Superintendent’s Letter: Reopening update and survey, July 13, 2020

A message from Superintendent Dr. Marie Wiles:

Dear GCSD Families,

I hope that your summer is off to a great start and that you and your children are able to enjoy our beautiful July weather. Even though it is summer, you are probably thinking about what school will look like when we return in the fall. I wanted to provide you with an update and let you know about an opportunity for you to share your feedback about school reopening.

Today, Governor Cuomo and the New York State Education Department issued guidance about the reopening of schools. We will be looking closely at their guidance as we continue to formulate our plans for the safe return to school. Per the Governor, all schools are required to submit their reopening plans by July 31, and on or about August 6 he will determine if school buildings can reopen in September.

The GCSD Reopening Steering Committee has been meeting weekly since mid-May to work on preliminary reopening plans. Six reopening subcommittees, composed of teachers, support staff, administrators, parents and community partners have been established to work on various aspects of our operations. Those subcommittees are (1) facilities; (2) instruction; (3) social-emotional learning; (4) health and safety; (5) human resources; and (6) extracurricular activities/athletics/special areas. These groups have been meeting regularly to identify and resolve the many challenges associated with reopening schools during a pandemic.

Every Thursday throughout the rest of the summer you will receive an email update sharing the district’s progress for reopening. Today, we would like to begin by gathering insight and feedback from you on a number of topics related to the reopening of school. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey which will close at 5:00 p.m. on Friday, July 17. The results will help guide the work of our reopening subcommittees.

Thank you for your ongoing support and participation. We look forward to keeping you informed as our plans for the fall of 2020 progress.


Dr. Marie Wiles,
Superintendent of Schools

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