The halls of Farnsworth Middle School were filled with excitement on Wednesday, Aug, 14 as children enrolled in Camp Invention eagerly awaited the arrival of renowned inventor, Dr. Marshall Jones. A pioneer in the field of industrial lasers, Dr. Jones has more than 80 patents and was excited to share his knowledge and experience with the next generation of inventors.
Dr. Jones began his visit giving students an overview of his background, detailing the challenges he faced and successes he achieved. He told campers that while he was gifted in math from an early age, he struggled with reading and writing, which affected him throughout his education. Despite the obstacles, Dr. Jones told the young inventors he persevered to achieve his career goals and became a mechanical engineer for General Electric.
While employed at GE, Dr. Jones began experimenting with lasers and came up with the idea for his first patent. Using a laser as a heat source, Dr. Jones devised a method to join different metals together, solidifying the connection between two materials. Previous practices often produced a brittle connection, but Dr. Jones’s invention fixed the problem and revolutionized the industrial industry.

With the curiosity of campers piqued, Dr. Jones delved into his laser experiment, sprinkling baby powder on the floor while simultaneously shining the laser’s light. The young inventors were captivated as the light scattered powder particles in the air, replicating the effects of Dr. Jones’s first invention on a smaller scale. The esteemed inventor continued to entertain the campers while explaining the science behind the experiment, pointing the bright green light around the room as they attempted to catch it.

Amazed by the laser demonstration, campers were eager to show Dr. Jones their inventions, which included electrical powered glow boxes, innovative game boards, labs-on-wheels and assorted prototypes. The young inventors beamed with pride as they showcased their work, explaining the ideas and concepts behind their creations. Dr. Jones carefully evaluated each camper’s work, offering words of encouragement and productive feedback.

Before departing, Dr. Jones left the next generation of inventors with a valuable piece of advice, saying “Inventions aren’t failures. They’re created to solve problems and you find solutions by never giving up.”
With this statement in mind, the young inventors finished their week at Camp Invention with a newfound sense of curiosity and ingenuity, confident they can change the world with one simple invention.