occurring outside the SRO’s geographical area of employment shall be relayed to the police department of that jurisdiction.
    9. When any felony occurs or any crime that prompts a Public Information Officer response from the schools or the City or if a school building is evacuated the SRO shall contact his immediate supervisor as soon as possible.
    10. The SRO shall have access to any public records maintained by the school to the extent allowed by law. Law enforcement officials may need confidential information in emergency situations based on the seriousness of the threat to someone’s health or safety, time sensitivity, and the direct relationship of the information to the emergency.
    11. The SRO shall not detain and/or interrogate a student for the purposes of questioning students about their immigration status.
    12. The SRO shall not request access to educational records or their personally identifiable information (PII) for the purposes of determining a student’s immigration status. The SRO shall not re-disclose any PII to any other employee or agency nor the immigration status of any student or the student’s relative(s).

    L. Role in Locker, Vehicle, Personal, and Other Searches

    SROs may participate in a search of a student’s person, possessions, locker, or vehicle only where there is probable cause to believe that the search will turn up evidence that the student has committed, is committing, or is about to commit a criminal offense. SROs will not ask a school employee to conduct a search for law enforcement purposes.

    Unless there is a serious and immediate threat to student, teacher, or school safety, the Superintendent of Schools in concert with the building principals shall have final authority in the building.

    The SRO may perform searches independent of the school administration oy during emergency situations and where criminal activity is suspected.
    i. Strip searches of students by SROs are prohibited.
    ii. Unless there is a serious and immediate threat to a student, a teacher, or public safety, SROs shall not initiate or participate in other physically invasive searches of a student.

    M. Limits on Interrogations and Arrests

    1. Interrogations – SROs shall not conduct interrogations of students while school is in session or on school property. However, if an SRO determines that exigent circumstances exist and that there is a clear and present danger to public safety then the SRO may override this restriction and interrogate a student whom he/she reasonably believes has information that will immediately assist in resolving the imminent threat.

    2. Arrests – Incidents involving public order offenses, including disorderly conduct, profanity, and fighting that do not involve serious physical injury or weapon, should be considered school discipline issues to be handled by school officials rather than criminal law issues warranting formal law enforcement intervention.

    i. Building principals and the Superintendent of schools, or their designee, shall be consulted prior to an arrest of a student when practical.
    ii. The student’s parent(s) or guardian(s) shall be notified of his or her arrest immediately or as soon as practical and in a timely manner.
    iii. Unless there is a serious and immediate threat to student, teacher, or public safety, SROs shall not use physical force or restraints on students.

    N. Role in Critical Incidents

    The SRO will be familiar with the emergency operations manual of the Guilderland Central School District. During critical incidents occurring when the SRO is present, the SRO will normally act as a liaison between school administration, police personnel, and other emergency resources if practical.

    O. Role in Truancy Issues

    Truancy will be handled by school personnel. The SRO will not take an active role in the tracking of truants. The SRO will act as a liaison between the school and police personnel should police involvement become necessary due to safety concerns.

    VI. School District Responsibilities

    The Guilderland Central School District shall provide the SRO with the following materials and facilities, which are deemed necessary to the performance of the SRO’s duties:

    1. Access to a properly lighted private office, which shall contain a telephone, a secure computer and printer, which may be used for general business purposes.
    2. Provide SRO with keys and electronic swipe cards for unfettered access to school buildings, classrooms, etc.
    3. A location for files and records which can be properly locked and secured.
    4. A desk with drawers, chair, work table, filing cabinet, and office supplies.
    5. The opportunity for SROs to address teachers, school administrators and student families about the SRO program, goals, and objectives.
    6. The opportunity to provide input regarding criminal justice problems relating to students.
    7. The opportunity to address teachers and school administrators about criminal justice problems relating to students during in-service workdays.
    8. The District Emergency Operations Manual, Crisis Plan, Student Handbook/Code of Conduct and other related materials as deemed appropriate.
    9. School staff designee for referrals for counseling and other school-based and/or community based supportive services for students and families. 
    10. SROs shall respect the sensitive nature student privacy and shall abide by all applicable confidentiality, privacy policies, and applicable laws.
    11. Encourage attendance for all Principals at the State of New York Police Juvenile Officer Association (SNYPJOA) Basic SRO training.
    12. Provide training to teachers, administrators, staff and SROs about when to directly involve SROs with student misconduct and about available alternatives to arrest.

