Superintendent’s Letter: Schedules Coming and Remote Learning Deadline and Technology, August 27, 2020

Please see the message below from Superintendent Dr. Marie Wiles

Dear GCSD Families,

The start of the 2020-2021 school year on Sept. 8 is just around the corner! Although most students will be remote-only for those first four days, we are excited to transition into the full swing of in-person, remote and hybrid instruction starting the week of September 14.

I know many of you are anxiously awaiting news about who your child(ren)’s teacher(s) will be, what schedules will look like, and what time to expect the school bus. We are finalizing those details and will be sending communications on how and when to find that information in the Parent Portal in eSchoolData soon. Please read the additional updates on other timely and important topics below.

Thank you for your patience and partnership in the successful reopening of school, we are truly looking forward to seeing your children again.

Dr. Marie Wiles

Remote Learning and Transportation Request Deadline

The deadline for selecting either in-person or remote-only learning and for opting in or out of transportation services for the first semester of this school year has passed and we cannot honor any requests to change any selections at this time. Those selections are used to build classroom sections (both in-person and remote-only), create faculty/staffing plans and design bus routes. Any changes would significantly disrupt our operations and further affect other families. There will be another opportunity to select the type of instruction and to opt into or out of transportation for the second semester later in the school year.

Technology for Remote Learning

Due to the overwhelming need for school districts across the country to purchase student devices, we are experiencing significant delays in the delivery of our order of computing devices (e.g. Chromebooks). Therefore, we have limited inventory and may not be able to provide devices to all families who have opted for remote-only learning. Parents of remote-only learners are asked to make every effort to allow their child to use personal devices at home while engaging in remote instruction. Our first priority is to address student needs where hardship or other extenuating circumstances prohibit a student from having access to a device. To make a request for a device based on hardship, please complete and submit a GCSD Device Request form. We greatly appreciate the support and understanding from our parent community.

Daily Health Screening

As you know, part of our reopening plans include the requirement that parents/guardians complete and submit a COVID-19 attestation for each individual child before sending their child(ren) to school each day. The attestation will ask you to review a list of questions and indicate a “no to all questions” or a “Yes to any one (or more) of the questions.” Please see the screenshot below to see what this attestation will look like. More information on where to find the link and how to complete the attestation will be shared.

Screenshot of the GCSD Health Screening Attestation Link. Will ask multiple questions about symptoms, COVID-19 testing, travel and more.

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