Tawasentha team letters and supply lists 2021-22

Skip to: Tawasentha 6E | Tawasentha 7C | Tawasentha 8C

Student Lockers and Locks

It has not yet been determined whether or not FMS Students will be assigned  lockers this year.  If so, they will be assigned a hallway locker near their homeroom and one for Physical Education. Students will need to bring in two combination locks – one for their Homeroom Locker and one for their PE locker. Homeroom and Phys Ed teachers will keep the combination on file to help students who might forget the combination.

Tawasentha 6E

Dear Parents,

Welcome to the Tawasentha 6 Team and Farnsworth Middle School! We look forward to working with your child and meeting them during the Tawasentha Orientation Day on Thursday, September 2.

We understand the transition to middle school comes with a set of unique challenges, both academically and socially. Our team’s values focus on the importance of life lessons and the social emotional health of our students. We feel strongly about the power in positive collaboration and teamwork and strive to model that for our students. We want to build relationships with students while providing learning environments that are positive, safe and engaging. We look forward to working with you and your family throughout the year. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us as they arise.

The year our team consists of the following teachers:

Meg Polino (ELA & Social Studies):  polinom@guilderlandschools.net
Korey Rogotzke (Math & Science):  rogotzkek@guilderlandschools.net

During the summer, we are expecting our incoming 6th graders to read, read, read! We are requiring that students read at least one book and be prepared to do an assignment during the first week of school, the week of September 7th. Please do not write a summary of the book prior to school. It is not too late to complete a book. Please refer to the recommended reading list for suggestions on amazing books. 

Parents, we would also like you to email a letter telling us about your child. We are interested in hearing about his/her strengths as a learner, special interests, and accomplishments, from the people who know our incoming students the best. Please also include any questions or concerns you may have. This will help us meet the needs of each of our students and would be greatly appreciated! Please feel free to brag! We ask to have these letters by Wednesday, September 1st, so we are able to review them prior to meeting students during Orientation.

Please take a moment to sign up for our contact list by filling out the Google Form and sign up for our Remind App. Additionally, please be sure to log-in to eSchool Data to make sure that your contact information is accurate.

In a separate document, we have created a supply list for your Core classes. Please label all binders and notebooks in BLACK Sharpie with your student’s name and homeroom number.

We are looking forward to a wonderful school year with your child. We look forward to “meeting” you on Tuesday, September 21 at the 6th Grade Virtual Parent Open House. More information will follow.


Tawasentha 6E

Tawasentha 6E Supplies

Polino/Rogotzke Team Supplies

**Please label all binders and notebooks with your child’s name and homeroom number.**

  • 1 yellow 1 ½ inch flexible binder Math 
  • 1 red 1 ½ inch flexible binder Science
  • 1 Texas Instrument Scientific Calculator(TI-30 XIIS) Math/Science  
  • 1  Package of loose-leaf paper Math/Science
  • 1 yellow 3-subject spiral notebook Math
  • 1 black 1 ½ inch binder with pockets ELA/SS
  • 1 8-tab binder dividers ELA/SS
  • 1 composition notebook (college ruled) ELA (to be decorated in class)
  • 1 plastic folder with pockets for Homework, any color

Traveling Supplies for All Classes

  • 1 backpack (large enough to fit supplies needed for the day)
  • 1 supply container/pencil case (plastic or fabric)
  • 2 packages of pencils
  • 1 large eraser
  • 2 packages of pens
  • 2 highlighters
  • 2 packages of eraser caps
  • 2 glue sticks
  • 1 package of colored pencils
  • 1 pair of earbuds
  • 1 pair of scissors
  • 1 assignment notebook

Materials should be kept in the student supply container.  Extras can be left at home and replenished as needed during the school year. 

On Thursday, September 2,  please have your child only bring in the following:

  • Chromebook and headphones
  • Pencil
  • Composition Notebook
  • Plastic homework folder

Tawasentha 7C

Hello Tawasentha Seventh Graders,

We hope you are enjoying your summer vacation.  Even though we have a few weeks left, we are already looking forward to an awesome school year with you.

All Tawasentha 7 teachers use email and other electronic resources as our main forms of communication.  Our email addresses are:

Mrs. Blanchard blanchardkristen@guilderlandschools.net   (Science)
Mrs. Pachucki pachuckic@guilderlandschools.net (Language Arts)
Ms. Ryan ryanp@guilderlandschools.net   (Math)
Ms. Reed reedh@guilerlandschools.net (Social Studies)
Ms. Moran moranm@guilderlandschools.net  (Special Education)
Ms. Wyand wyandm@guilderlandschools.net (Special Education)

Tawasentha House Office (located in Seneca) Phone: 456-6010  ext. 3060

House Principal: Mrs. Willetts   kwilletts@guilderlandschools.net

House Secretary:  Ms. Cordi    cordik@guilderlandschools.net  

School Counselor:   Mrs. Heigel   heigeld@guilderlandschools.net

Mark your calendars!!  September 28 is our Open House.

We believe that getting to know and understand each student as a valuable member of our community is a necessity as we start the year together. Please consider completing the Google form where you can share valuable information about your student! If you prefer email, please feel free to email us with any information you’d like to share about your student:

  • Strengths and areas of improvement 
  • Extracurricular activities, hobbies, and interests
  • Any special circumstances at home or with your student that you think we should know about
  • Fun facts or information

We realize that many of you like to shop for school supplies during the August sales, so we have compiled a list of items you will need for your classes. Please have the following supplies with you on the first day of school as class time will be spent on organizing materials. Some items may need to be replenished as the year goes on.