    VII. Crisis Planning

    The Guilderland Central School District and the Guilderland Police and Fire Departments will coordinate Crisis Planning and training. Each entity will be involved in updates and creation of new Crisis Plans. Consistency throughout the district should be adhered to.

    Lock down drills shall be included as part of the District’s preparedness plan. The Guilderland Police Department shall be included in the creation of lock down procedures so that first responders are familiar with procedures. Lock down procedures should be trauma-informed and consistent throughout the district.

    VIII. Reviewing the MOU and SRO Program

    The assigned parties shall review the MOU/SRO Program annually and make adjustments as needed. Any revisions will be reflected in an updated MOU.

    Complaints against the SRO shall follow the normal complaint process of the Guilderland Police Department and include notice to the appropriate school administrators.

    IX. Problem Resolution

    Unforeseen difficulties or questions will be resolved by negotiation between the Superintendent of the Guilderland Central School District and the Guilderland Police Department or their designees.

    Top of page

          2023-2024 Emergency Remote Instruction Plan

          Following the COVID-19 pandemic, school districts in New York are required to have a plan for how children will be educated if a school or schools must close under emergency conditions. These Emergency Remote Instruction Plans (ERI Plans) are included as part of the district-wide school safety plan, which is reviewed annually by district and building-level emergency response teams, adopted annually by the Board of Education and submitted to the New York State Education Department.

          The Guilderland Central School District 2023-2024 Emergency Remote Instruction Plan includes the following required components:

          1. Policies and procedures to ensure computing devices will be made available to students or other means by which students will participate in synchronous instruction.
          2. Policies and procedures to ensure students receiving remote instruction under emergency conditions will access internet connectivity.
          3. Expectations for school staff as to the proportion of time spent in synchronous and asynchronous instruction of students on days of remote instruction under emergency conditions with an expectation that asynchronous instruction is supplementary to synchronous instruction.
          4. A description of how instruction will occur for those students for whom remote instruction by digital technology is not available or appropriate.
          5. A description of how special education and related services will be provided to students with disabilities and preschool students with disabilities, as applicable, in accordance with their individualized education programs to ensure the continued provision of a free appropriate public education.
          6. For school districts that receive foundation aid, the estimated number of instructional hours the school district intends to claim for state aid purposes for each day spent in remote instruction due to emergency conditions pursuant to section 175.5 of this Chapter.

          Communication and Engagement

          To help inform our Emergency Remote Instruction Plan, the district completes an annual Student Digital Resources data collection report to better understand the level of access students have to devices (e.g., laptop, Chromebook, cell phone) and the Internet. The survey is conducted through the student management system. When parents log into the student management system each fall they are prompted to complete the Student Digital Resources survey.

          The purpose of this survey is to ensure that, to the extent possible, students can access the Internet and receive remote instruction, if necessary, under emergency conditions. This survey is conducted on an annual basis. Students and families may update their access information at any time by contacting the student’s school. It is our goal that this plan is aligned with the information provided by families in the Student Digital Resources data collection.

          The district has also developed a plan for communicating all necessary information should a school or schools need to close. The district will use existing internal and external communications channels to notify staff, students, and families/caregivers about remote learning schedules with as much advance notice as possible. This communication will include information about how computing devices (e.g., computers, hot spots, etc.) are being disseminated to students and families who need them.

          Communication will be sent through our parent communication platform (Parent Square), which has the capacity to translate information into various languages. Communication with families will take place as soon as practicable after a decision to close the schools has been made. As these plans will be posted to the website, the district will provide parents with direct links to the specific information pertinent to the type of closure – inclement weather or longer-term – along with relevant information regarding remote instruction.

          The district will provide students and their families with multiple ways to contact schools and teachers during remote learning, including through communication platforms including, but not limited to, Parent Square, Google Classroom, SeeSaw, email and the district website.

          Device, Internet and Platform Access

          To support remote learning, the district will make computer devices available to all students and families who need them.

          Students in the district have access to one to one electronic devices. Students in grades 5 – 12 bring their devices home every day, while students in grades K-4 usually leave their devices in the classroom. In the event the district is out of emergency closure days, students in grades K-4 will be required to bring their devices home on a daily basis in order to facilitate remote connectivity in case of an emergency closure. In the event of an unanticipated longer-term closure, the district will utilize our bus routes and drivers to deliver computing devices and hotspots to students/families who need them. These students/families will be identified using the Student Digital Resources Survey. Devices will be serviced and replaced on an as needed basis. Families can contact the Instructional Technology department via phone or an online helpdesk ticket to request repair/replacement.

