Seneca team letters and supply lists 2021-22

Skip to: Seneca 6F | Seneca 6G | Seneca 7D | Seneca 8D

Student Lockers and Locks

It has not yet been determined whether or not FMS Students will be assigned  lockers this year.  If so, they will be assigned a hallway locker near their homeroom and one for Physical Education. Students will need to bring in two combination locks – one for their Homeroom Locker and one for their PE locker. Homeroom and Phys Ed teachers will keep the combination on file to help students who might forget the combination.

Seneca 6F

Dear Parents,

Welcome to Seneca House and the Miller-Ball Team!  This is our sixth year of teaching together and we love what we do.  We are looking forward to a productive and fun-filled year of learning, and we are glad to have you on the team.  We hope the following information helps you and your child prepare for the start of school in September.  

Although we spend some good quality time getting to know our new students during the first few days of school, if you would like to email us anything at all that you feel we should know about your child before school starts, please do so.  We will be checking our emails from time to time this summer.

Summer Reading

We are a team of readers!  Our expectation is that each student will read at least one book (hopefully more!) this summer and be ready to talk about what they read with classmates and teachers during the first few days of school. To help us get to know our readers, we want each student to keep track of their summer reading. Access our Summer Reading Log here for your child to use.  Parents, please sign the form and send it in on the first day of school.

Scholastic News Magazine Subscription

This current events news magazine is used to supplement the core class curriculum (in Language Arts, Science & Social Studies classes).  Students have digital access to the magazine as well.  Please send in $7.00 cash (or check made out to “FMS”) to your child’s homeroom teacher.

We look forward to meeting you and working together with you toward the success of your child this school year.  We value and encourage open communication between parents and teachers.  In September, please:

    • look for our Seneca 6F Team Newsletter email blasts for classroom news and curricular updates
    • monitor your child’s grades on our eSchool Data system

The first day of school is Thursday, September 9.  We look forward to meeting our students and their parents soon!  Until then, have a great rest of the summer.


Kristen Miller

Matt Ball

Good organizational skills are a major factor in student success at the middle school level.  To help students be well prepared, we have included a list of school supplies necessary for a successful year.  We will spend some time during the first few days of school labeling and organizing supplies.  

Miller-Ball Seneca 6F Team School Supplies

  • $7.00 cash or check to FMS for Scholastic News magazine subscription
  • 5 2-pocket folders, plastic 1) Math  2) Science 3) LA  4) SS  5)HW Folder
  • 1 pencil pouch all subjects
  • 1 composition notebook Language Arts
  • 1 Texas Instruments TI-30X IIS scientific calculator Math/Science for 6th and 7th grade use
  • 2 rolls of Scotch tape all subjects
  • 2 packages of pencils, sharpened all subjects
  • 2 pens, blue or black ink all subjects
  • 4 highlighters all subjects
  • 1 pair of scissors all subjects
  • 2 100-sheet packages of looseleaf paper all subjects
  • 1 package of colored pencils (12 pack is fine) all subjects
  • 1 package of Crayola fine line markers (10 pack is fine) all subjects                         
  • 2 glue sticks Math/Science/LA/SS
  • 1 wired earbuds or headphones (cannot be bluetooth) all subjects
  • 2 Expo low odor dry erase markers (any color) Math

Special Area Classes School Supplies

  • 2 Expo low odor dry erase markers (any color)  World Language
  • 3 2-pocket folders 1) FACS  2) Music  3) Health
  • 1 binder (1½”) World Language (any color)
  • 1 pack of 8 divider tabs World Language
  • 3 boxes of Kleenex tissues 1) Art  2) World Language 3) Technology
  • 1 combination lock for PE locker PE Class
  • 1 pack of lined index cards World Language

Seneca 6G

Dear Team Families,

Welcome to Farnsworth Middle School and Seneca House for the 2021-2022 school year!  We are so happy that you will be a member of the Flynn-Watson-Iddings-Hoffman Team.  We are looking forward to a school year filled with lots of learning, new friendships, and fun as we welcome students back!

Parent Letter

Parents, we know that no one knows your child better than you.  It would be so helpful if you would write a letter to us about your child.  Please tell us anything you think we should know about your child. We always enjoy reading these letters, and it allows us to begin the school year already knowing a bit about each child. Please email this letter to us during the summer (see addresses below) or have your child bring this letter to school on the first day. We welcome any and all of your thoughts or ideas.