Tawasentha 7C Supply List

  • 1 zippered pencil holder for all classes
  • 4 three-ring binders: 2 inches for Math, Science, World Languages and Cultures (WLC), SS
  • 20 tab dividers for Science (5), WLC (8-10), SS (5)
  • 1 package erasers (latex free) for all classes
  • 1 scientific calculator: TI-30x IIS for Math/Science   ***see below***
  • 1 package highlighters (multicolored) for all classes
  • 4 2-pocket folders for ELA, FACS, Music, Health
  • 2 packages loose-leaf paper for all classes
  • 2 packages pens, blue or black ink for all classes
  •  2 dozen #2 pencils for all classes
  • 24+ pencil pkg colored pencils for all classes
  • 2 packages low odor dry erase markers for WLC
  •  2-3 glue sticks for all classes
  • 1 composition notebook for ELA
  • 2 boxes tissues for Homeroom 
  • 1 package colored markers for ELA
  • 1 English-metric ruler for Science
  • 1 package index cards 3×5 for Science
  • 2 Wired headphones/earbuds (must have) for all classes, Music
  • 1 number combination lock for Physical Education

***We would like to strongly suggest that you purchase the TI-30X IIS scientific calculator for your student for use in both math and science classes.  Calculators will be available during math class time, but we cannot send calculators home with students.  The NYS mathematics test for 7th graders allows the use of a calculator on the entire exam, and we feel it is important for each student to have his/her own calculator for math and science, especially for home use.   We will be doing in-class calculator lessons with the students using only this particular model and it would be most beneficial to the students if they were able to follow these classroom instructions.  This model allows the user to see what has been entered on the display screen and scroll back into prior work.

Students are allowed to have a different calculator but it will be their responsibility to keep their owner’s manual and learn how to use their own calculator. 

Tawasentha 8C

Hello, Tawasentha Eighth Graders!!

We hope you are enjoying your summer vacation. We are all looking forward to an awesome school year with you. All Tawasentha 8 teachers use email and other electronic resources as our main forms of communication.  Our email addresses are below.

Mrs. Blanchard blanchardkristen@guilderlandschools.net  (Science)
Mrs. Pachucki pachuckic@guilderlandschools.net (Language Arts)
Ms. Ryan ryanp@guilderlandschools.net (Math)
Ms. Reed reedh@guilerlandschools.net (Social Studies)
Ms. Moran moranm@guilderlandschools.net  (Special Education)
Ms. Erway erwayn@guilderlandschools.net  (English as a New Language)

Tawasentha House Office (located in Seneca) Phone: 456-6010  ext. 3060

House Principal: Mrs. Willetts kwilletts@guilderlandschools.net
House Secretary:  Ms. Cordi  cordik@guilderlandschools.net  
School Counselor:  Mrs. Heigel heigeld@guilderlandschools.net

Mark your calendars!!  October 5 is our Open House.

We believe that getting to know and understand each student as a valuable member of our community is a necessity as we start the year together. Please consider completing the Google form where you can share valuable information about your student! If you prefer email, please feel free to email us with any information you’d like to share about your student:

  • Strengths and areas of improvement 
  • Extracurricular activities, hobbies, and interests
  • Any special circumstances that you think we should know about
  • Fun facts or information

Tawasentha 8C Supply List

We realize that many families like to shop for school supplies when they are on sale in August, so we have compiled a list of items you will need for your classes. Please have the following supplies on the first day of school so that we can organize our materials together. Some items may need to be replenished as the year goes on.

  • 1 zippered pencil holder for all classes
  • 4 three-ring binders: 2 inches for Math, Science, World Languages and Cultures (WLC), SS
  • 20 tab dividers for Science (5), WLC (8-10), SS (5)
  • 1 package erasers (latex free) for all classes
  • 1 scientific calculator: TI-30x IIS for Math/Science   ***see below***
  • 1 package highlighters (multicolored) for all classes
  • 5 2-pocket folders for ELA, FACS, Music, Health
  • 2 packages loose-leaf paper for all classes
  • 2 packages pens, blue or black ink for all classes
  •  2 dozen #2 pencils for all classes
  • 24+ pencil package colored pencils for all classes
  • 1 package low odor dry erase markers for WLC
  • 2-3 glue sticks for all classes
  • 1 composition notebook for ELA
  • 2 boxes tissues for Homeroom 
  • 1 package index cards 3×5 for Science
  • 2 Wired headphones/earbuds (must have) for all classes, Music
  • 1 number combination lock for Physical Education

***We would like to strongly suggest that you purchase the TI-30X IIS scientific calculator for your student for use in both math and science classes.  This is the same calculator as students used in 7th grade.  Calculators will be available during math class time, but we cannot send calculators home with students.  The NYS mathematics test for 8th graders allows the use of a calculator on the entire exam, and we feel it is important for each student to have his/her own calculator for math and science, especially for home use.   We will be doing in-class calculator lessons with the students using only this particular model and it would be most beneficial to the students if they were able to follow these classroom instructions.  This model allows the user to see what has been entered on the display screen and scroll back into prior work.

Students are allowed to have a different calculator but it will be their responsibility to keep their owner’s manual and learn how to use their own calculator. 

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