          To the extent possible, the district will also support students and families with accessing the Internet at home. Where that is not possible, the district will work with community partners to secure Wi-Fi access points for students and families so that they may participate in remote learning.

          The district will use the results of the Student Digital Resources survey to determine which students and families need hotspots provided by the district. If needed, the district will disseminate hotspots to families via existing bus routes.

          The district will work with existing community partners to provide potential alternative Wi-Fi access points for students and families. These community partners include the Altamont Public Library, the Guilderland Public Library and the Capital District YMCA.

          There will be those students in our community for whom remote learning through digital technology is not appropriate or possible. For these students, the district will assess each student’s individual needs and whether in-person learning is an option. Other methods that will be considered include instruction by phone and/or the delivery of hard-copy materials to the student’s home.

          The district will identify families who are unable to access the internet via Wi-Fi and/or hotspots through the Student Digital Resources survey. The district will determine students for whom remote instruction via digital technology is inappropriate through consultation with classroom teachers, special education providers, ENL providers and providers of other related services. These decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis. If practicable, and if conditions permit, the identified students will be provided synchronous and in-person instruction on site.

          The district will also take steps to ensure that school staff members have the necessary tools, i.e., computing devices and Internet access, to deliver emergency remote instruction from their place of residence.

          Each faculty member has access to a device they are able to take to their residence. In the case that a faculty member does not have access to Wi-Fi services at their residence, the district will loan them a hotspot device to provide access.

          To ensure high-quality remote learning experiences, the district has standardized the use of a single online learning platform. The district uses SeeSaw for grades K-3 and Google Classroom for grades 4-12, and developed a common, coordinated set of guidelines for teachers to follow when using the platform with students.

          Information for connection to student learning platforms is on the district website. Teachers also disseminate this information to parents at the start of each school year. Parents who need technical assistance can reach out to the District’s Instructional Technology Specialist or submit a helpdesk ticket.

          Teaching and Learning

          Our district has developed an emergency remote instruction plan that would support all students. When a remote learning model is necessary, certain groups of students will be prioritized for in-person learning to the greatest extent possible, depending on the nature of the emergency. This includes, but is not limited to, special education students, English language learners, and students with technology or connectivity needs.

          Acknowledging that the typical content in each grade level or course may need to be adjusted, content will be prioritized to ensure that students receive instruction for the prioritized learning standards, key understandings, and skills necessary for students’ success in future study.

          Instruction will focus on “core” subject areas; however, elective courses will continue to be offered in a remote learning environment. All instruction will continue to be aligned to the New York State Learning Standards.

          Virtual learning schedules have been developed by grade level. If an emergency requires the district to move to virtual learning, these schedules will be shared with students and families in accordance with the communication strategies outlined earlier in this plan. Students will be given opportunities to engage with teachers and classmates through live instruction, question and answer periods with teachers and group work (i.e., synchronous learning). Teachers will ensure that their students are directly engaged with them and their class peers in experiential learning on a regular basis. Supplementing this time will be self-guided projects, readings and other age-appropriate assignments that can be completed by the students remotely (i.e., asynchronous learning).

          Content Grades K-1 Grades 2-3 Grades 4-5
          Reading 5x/week. 15 minute live instruction followed by 15 minute small group breakout. 5x/week. 20-30 minute live instruction followed by 15 minute small group breakout. 5x/week. 30-45 minute live instruction followed by 15 minute small group breakout.
          Writing 5x/week. 15 minute live instruction followed by 15 minute small group breakout. 5x/week. 20-30 minute live instruction followed by 15 minute small group breakout. 5x/week. 30-45 minute live instruction followed by 15 minute small group breakout.
          Math 5x/week. 15 minute live instruction followed by 15 minute small group breakout. 5x/week. 20-30 minute live instruction followed by 15 minute small group breakout. 5x/week. 30-45 minute live instruction followed by 15 minute small group breakout.
          Science/Social Studies (Instruction will occur daily, but content area of focus will be science 3x and social studies 2x one week, and science 2x and social studies 3x the next week) 5x/week. 15 minute live instruction followed by 15 minute small group breakout. 5x/week. 20-30 minute live instruction followed by 15 minute small group breakout. 5x/week. 30-45 minute live instruction followed by 15 minute small group breakout.
          Class Meeting Live every day. 20-30 minutes. Live every day. 20-30 minutes. Live every day. 20-30 minutes.
          Art Live 1x/week, 30 minutes whole group Live 1x/week, 30 minutes whole group Live 1x/week, 30 minutes whole group
          Library Live 1x/week, 30 minutes whole group Live 1x/week, 30 minutes whole group Live 1x/week, 30 minutes whole group
          Music Live 1x/week, 30 minutes whole group Live 1x/week, 30 minutes whole group Live 1x/week, 30 minutes whole group
          PE Live 2x/week, 30 minutes whole group Live 2x/week, 30 minutes whole group Live 2x/week, 30 minutes whole group