Summer Reading

During the summer, the FMS expectation is that each student will read at least one book and bring it in during the first week of school. We will use this to complete an activity early in the year. Please refer to the recommended reading list on the district’s website for suggestions. We strongly encourage students to keep reading this summer. 


Mrs. Lisa Watson, Math/Science 
Mr. Robert Flynn, Language Arts/Social Studies
Mrs. Sarah Iddings, Special Education 
Mrs. Karla Hoffman, Special Education

Flynn-Watson-Iddings Team Supply List

General Team Supplies

  • 1 3-ring binder  (2-inch with pockets inside)
  • Pencils 
  • Pens 
  • 1 box of tissues
  • Headphones or earbuds

Math and Science

  • 2 plastic pocket folders with holes
  • 1 spiral notebook – at least 120 pages 
  • Texas Instruments TI- 30X IIS Calculator
  • Pencil pouch that can hold a calculator and pencils

Language Arts & Social Studies

  • 2 plastic pocket folders with holes
  • 1 composition notebook

General Music

  • Pocket folder with 10-15 pages of loose-leaf paper
  • Box of tissues (optional)


  • Lock for PE lockers

Health 6

  • Pocket folder


  • Box of tissues

Family & Consumer Science

  • 1 two-pocket folder, any color 


  • Box of tissues

World Language

  • Binder 
  • 8-10 dividers
  • Loose-leaf paper or notebook
  • Expo markers
  • Index cards
  • Box of tissues
  • Scissors 
  • Colored pencils

Important  Information

Labeling We’ll spend some time during the first few days of school labeling and organizing supplies; please do not write your name or subject areas on them at this time.

Backpacks – A backpack may be used to carry supplies to and from school, but it must be a size that can be easily stored in the locker during the day. Most backpacks with wheels do not fit very well, if at all, in lockers.

Lockers – All 6th-grade students will be provided one free-hanging, combination lock in homeroom at the start of the year. You are responsible for your provided lock for your entire career at Farnsworth Middle School. At the end of the school year, you will take your assigned lock home for the summer and bring it back for the next school year. If you misplace or lose this lock you will need to purchase a replacement for $5.00 at our House Office. 

If you have any questions please contact us!

Mr. Robert Flynn, Language Arts/Social Studies 
Mrs. Sarah Iddings, Special Education
Mrs. Lisa Watson, Math/Science

Seneca 7D

Welcome. We are so excited to be starting the school year back at school!  We will all work together to make sure that your student feels comfortable reaching out to us and can be successful during this school year.  Our Open House is scheduled for September 28 at 6:45 p.m. (details to follow).  


Communication will be very important as we move forward into a new school year; please check and make sure all of your contact information on eSchoolData is accurate. 

Kelly Werner (Math)
Matt Duesler (SS)
Mike Kavanaugh (ELA)
Jessica Hanna (Science)
Katie Fahrenkopf (Special Education Co-Teacher)
Lucas Rosen (Special Education Co-Teacher)

Additional team members

Kelly Willetts (House Principal)   518.456.6010 ext 3060
Kelly Cordi (House Secretary)  518.456.6010 ext 3060
Christine Jager (School Counselor) 518.456.6010 ext 3038

Parent Conferences

You can arrange for a conference through the house secretary, Ms. Cordi.  The entire team attends all conferences to give you a comprehensive view of your child’s progress.  Not all encore teachers may be able to attend due to scheduling conflicts but are contacted so that they may send written feedback about your student.  We can’t wait to meet your child!  Hopefully, they are just as excited to be back as we are!

Dear Parents/Guardians,

We are looking forward to working with your child this year.  As part of the Seneca 7 team, we are hoping that your child will find this school year successful, challenging, and enjoyable.  We recommend the following items listed below. If your family is experiencing hardship and unable to fulfill the student supply list, please contact the School Counselor or team teachers, and we will work with you to secure the materials needed for your student.