          Secondary School Schedules

          Students in grades 6-8 follow a modified block schedule with 6 academic blocks per day. In the case of remote instruction, students will follow their normal schedule. Teachers will provide students with Google Meet links via Google Classroom, and at least 35 minutes of each block will be live synchronous instruction. Live whole group instruction will be supplemented with synchronous small group instruction and asynchronous individual work.

          Students in grades 9-12 follow a block schedule consisting of four blocks per day. In the case of remote instruction, students will follow their normal block schedule. Teachers will provide students with Google Meet links via Google Classroom, and at least 55 minutes of each block will be live synchronous instruction. Live whole group instruction will be supplemented with synchronous small group instruction and asynchronous individual work.

          The district recognizes that there will be students for whom remote instruction via digital technology is not appropriate. In an emergency, as the district is assessing which students need devices or access to the Internet, the district will also assess which students may require additional support. Depending on the nature of the emergency, this may involve some level of in-person instruction for these students either at a school building within the district or at a community location, as appropriate. These decisions will be made in partnership with local health officials and emergency personnel, as applicable. Other instructional methods that will be considered include instruction by phone and/or the delivery of hard-copy materials to the student’s home.

          The district will determine students for whom remote instruction via digital technology is inappropriate through consultation with classroom teachers, special education providers, ENL providers and providers of other related services. These decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis. If practicable, and if conditions permit, the identified students will be provided synchronous and in-person instruction on site.

          The district provides multiple professional learning opportunities each year around the topic of instructional technology. In addition, the district website has a Virtual Training Hub which includes links to webinars and self-paced training modules geared towards educators. The district also has two Instructional Technology Liaisons assigned to each building, and an Instructional Technology Specialist. These individuals provide professional learning opportunities for faculty and staff and are also available for individual assistance as needed.

          Support Services

          Based on the learning model we have developed, students with disabilities and/or an Individualized Education Plan will continue to receive support services in accordance with their individualized education plans (IEP) should remote learning become necessary. It is the expectation that all service providers (e.g., teachers, paraprofessionals, related service providers) will sign-on to the remote learning platform to support students as needed. This will include large classroom settings in the remote learning environment, as well as the use of breakout rooms or one-on-one virtual meetings as necessary.

          In addition, the district will prioritize in-person instruction for high needs students (students with disabilities) whenever possible. When in-person instruction is not possible due to conditions, various instructional strategies will be implemented for those students for whom remote instruction by digital means is not available or appropriate. Strategies may include:

          • The district will provide hard copy materials, leveled tests, manipulatives and general and specialized (for art, FACS, science, technology, etc.) school supplies as necessary.
          • Families may pick up these materials at the school building’s main office; alternatively, the district will enlist the transportation department to deliver the materials and supplies to families who are unable to travel to the school building or download materials electronically.
          • The district will provide hot spots to families who do not have access to the internet.

          The district will follow its existing engagement and communication protocols with parents regarding the provision of special education services for their child. This includes but not is not limited to the district’s communication platform, Parent Square, which has the capacity to translate information into several languages, Google Classroom, SeeSaw, email and the district website.

          The Guilderland Central School District will provide the following to students with disabilities:

          • Learning opportunities that are accessible, adapted, accommodated in accordance with the student’s IEP or Section 504 plan.
          • Lessons, tasks and activities that relate to the student’s IEP goals and objectives.
          • A schedule that minimizes conflicts as teachers and related service providers jointly schedule connection and learning opportunities with students.
          • Continuity of special education services will be achieved by using a variety of resources provided by our teachers and providers through collaboration to ensure educational materials are accessible, adapted, modified and appropriate in accordance with student’s IEPs, pre-recorded lessons, synchronous teaching (recorded for those who cannot attend) and teacher-designed learning activities.