Team Supplies

  • 1 1½ inch  (Math)
  • 2 Composition notebooks (L.A.)
  • 1 Box colored pencils  (personal use)
  • Pens blue or black (no gel pens)  (personal use)
  • # 2 pencils  (personal use)
  • 2 Boxes of tissues (homeroom)
  • 1 Highlighters multi-color pack  (personal use)
  • 1 TI-30X IIS scientific calculator*** please read below
  • 1 Heavy duty plastic 2-pocket folder  (1 HW folder for all classes)
  • 1 Earbuds/headphones-wired (used for all classes)

***We would like to strongly suggest that you purchase the TI-30X IIS scientific calculator for your student for use in both math and science classes.  The NYS mathematics test for 7th graders allows the use of a calculator on the entire exam, and we feel it is important for each student to have his/her own calculator for math and science, especially for home use.   We will be doing in-class and remote calculator lessons with the students using only this particular model, and it would be most beneficial to the students if they were able to follow these classroom instructions.  If it is a financial difficulty at this time to purchase this calculator, please contact the school counselor, Christina Jager at or the Math, Science & Technology supervisor, Bev Bisnett at for assistance in making sure your student has a calculator for both school and home use.  

Students are allowed to have a different calculator, but it will be their responsibility to keep their owner’s manual and learn how to use their own calculator. 

We look forward to working with you and your child!


Matt Duesler (SS) 
Jessica Hanna (Science) 
Mike Kavanaugh (ELA) 
Kelly Werner (Math) 
Katie Fahrenkopf (Special Education Co-teacher)
Lucas Rosen (Special Education Co-teacher)

Seneca 8D

Hello, Seneca 8 students! 

We hope you all enjoyed your summer vacation. Your teachers are SO excited to begin this new school year with each and every one of you! Before we all get together in person, we need to share some important information with you.


Your Seneca 8 teachers and social worker can be reached at the following email addresses and rooms at FMS:

Mr. Tuxbury Language Arts, Room 452
Mrs. Cahill Social Studies, Room 451
Ms. Judge Math, Room 453
Mrs. Ford Science, Room 405
Mrs. Antidormi Special Education (Co-teach Math/Science), Room 454
Mr. Kramek Special Education (Co-teach LA/SS), Room 454
Mrs. Willetts House Principal
Ms. Jager House Counselor 
Mrs. Rader Social Worker

Mark Your Calendars

8th Grade Open House Night will take place on Tuesday, October 5 (tentative date).   We look forward to working with our students’ parents and guardians!

We look forward to a strong start with the FMS Class of 2022!

Mrs. Antidormi
Mrs. Cahill
Mrs. Ford
Ms. Judge
Mr. Kramek
Mr. Tuxbury
Mrs. Futia

Seneca 8D Supply List

General Core Team Supplies (needed for all core classes)

  • a  tool for recording your homework (planner or online tracking system)
  • earbuds that are Chromebook compatible
  • 1 package of highlighter pens; pens and pencils
  • erasers
  • Post-it notes
  • a pencil case to carry your general supplies.
  • Also please hand 1 (or more) box of tissues to your Homeroom teacher on the first day of school

Science with Mrs. Ford and Mrs. Antidormi

Please note: Purchase supplies for Science 8 OR Living Environment, based on your child’s schedule.

Science 8
  • 3 ring binder
  • 3 binder dividers
  • composition notebook
  • colored pencils
Living Environment
  • 3 ring binder
  • 4  binder dividers
  • composition notebook
  • colored pencils

Math with Ms. Judge and Mrs. Antidormi

Please note: Purchase supplies for Math 8 OR Algebra, based on your child’s schedule.

Math 8
  • 2 two-pocket folders
  • calculator (TI-30XIIS recommended)
  • 3-ring binder (2 inch)
  • 5 tabs
  • calculator (TI-84 Plus Graphing Calculator)

Social Studies with Mrs. Cahill and Mr. Kramek

Interactive Notebook:  We will be creating an“interactive notebook” related to each of the topics/chapters we cover in class. Students have the option:

  • to complete this totally online (using just your Chromebook)


  • to utilize a physical notebook, depending on COVID regulations students may need to take pictures to insert into the digital notebook.

I will tell you the physical notebook is easier to annotate and analyze the documents in. If you choose the physical notebook option, here are the materials needed: 

    • A large 8 ½ by 11 composition notebook – try not to get a notebook that has pages that are perforated, as they rip out easily.
    • a bottle of Elmer’s glue
    • scissors

Junior Scholastic’s Magazine: This is our current events magazine. Students may choose to subscribe via a virtual OR a paper model.  

    • Virtual: A check for $5.50 made out to FMS. All resources available via an online login.
    • Paper:  A check for $9.50 made out to FMS. You will receive a paper copy of the magazine as well as have the ability to utilize the online resources.


One two-pocket folder and your choice of independent reading book (you can bring ones you own or use the Libby app or Sora to get an eBook.) You will also need to bring the general supplies listed at the top of the page.


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