          Consultant Teachers/Co-Teachers/Related Services/Resource Room and Tutorial Providers

          All providers will work collaboratively with their content area partners to ensure that communication, virtual learning, and educational materials are accessible, adapted, modified and appropriate in accordance with student’s IEPs. Teachers/providers may provide synchronous virtual meetings in small groups or individually to check in with students to reinforce concepts and skills, provide re-teaching and/or pre-teaching. They may also provide pre-recorded videos to support learning of new skills as well as opportunities for students to conference with them for assistance. Related services will be provided via teleconferencing with parent permission.

          Comprehensive Skills Program

          Activities will support functional academics, independent living and vocational activities that students can practice at home with materials typically found in the home: money, time, measuring, menu’s, newspapers, magazines, grocery lists, etc. Teachers and related service providers may provide synchronous virtual meetings in small groups or individually to check in with students, reinforce concepts and skills, provide re-teaching and pre-teaching. They may also provide pre-recorded videos to support learning of new skills as well as opportunities for students to conference with them for assistance. Related service providers will work collaboratively with their special class teachers to ensure that communication, virtual learning, and educational materials are accessible, adapted, modified and appropriate in accordance with student’s IEPs.

          Out of District Programs

          For children who attend out of district programs, program providers will continue to share information, activities, and resources to support the continuity of learning within their programs.

          Funding Requirements

          For short term (1 to 2 days) emergency closures, the district will claim three hours of instruction at the elementary level and 3.5 hours of instruction in secondary grades. For longer term closures the district will claim 5 hours of instruction (both synchronous and asynchronous) at the elementary level and 6 hours of instruction (both synchronous and asynchronous) at the secondary level. In all cases the district will plan to reach the required 900 hours of instruction at the elementary level and 990 at the secondary level.

          Public Hearing: May 21, 2001
          Available for Public Review: July 1, 2001
          Adopted by the Board of Education: July 10, 2001

          Available for Public Review: May 20, 2002
          Updated and Approved: June 25, 2002

          Available for Public Review: May 27, 2003
          Updated and Approved: June 24, 2003

          Available for Public Review: June 9, 2004
          Updated and Approved: July 6, 2004

          Available for Public Review: June 1, 2005
          Updated and Approved: June 21, 2005

          Available for Public Review: June 1, 2006
          Updated and Approved: June 20, 2006

          Available for Public Review: June 1, 2007
          Updated and Approved: June 19, 2007

          Available for Public Review: June 1, 2008
          Updated and Approved: June 24, 2008

          Available for Public Review: June 9, 2009
          Updated and Approved: June 23, 2009

          Available for Public Review: July 1, 2010
          Updated and Approved: August 17, 2010

          Available for Public Review: July 5, 2011
          Updated and Approved: August 16, 2011

          Available for Public Review: June 19, 2012
          Updated and Approved: June 21, 2012

          Available for Public Review: June 18, 2013
          Updated and Approved: July 1, 2013

          Available for Public Review: June 17, 2014
          Updated and Approved: July 1, 2013

          Available for Public Review: July 1, 2015
          Updated and Approved: August 18, 2015

          Available for Public Review: July 5, 2016
          Updated and Approved: August 16, 2016

          Available for Public Review: July 5, 2017
          Updated and Approved: September 12, 2017

          Available for Public Review: June 12, 2018
          Updated and Approved: July 5, 2018

          Available for Public Review: June 11, 2019
          Updated and Approved: July 2, 2019

          Available for Public Review: September 15, 2020
          Updated and Approved: October 6, 2020

          Available for Public Review: July 1, 2021
          Updated and Approved: March 16, 2021

          Available for Public Review: July 5, 2022
          Updated and Approved: August 9, 2022

          Available for Public Review: July 5, 2023
          Updated and Approved: August 16, 2023

          The district is not responsible for facts or opinions contained on any linked site. Some links and features on this site require the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view. Visit the Adobe website to download the free Acrobat Reader. This website was produced by the Capital Region BOCES Engagement & Development Services, Albany, NY. Copyright © 2025. All rights reserved.